Rupert Murdoch and FOX: Coming for your kids?


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
News Corporation, owned by Murdoch and the parent company of FOX, will soon market tablets to schools pre-loaded with a curriculum.

While that kind of new technology is needed in schools, I'm not sure that I'd trust Murdoch or News Corp with determining what my kids and grandkids will be taught. Since all of Murdoch's news outlets are heavily slanted toward the Neo-Conservative, pro-Republican, pro-corportism side of every debate, the possibility arises that this new offering won't do anything other than indoctrinate a whole generation of new GOP voters.

Is this to be the GOP's answer to their declining base?

Of course, we won't know until the curriculum is released, but if I were a parent of school-age kids, I'd keep a very close eye on this and ask a lot of questions before I'd let my kids be brainwashed.
Oh Brother, Just like our colleges aren't full of liberal professor who don't try to brainwash anyone.
Check out the curriculum at your local high school and the textbooks and whatnot that go along with it and there's already enough stuff to support the need for alternatives to the status quo.

And while you're doing your homework keep an eye out for a current textbook actually titled, American History.

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