Rush compains about how 'liberals' and conventional wisdom portray being fat or cons

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Rush compains about how 'liberals' and conventional wisdom portray being fat or conservative

Seriously :lol:

Rush is upset over a new myth he is pushing; liberals and media have demonized 'conservatism' and have defined it. Nothing about his extremist rants demonizing liberalism for decades, and what is more hilarious, he ignores the words and actions of people claiming the mantle of conservatism contributing to any view others have.

Rush also went on a rant about doctors and the media and liberals misrepresenting the risks and ill effects of being a drug addled, obese, fat jerk.
Amazing how those who love to hate Rush can quote him within seconds after he speaks. So quickly that they obviously are dedicated listeners who don't have to reply on Democrat talking points e-mails for their information.
Amazing how those who love to hate Rush can quote him within seconds after he speaks. So quickly that they obviously are dedicated listeners who don't have to reply on Democrat talking points e-mails for their information.

His radio station owners have bought up most of tbe radio that does's ubiquitous, can't rscape it inless...

...the rest of us do what wingnuts have done -- shut out all voices not of our own liking.

Being very political and liberal vey early in life, Dante learned to listen to those with opposing views in order to understand where others are coming from. It's how one gets to be one learns mot to demonize all opposition and opponents as enemies. :eusa_shhh:
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Tea Party members are not shy. They push plans that are backward looking, non-compromising, and demanding terrible punishments for any who oppose them.

Rush is among that group, and it is very funny he is calling his opponents meanies.
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Rush compains about how 'liberals' and conventional wisdom portray being fat or conservative

Seriously :lol:

Rush is upset over a new myth he is pushing; liberals and media have demonized 'conservatism' and have defined it. Nothing about his extremist rants demonizing liberalism for decades, and what is more hilarious, he ignores the words and actions of people claiming the mantle of conservatism contributing to any view others have.

Rush also went on a rant about doctors and the media and liberals misrepresenting the risks and ill effects of being a drug addled, obese, fat jerk.


Rash Limjob has been at the forefront of the babblethrust to morph "liberal" into a dirty word for his entire career. Not counting the lost Christie years.

Ain't that right, Rash?


Rash is indisposed right now. He'll get back to you with moron the story.
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Another Media Matters scoop? Rush has no power and he ain't your enemy. It beats talking about Barry Hussein's unending scandals though and that's the intent of the entire Media Matters tax exempt propaganda machine.
Rush Limbaugh doesn't claim to be a reporter. He is a news analyst so he is an easy (soft) target for gigantic tax exempt propaganda organizations like Media Matters. Rush gives a long winded 20 minute opinion and the salivating jackals skim off two or three sentences and throw it to the mad dogs on the left for their daily ration of hatred.
Everyday when I'm driving and commercials come on during sports radio I think to myself "I wonder what conservatives are outraged about today" and flip on Rush. Never disappoints. New outrage every day for 30ish years? I tip my hat.
Rush Limbaugh doesn't claim to be a reporter. He is a news analyst so he is an easy (soft) target for gigantic tax exempt propaganda organizations like Media Matters. Rush gives a long winded 20 minute opinion and the salivating jackals skim off two or three sentences and throw it to the mad dogs on the left for their daily ration of hatred.

Rush has been known to drop a few things on purpose just to see the cable shows pull those clips...He laughs at them the next day... :lol:
Rush Limbaugh doesn't claim to be a reporter. He is a news analyst so he is an easy (soft) target for gigantic tax exempt propaganda organizations like Media Matters. Rush gives a long winded 20 minute opinion and the salivating jackals skim off two or three sentences and throw it to the mad dogs on the left for their daily ration of hatred.

Rush has been known to drop a few things on purpose just to see the cable shows pull those clips...He laughs at them the next day... :lol:


But he can be even more sinister. Often he starts out on an issue or whatever and alerts everyone listening - friend of foe - that the lefty drive-by media folks will misreport what he's about to say. Then he says it and then he offers a version or two of how the media dopes will report it to the low information crowd. Predictably, he's spot-on and the next day plays audio of them doing exacting what he said they'd do. And mocks the hell out of them once again for playing along so nicely.
Rush Limbaugh doesn't claim to be a reporter. He is a news analyst so he is an easy (soft) target for gigantic tax exempt propaganda organizations like Media Matters. Rush gives a long winded 20 minute opinion and the salivating jackals skim off two or three sentences and throw it to the mad dogs on the left for their daily ration of hatred.
Yes he does, in fact he bills himself every day as "America's REAL Anchorman."

And skimming off 2 or three sentences is his MO, only he usually skims 2 or 3 words and then changes them to suit his rant!

January 18, 2013
RUSH: Snerdley is wanting to know why I didn't object to the previous caller praising my talents as a journalist. I think what happens here on this show is closer to real journalism than anything we're getting from so-called journalists. I have said for the longest time, "We do here what the mainstream journalists used to do."
Rush Limbaugh doesn't claim to be a reporter. He is a news analyst so he is an easy (soft) target for gigantic tax exempt propaganda organizations like Media Matters. Rush gives a long winded 20 minute opinion and the salivating jackals skim off two or three sentences and throw it to the mad dogs on the left for their daily ration of hatred.

Rush has been known to drop a few things on purpose just to see the cable shows pull those clips...He laughs at them the next day... :lol:


But he can be even more sinister. Often he starts out on an issue or whatever and alerts everyone listening - friend of foe - that the lefty drive-by media folks will misreport what he's about to say. Then he says it and then he offers a version or two of how the media dopes will report it to the low information crowd. Predictably, he's spot-on and the next day plays audio of them doing exacting what he said they'd do. And mocks the hell out of them once again for playing along so nicely.
That's what he tells his gullible audience he's doing and they are stupid enough to swallow it.

What actually happens is the media quotes him exactly, many times playing his own clip, and then he denies ever saying what he said. And his DittoNazis believe his lies even when faced with the truth. They actually will still believe the pathological liar has never called Obama "Hussein"

August 18, 2010
RUSH: The Tea Party is not even weighing in on the mosque.* The Tea Party's worrying about other things, like jobs and the economy and Obama's single-handed destruction of it.* Imam Hussein Obamammm, mmm, mmm.* I want to be fair, too.* He probably is the best anti-American president the country's ever had.* So I don't want to be misinterpreted here as just a knee-jerk critic.* Ed Gillespie is the former RNC chairman saying that we should downplay the mosque, don't overplay it here.

August 19, 2010
POWERS:* The reason for that is that you have people like Rush Limbaugh referring to him as Imam Hussein Obama.

RUSH:* No, I have not said Imam Hussein Obama.* I've never thrown Hussein in there, I just said Imam Obama.*
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