Rupert Murdoch-funded Fox Corp. PAC contributes to Democrat Joe Manchin's campaign

Good on Fox! Rush Limbaugh's listeners contributed over 3 million by buying T shirts that supported Betsy Ross against the Colin Kaepernick's traitor ass.
Good on Fox! Rush Limbaugh's listeners contributed over 3 million by buying T shirts that supported Betsy Ross against the Colin Kaepernick's traitor ass.
Kaepernick is a weak individual who was threatened by the Deep state to allowed them to put puppet strings on him to perform.
He had in the past and sexual assault case that was dropped. By I believe that they were going to reopened it case up unless he cooperated with them.
They are doing that to other Black celebrities. Those that have cases dropped in the past, but reopening these cases as a threat to make them to go along with the status quo.
And so I believe Kaepernick was afraid, so he went along with the Deep state deal to help build up a climate of hate.


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