Rush, "Liberalism is Gutless"

It took guts to take someone elses Viagra cause you are rich and too cheap to get your own script when caught..Why anyone listens to this charlatan is beyond me...A know liar....
Liberals are Gutless, how is that not true.
You have yet to prove every single one is....
Do not need to. I just need to show the ones in my thread are Gutless. Most of them prove it themselves by simply attacking with words, names, derogatory statements, stuff like that. That is pretty Gutless.
So Rush dislikes people that lean left politically? I'm so surprised. Also in the news, ice is still cold!
We are not speaking of people who lean, left, as you state.

It seemed simple, do you need to here it louder? LIBERALS ARE GUTLESS.

Stay focused, Rush states a lot of things, this topic is about Gutless Liberals.

You mention Rush 6 times in your title and OP then whine when other people bring up Rush. Too funny.
Wow, that hurt, maybe I will never post again, your flame is that good.

I don't really care one way or the other if you ever post again. You are free to occupy your time however you wish. If you didn't want your thread to mention Rush then maybe you shouldn't have done so 6 times in your title and OP. Just sayin...
It took guts to take someone elses Viagra cause you are rich and too cheap to get your own script when caught..Why anyone listens to this charlatan is beyond me...A know liar....
Liberals are Gutless, how is that not true.
You have yet to prove every single one is....
Do not need to. I just need to show the ones in my thread are Gutless. Most of them prove it themselves by simply attacking with words, names, derogatory statements, stuff like that. That is pretty Gutless.
So is Rush and I can prove that...
It took guts to take someone elses Viagra cause you are rich and too cheap to get your own script when caught..Why anyone listens to this charlatan is beyond me...A know liar....
Liberals are Gutless, how is that not true.
You have yet to prove every single one is....
Do not need to. I just need to show the ones in my thread are Gutless. Most of them prove it themselves by simply attacking with words, names, derogatory statements, stuff like that. That is pretty Gutless.

How priceless you feel you can have it both way. You call people names and than chide others when it is thrown back. Poor dear.
So Rush dislikes people that lean left politically? I'm so surprised. Also in the news, ice is still cold!
We are not speaking of people who lean, left, as you state.

It seemed simple, do you need to here it louder? LIBERALS ARE GUTLESS.

Stay focused, Rush states a lot of things, this topic is about Gutless Liberals.

You mention Rush 6 times in your title and OP then whine when other people bring up Rush. Too funny.
Wow, that hurt, maybe I will never post again, your flame is that good.

I don't really care one way or the other if you ever post again. You are free to occupy your time however you wish. If you didn't want your thread to mention Rush then maybe you shouldn't have done so 6 times in your title and OP. Just sayin...
I see you do not care, at least I am not the one here making things up, a bit confused you are.

Liberals are Gutless, its about you, if I say its not about Rush, you try and stretch that into I have a problem with you mentioning Rush. It is easy to blame someone else, it is easy to find fault with someone else, that is what Rush stated. You literally demonstrate that my OP is true, by attacking what is simple for you.

Thank you for a Gutless post, that is it, I mentioned Rush 6x's?

Liberalism is Gutless, its easy to make it seem like someone else has the problem.
It took guts to take someone elses Viagra cause you are rich and too cheap to get your own script when caught..Why anyone listens to this charlatan is beyond me...A know liar....
Liberals are Gutless, how is that not true.
You have yet to prove every single one is....
Do not need to. I just need to show the ones in my thread are Gutless. Most of them prove it themselves by simply attacking with words, names, derogatory statements, stuff like that. That is pretty Gutless.

How priceless you feel you can have it both way. You call people names and than chide others when it is thrown back. Poor dear.
Yet, you did not quote me calling people names, how come? I just checked our dialog, I see that I did not call you a name, yet. Are you speaking of other threads as if that has relevance to the fact Rush pointed out, that Liberalism is Gutless.

Or do you think Gutless is a name, instead of a description of how you act? Or maybe Liberal is a bad word?

Or you are just trolling and flaming, Gutless I say.
Saying that dimocraps are lying scum isn't name-calling, it is observational fact.

Ducks quack, dogs bark, babies cry, pigs oink..... dimcraps lie.

THAT, my children, is documented FACT.

You screwballs can bring up all the past misdeeds and misstatements from Republicans since the beginning of time and it won't match the lies of the current scumbag administration and its scumbag supporters.

And that is just another FACT.

It doesn't matter what I think, it doesn't matter what you think.

I went away for 6 Months, came back and the SAME people are telling the SAME EXACT LIES.

That will never change.

But I'll tell you what will change, the American People's perception of the dimocrap scum party.

All the lies told by the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, all the lies told by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM....

It's starting to show up in the minds of the Public.

The sooner we can put you scum on the trash heap of history, the better this Planet will be.

And I'm not real particular about how we do it.
It took guts to take someone elses Viagra cause you are rich and too cheap to get your own script when caught..Why anyone listens to this charlatan is beyond me...A know liar....
Liberals are Gutless, how is that not true.
You have yet to prove every single one is....
Do not need to. I just need to show the ones in my thread are Gutless. Most of them prove it themselves by simply attacking with words, names, derogatory statements, stuff like that. That is pretty Gutless.

How priceless you feel you can have it both way. You call people names and than chide others when it is thrown back. Poor dear.
Yet, you did not quote me calling people names, how come? I just checked our dialog, I see that I did not call you a name, yet. Are you speaking of other threads as if that has relevance to the fact Rush pointed out, that Liberalism is Gutless.

Or do you think Gutless is a name, instead of a description of how you act? Or maybe Liberal is a bad word?

Or you are just trolling and flaming, Gutless I say.

How many times have you called liberals "gutless" in this thread? You realize that liberals are in fact people, right? It is pretty hard to claim the high road about name calling when it is the entire premise of your thread. I am neither trolling nor flaming, just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.
Liberals are Gutless, how is that not true.
You have yet to prove every single one is....
Do not need to. I just need to show the ones in my thread are Gutless. Most of them prove it themselves by simply attacking with words, names, derogatory statements, stuff like that. That is pretty Gutless.

How priceless you feel you can have it both way. You call people names and than chide others when it is thrown back. Poor dear.
Yet, you did not quote me calling people names, how come? I just checked our dialog, I see that I did not call you a name, yet. Are you speaking of other threads as if that has relevance to the fact Rush pointed out, that Liberalism is Gutless.

Or do you think Gutless is a name, instead of a description of how you act? Or maybe Liberal is a bad word?

Or you are just trolling and flaming, Gutless I say.

How many times have you called liberals "gutless" in this thread? You realize that liberals are in fact people, right? It is pretty hard to claim the high road about name calling when it is the entire premise of your thread. I am neither trolling nor flaming, just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.
Gutless is not a name, its a description. Liberals are people, so what? Liberals can not be criticized? The High Road? If you choose the Low Road, of course I would appear as such, but that is something you are attempting to attach to me, distracting from you.

I think your post is Gutless, that is a criticism. You take offense of a Political Observation. Care to explain how its not fact or is it simpler just to try and find fault with me.

My shortcomings have zero to do with what Rush Limbaugh stated: Liberalism is Gutless.
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You have yet to prove every single one is....
Do not need to. I just need to show the ones in my thread are Gutless. Most of them prove it themselves by simply attacking with words, names, derogatory statements, stuff like that. That is pretty Gutless.

How priceless you feel you can have it both way. You call people names and than chide others when it is thrown back. Poor dear.
Yet, you did not quote me calling people names, how come? I just checked our dialog, I see that I did not call you a name, yet. Are you speaking of other threads as if that has relevance to the fact Rush pointed out, that Liberalism is Gutless.

Or do you think Gutless is a name, instead of a description of how you act? Or maybe Liberal is a bad word?

Or you are just trolling and flaming, Gutless I say.

How many times have you called liberals "gutless" in this thread? You realize that liberals are in fact people, right? It is pretty hard to claim the high road about name calling when it is the entire premise of your thread. I am neither trolling nor flaming, just pointing out your blatant hypocrisy.
Gutless is not a name, its a description. Liberals are people, so what? Liberals can not be criticized? The High Road? If you choose the Low Road, of course I would appear as such, but that is something you are attempting to attach to me, distracting from you.

I think your post is Gutless, that is a criticism. You take offense of a Political Observation. Care to explain how its not fact or is it simpler just to try and find fault with me.

My shortcomings have zero to do with what Rush Limbaugh stated: Liberalism is Gutless.
Limpballs is a known liar......anyone that uses him as a torch, is following a known liar...
One thing you can not say about Rush, is that he is wrong. Rush Limbaugh's political analysis is spot on.

Liberals Love to See Suffering Tell You About It -- and Do Nothing to Solve It - The Rush Limbaugh Show

....liberalism is the most gutless thing you can do. You don't have any solve anything. All you've got to do is say you're really troubled by what you're watching, and then be able to blame the right people for it.

In one of Rush Limbaugh's monologues, speaking of Brian Williams, Rush relates this belief of his.

Its so true, applies in just about every situation, Democrats do nothing, they hate and blame everyone else, except themselves. When the Liberal has no answer, when a Liberal can not defend or explain his beliefs, and when confronted with the truth they will resort to the most vile attacks, literally.

Anyhow, a perfect example of great political analysis.

Try to get out of your echo chamber and see what the world is really like.
Try to get out of your echo chamber and see what the world is really like

I don't watch MSNBC, and I hang out with my conservative friends. They have changed my mind on more than one occasion. How many liberal friends do you have? None, if this is what you think of them.
One thing you can not say about Rush, is that he is wrong. Rush Limbaugh's political analysis is spot on.

Liberals Love to See Suffering Tell You About It -- and Do Nothing to Solve It - The Rush Limbaugh Show

....liberalism is the most gutless thing you can do. You don't have any solve anything. All you've got to do is say you're really troubled by what you're watching, and then be able to blame the right people for it.

In one of Rush Limbaugh's monologues, speaking of Brian Williams, Rush relates this belief of his.

Its so true, applies in just about every situation, Democrats do nothing, they hate and blame everyone else, except themselves. When the Liberal has no answer, when a Liberal can not defend or explain his beliefs, and when confronted with the truth they will resort to the most vile attacks, literally.

Anyhow, a perfect example of great political analysis.

Try to get out of your echo chamber and see what the world is really like.
Try to get out of your echo chamber and see what the world is really like

I don't watch MSNBC, and I hang out with my conservative friends. They have changed my mind on more than one occasion. How many liberal friends do you have? None, if this is what you think of them.

First you mock me, now you respond as if Liberalism speaks of an individual, not the Political Ideology? I think the comment is, "Liberalism is Gutless", not "Liberals are Gutless".

Its funny, none of you want to discuss Rush's comment, its either attack and denigrate Rush or Me. I think that says more about you than you read into my OP and then try and attach to who I am.
Know what?

I don't care if someone is a liberal.

I don't care if someone is an honest socialist. Or even an honest communist or an honest Maoist or a Social Democrat or a Democratic socialist or a Libertarian or a Conservative or -- Whatever.

I don't care.

I can find common ground with any of them. There is no such thing as a political ideology that is 100% wrong 100% of the time......

Except for dimocraps.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth and I'll tell you why.

They lie. They wake up in the morning lying and they go to bed at night lying.

They come in here and lie, then they lie to back their lies. They lie at work, they lie to their parents, to their girlfriends, their wives, to their children (God help those kids) their brothers, sisters, friends and the people they meet.

dimocraps are the lyingest scum the world has ever known.


ALL of them. Inside out, upside down, the long the short the tall and the small..... dimocraps lie.

I shit you not. Take a look around, people. I'm right

As usual
Williams should resign he has no credibility. Ditto blubber fact he should be serving time for his drug addiction and criminal activities relating to it. But he's gutless.
One thing you can not say about Rush, is that he is wrong. Rush Limbaugh's political analysis is spot on.

Liberals Love to See Suffering Tell You About It -- and Do Nothing to Solve It - The Rush Limbaugh Show

....liberalism is the most gutless thing you can do. You don't have any solve anything. All you've got to do is say you're really troubled by what you're watching, and then be able to blame the right people for it.

In one of Rush Limbaugh's monologues, speaking of Brian Williams, Rush relates this belief of his.

Its so true, applies in just about every situation, Democrats do nothing, they hate and blame everyone else, except themselves. When the Liberal has no answer, when a Liberal can not defend or explain his beliefs, and when confronted with the truth they will resort to the most vile attacks, literally.

Anyhow, a perfect example of great political analysis.
Some on the left have a good excuse; we can't seem to find Good capitalists to make more money with an official Mint at our disposal, to balance our budgets, pay our Debts, and lower our Tax burden through Commerce, well regulated.
So the perfect a-hole who used his butt to avoid military service is listened to, while Williams at the very least, was in a dangerous war area. The right wing conservatives in America are so lost in their ideology reality has no place. Draft dodgers of the right are plentiful, Bush Jr, Cheney, and Limbaugh among lots of others. Takes real guts to speak to a mic, but avoid military service to the nation that supports you.

"The same conservatives, however, go on idolizing Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, both of whom much more egregiously made stuff up about their military service than Williams (who never claimed to be more than a hapless civilian). The same voices that allege that Williams has been deprived of credibility by the incidents would never dream of impugning the credibility of the lying GOP presidents."
Williams Affair Reagan and Bush Lied about Military Records but Get a Pass Informed Comment

5 Famous Draft Dodgers who Avoided the Call of Duty Holytaco

Get real. Our military is overwhelmingly Republican. Why do you think the DNC is always so busy trying trash their absentee ballots? Republicans are in combat while democrats are down at the steam bath (or traitors hiding under Putin's skirt). I think that pretty much characterizes the political divide as regards the military.

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