Running or cycling


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
I am a cycler because it puts less stress on the joints. I also consume a healty diet and lift weights.

My younger brother is a runner but has experienced some knee issues.
I am a cycler because it puts less stress on the joints. I also consume a healty diet and lift weights.

I'm a 53 year old man. My running days are over. In fact, we all got ebikes. Because we could only go so far with regular bikes. You would not believe how far we go in a day. Sometimes 50 miles. My ass is sore after that.

And I don't have a throttle. Mine is just peddle assist. So I have to peddle. Trust me, after 30 miles you're starting to get tired. And you never ride on full power at first. Usually level 2. Never 1. That's too much like a regular bike. Level 3 is for hills and after 20 miles of riding I say fuck it.

And I bought mine right before covid. So 4 years now? Maybe 5? I purchased a 2nd battery so I can go 60 plus miles. Each battery goes about 30 miles so I purchased a second battery for $500. Worth it. I never run out of battery on a outing. If I conserve and stay on 2. If it's flat and not up hill. If it's paved and not gravel, I can go 40 on one battery. But I've never done a 80 mile trip. Just too much.

I don't know where you live but from my house we can go to other cool cities next to our city or 2 cities over or even 3 and go have lunch in some cool outdoor cafe (so we can keep an eye on our bikes). All connected by bike trails. Sometimes we take our bikes in the car to far away trails to experience new trails. 8am to 5pm. Long day but fun.

You can't have this kind of fun running. Get a bike. E bike. Don't get a powerful one though because they are banning those all over the country. Mine you can hardly tell it's a ebike.
I am a cycler because it puts less stress on the joints. I also consume a healty diet and lift weights.

If you choose not to run you should still walk. Cycling is good aerobic and conditioning exercise but not weight bearing. And weight bearing exercise that would include walking, running, stair stepping, rope jumping, etc. Keeps bones strong and minimizes chances of osteopenia or osteoporosis later on.
I don’t like either

For cardio I prefer to go on long walk/hikes. Or a brisk pace just short of jogging on the treadmill
I don’t like either

For cardio I prefer to go on long walk/hikes. Or a brisk pace just short of jogging on the treadmill
Same here. Long walks by myself is no longer advisable for me, but 30 minutes on the treadmill provides good weight bearing exercise whether you're walking, jogging, running. I now do about 2-1/2 mph on the treadmill trying to get back up to 3 mph comfortably. When I was younger I could do 4 miles in 40 minutes which is getting pretty close to Olympic walker speed at 6 mph but I don't expect that of me anymore. :)
I am a cycler because it puts less stress on the joints. I also consume a healty diet and lift weights.

I have been a runner since I was in the 6th grade.
I ran throughout my 30s and into my 40s when I gave it up. We had such a bad winter one year, I had to lay off and damn if I didn't sleep better and feel better so I quit. There is such a thing as too much exercise.

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