Rush Limbaugh 27 year on the radio

yep , EL RUSHBO on the air for 27 years . He just mentioned the anniversary a little bit ago . Just some info .

The pathological liar also denied calling for impeachment yet again. Even BigotBarf admits your MessiahRushie called for Obama's impeachment!

Limbaugh: Obama 'Needs to Be Impeached' for Using IRS 'to Damage His Political Opponents'


On his Tuesday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh make the extraordinary call for the impeachment of President Barack Obama for his neglect of the law when it came to he and his administration's handling of the ongoing Internal Revenue Service scandal.

"I mean, this guy needs to be impeached," Limbaugh said.* We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff. Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done. Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done.* Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless.* Well, these people have done it, and now they're being called on it, and they're asked to explain it."

I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment, But It's a Mistake for the Republicans to Take It Off the Table - The Rush Limbaugh Show

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never come out for impeachment

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never made a call for impeachment.

How come you do not take both your quotes directly from rush Limbaugh ' s site.

Why use for one but not the other?

Seems you might be the pathological liar.

Finger-pointing points back at you.
For 2 reasons.
1. Because BigotBarf is as far Right as you can get and your MessiahRushie cites them often and even they say Porky called for Obama's impeachment, so they understood it in the exact same context as I did.

And 2. They have the audio of him saying it, which is even better than a transcript because you can hear the inflection in his stuttering voice.
Fuck yea! Ol' "hit it and quit it" Rushbo! Social conservative hero! :clap2:

Well he could have hit it like BJ did, and made a laughing stock out of the president! .... And just think of the money Rush paid to divorce them..... BJ still has to face the Hildebeasty every once in awhile, getting rid of the blond bombshell that visits him in NY before her Thighness comes home!

Bill Clinton?s Mistress: Tell-All Alleges That Hillary?s Husband Having Affair - Hollywood Life

I wonder how many of his stints in rehab were attempts to prevent any of his divorces hmmm... :eusa_think:

Well, since you are so interested, why not try to match up dates, and report back to us?... Your dream come true! :badgrin::badgrin:
Well he could have hit it like BJ did, and made a laughing stock out of the president! .... And just think of the money Rush paid to divorce them..... BJ still has to face the Hildebeasty every once in awhile, getting rid of the blond bombshell that visits him in NY before her Thighness comes home!

Bill Clinton?s Mistress: Tell-All Alleges That Hillary?s Husband Having Affair - Hollywood Life

I wonder how many of his stints in rehab were attempts to prevent any of his divorces hmmm... :eusa_think:

Well, since you are so interested, why not try to match up dates, and report back to us?... Your dream come true! :badgrin::badgrin:

Nah I'm gonna go drink
The pathological liar also denied calling for impeachment yet again. Even BigotBarf admits your MessiahRushie called for Obama's impeachment!

Limbaugh: Obama 'Needs to Be Impeached' for Using IRS 'to Damage His Political Opponents'


On his Tuesday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh make the extraordinary call for the impeachment of President Barack Obama for his neglect of the law when it came to he and his administration's handling of the ongoing Internal Revenue Service scandal.

"I mean, this guy needs to be impeached," Limbaugh said.* We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff. Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done. Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done.* Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless.* Well, these people have done it, and now they're being called on it, and they're asked to explain it."

I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment, But It's a Mistake for the Republicans to Take It Off the Table - The Rush Limbaugh Show

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never come out for impeachment

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never made a call for impeachment.

How come you do not take both your quotes directly from rush Limbaugh ' s site.

Why use for one but not the other?

Seems you might be the pathological liar.

Finger-pointing points back at you.
For 2 reasons.
1. Because BigotBarf is as far Right as you can get and your MessiahRushie cites them often and even they say Porky called for Obama's impeachment, so they understood it in the exact same context as I did.

And 2. They have the audio of him saying it, which is even better than a transcript because you can hear the inflection in his stuttering voice.

Well, I disagree, I listen to rush and have not heard any lies.

You state one must listen to the deflection in rush's voice yet you based your opinion on transcripts and a news story on the web?
Just saying I would like to see full transcripts.

Anyhow, just seeing if you can clarify your opinion or not.
How come you do not take both your quotes directly from rush Limbaugh ' s site.

Why use for one but not the other?

Seems you might be the pathological liar.

Finger-pointing points back at you.
For 2 reasons.
1. Because BigotBarf is as far Right as you can get and your MessiahRushie cites them often and even they say Porky called for Obama's impeachment, so they understood it in the exact same context as I did.

And 2. They have the audio of him saying it, which is even better than a transcript because you can hear the inflection in his stuttering voice.

Well, I disagree, I listen to rush and have not heard any lies.

You state one must listen to the deflection in rush's voice yet you based your opinion on transcripts and a news story on the web?
Just saying I would like to see full transcripts.

Anyhow, just seeing if you can clarify your opinion or not.

Just like the Moooch saying Kenya was Barry's home country on video, and all the obomabots were screaming, BUT she didn't say he was born there! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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How come you do not take both your quotes directly from rush Limbaugh ' s site.

Why use for one but not the other?

Seems you might be the pathological liar.

Finger-pointing points back at you.
For 2 reasons.
1. Because BigotBarf is as far Right as you can get and your MessiahRushie cites them often and even they say Porky called for Obama's impeachment, so they understood it in the exact same context as I did.

And 2. They have the audio of him saying it, which is even better than a transcript because you can hear the inflection in his stuttering voice.

Well, I disagree, I listen to rush and have not heard any lies.

You state one must listen to the deflection in rush's voice yet you based your opinion on transcripts and a news story on the web?
Just saying I would like to see full transcripts.

Anyhow, just seeing if you can clarify your opinion or not.

Obviously a transcript would be no help to you!

And I LISTEN to him and I hear him lying habitually.

Please explain how he is not lying when he denies calling for Obama's impeachment?
He lied about it again today!!!

Carville Says I Called for Impeachment - The Rush Limbaugh Show


August 01, 2014
RUSH: Carville was on O'Baxter show saying I came out for impeachment, and the e-mailer said, "Gee, I missed that," because I didn't say it. I never have called for the impeachment of Obama.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.
For 2 reasons.
1. Because BigotBarf is as far Right as you can get and your MessiahRushie cites them often and even they say Porky called for Obama's impeachment, so they understood it in the exact same context as I did.

And 2. They have the audio of him saying it, which is even better than a transcript because you can hear the inflection in his stuttering voice.

Well, I disagree, I listen to rush and have not heard any lies.

You state one must listen to the deflection in rush's voice yet you based your opinion on transcripts and a news story on the web?
Just saying I would like to see full transcripts.

Anyhow, just seeing if you can clarify your opinion or not.

Obviously a transcript would be no help to you!

And I LISTEN to him and I hear him lying habitually.

Please explain how he is not lying when he denies calling for Obama's impeachment?
He lied about it again today!!!

Carville Says I Called for Impeachment - The Rush Limbaugh Show


August 01, 2014
RUSH: Carville was on O'Baxter show saying I came out for impeachment, and the e-mailer said, "Gee, I missed that," because I didn't say it. I never have called for the impeachment of Obama.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.

Gee, EddyBoy, the Moooch called Kenya Obuma's HOME COUNTRY, so I guess, for you NOT to be a HYPOCRITE, you have to agree that Obuma's from Kenya!
Well, I disagree, I listen to rush and have not heard any lies.

You state one must listen to the deflection in rush's voice yet you based your opinion on transcripts and a news story on the web?
Just saying I would like to see full transcripts.

Anyhow, just seeing if you can clarify your opinion or not.

Obviously a transcript would be no help to you!

And I LISTEN to him and I hear him lying habitually.

Please explain how he is not lying when he denies calling for Obama's impeachment?
He lied about it again today!!!

Carville Says I Called for Impeachment - The Rush Limbaugh Show


August 01, 2014
RUSH: Carville was on O'Baxter show saying I came out for impeachment, and the e-mailer said, "Gee, I missed that," because I didn't say it. I never have called for the impeachment of Obama.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.

Gee, EddyBoy, the Moooch called Kenya Obuma's HOME COUNTRY, so I guess, for you NOT to be a HYPOCRITE, you have to agree that Obuma's from Kenya!

Whenever the DittoTard's MessiahRushie gets caught lying, they desperately try to change the subject.

Thank you.
just a little notice about RUSH's success and reason fer celebration and a small hornets nest is stirred up [27 replies] . Pretty good for a new comer [and Yooper] to this excellent message board [imo]
Rush Limbaugh has proven the Republican Party's greatest president as prescient: "You can fool some of the people, all of the time". It's as if President Lincoln had looked into the future and saw the dittoheads.
Playing ditto heads for suckers for 27 years

Great job Rush

He had a tv program in the 90's. It had to be taken off the air because the public was getting a good luck at rush's audience. They were embarrassing to look and so was that overweight pus bag rush. He still doesn't venture out in public much for the same reason.
Obviously a transcript would be no help to you!

And I LISTEN to him and I hear him lying habitually.

Please explain how he is not lying when he denies calling for Obama's impeachment?
He lied about it again today!!!

Carville Says I Called for Impeachment - The Rush Limbaugh Show


August 01, 2014
RUSH: Carville was on O'Baxter show saying I came out for impeachment, and the e-mailer said, "Gee, I missed that," because I didn't say it. I never have called for the impeachment of Obama.

June 24, 2014
RUSH: I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.

Gee, EddyBoy, the Moooch called Kenya Obuma's HOME COUNTRY, so I guess, for you NOT to be a HYPOCRITE, you have to agree that Obuma's from Kenya!

Whenever the DittoTard's MessiahRushie gets caught lying, they desperately try to change the subject.

Thank you.

He didn't lie, you just don't understand English, and you're a hypocrite besides! :D
RUSH is made for radio , he doesn't do good tv I guess . Course I like seeing him on GRETA for example .
Playing ditto heads for suckers for 27 years

Great job Rush

He had a tv program in the 90's. It had to be taken off the air because the public was getting a good luck at rush's audience. They were embarrassing to look and so was that overweight pus bag rush. He still doesn't venture out in public much for the same reason.

No, it was from pressure from the Clinton Regime that had him removed from prime time to 1 AM by pressuring the TV channels that syndicated him...but don't let the truth stand in the way of a FAGERAL rant! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Gee, EddyBoy, the Moooch called Kenya Obuma's HOME COUNTRY, so I guess, for you NOT to be a HYPOCRITE, you have to agree that Obuma's from Kenya!

Whenever the DittoTard's MessiahRushie gets caught lying, they desperately try to change the subject.

Thank you.

He didn't lie, you just don't understand English, and you're a hypocrite besides! :D

And this is a perfect example of why Porky lies, no matter how obvious the lie his DittoTards will deny it!!!!!
Whenever the DittoTard's MessiahRushie gets caught lying, they desperately try to change the subject.

Thank you.

He didn't lie, you just don't understand English, and you're a hypocrite besides! :D

And this is a perfect example of why Porky lies, no matter how obvious the lie his DittoTards will deny it!!!!!

So then, in order NOT to be a hypocrite, you agree that Michelle's claim that Kenya is Obuma's HOME COUNTRY is also true! Thanks for confirming!
yep , heard that RUSH's books and videos are pretty good and Rush does the narration on the vids . The books and videos sound like a good supplement to the pap that American youngsters and are taught in public schools .

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