Rush Limbaugh attacks 11 year old whose mother died

Why does everybody keep saying she was GOING TO DIE anyway?

She had high blood pressure....that is perfectly managable with medications?

So are all of you and rush LYING about this?
Why does everybody keep saying she was GOING TO DIE anyway?

She had high blood pressure....that is perfectly managable with medications?

So are all of you and rush LYING about this?

Rush denied her medication? Why didn't she take her meds?
See here is what is really sad!! Most of you right tards and neotards as usual don't know what the fuck you are talking about!!

The boy was not rolled out like some prop to push health reform.. He wanted to go!! And if you live in the Seattle area like I do.. You would know the back story to this..

Seattle boy heads to Washington D.C. to fight for health reform | KING 5 TV | Seattle News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | Local News

Nobody put this boy up to this!! This was his idea!! Cause what you fucktards don't understand is his mother was an activist for affordable health care here in Seattle and has testified in Olympia.. He is following in his mothers foot steps!!

So why don't you neofucks just shutup and take your sick political agenda else where..

Oh noes!! Someone has an idea smarter than mine!!

Oh noes!! A boy wants to follow the example his mother set..

Oh noes!! Far be it for anyone to actually want healthcare for the masses!!

Oh noes!! It will mean that redicklicans lose again because they don't care about the american people..

Oh noes!! Another example of how stupid idiots like Rush limpdick doesn't get an entire story before blowing his mic to his listeners..

Oh noes!! Stephanie and others are wrong again.. Who da thunk it?


FUCK YOU and your ridiculous "Oh noes".
See here is what is really sad!! Most of you right tards and neotards as usual don't know what the fuck you are talking about!!

The boy was not rolled out like some prop to push health reform.. He wanted to go!! And if you live in the Seattle area like I do.. You would know the back story to this..

Seattle boy heads to Washington D.C. to fight for health reform | KING 5 TV | Seattle News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | Local News

Nobody put this boy up to this!! This was his idea!! Cause what you fucktards don't understand is his mother was an activist for affordable health care here in Seattle and has testified in Olympia.. He is following in his mothers foot steps!!

So why don't you neofucks just shutup and take your sick political agenda else where..

Oh noes!! Someone has an idea smarter than mine!!

Oh noes!! A boy wants to follow the example his mother set..

Oh noes!! Far be it for anyone to actually want healthcare for the masses!!

Oh noes!! It will mean that redicklicans lose again because they don't care about the american people..

Oh noes!! Another example of how stupid idiots like Rush limpdick doesn't get an entire story before blowing his mic to his listeners..

Oh noes!! Stephanie and others are wrong again.. Who da thunk it?


Too bad the boy didn't have a nervous tic or spasms so Rush could augment his argument by imitating him in a humorous fashion.
Oh goodie. More falsa fearg* from the lefties. You guys are fucking funny. Seriously.

*In honor of St Paddy's Day (and note: It's Paddy - Padraig, not Patty - Patrick).... Falsa (fake) Fearg (Outrage). LOL
I guess using all them "pretend doctors" in their white coats didn't work so well for the Obama and the Democrats, so they decided it was time to trot out the kiddies.:lol:
I guess using all them "pretend doctors" in their white coats didn't work so well for the Obama and the Democrats, so they decided it was time to trot out the kiddies.:lol:

I'm not a real doctor, I'm just here to support ObamaCare
Rush must have knocked the medication out of the woman's hand, nothing else fits the fact as set forth by the Libruls
Why does everybody keep saying she was GOING TO DIE anyway?

She had high blood pressure....that is perfectly managable with medications?

So are all of you and rush LYING about this?

Rush denied her medication? Why didn't she take her meds?

You know something frank, sometimes you are a real ass....

I can only pray you are not the manic, evil, mean, in-compassionate soul that you play on this board.


How did Rush attack the 11 year old?
(usually I do not do this, but no one responds to these questions so I guess I need to add more for the "thinking Masses"(what an oxymoron!).)

I see how Rush accused Democrats of exploiting an 11 year old.

I see how Rush makes the point that it will take several years before the mother of the 11 year old could obtain the Health care that she would need. Thus she may have died if the bill pass.

But no where did I see Rush make even a critical remark of the 11 year old himself.
Can you point out this attack, or is the title of this thread a bit fallacious?
Why does everybody keep saying she was GOING TO DIE anyway?

She had high blood pressure....that is perfectly managable with medications?

So are all of you and rush LYING about this?

Rush denied her medication? Why didn't she take her meds?

You know something frank, sometimes you are a real ass....

I can only pray you are not the manic, evil, mean, in-compassionate soul that you play on this board.


I tend to annoy a lot of people, I know, and I'm OK with that.
duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no insurance, no expensive meds

Not true, she had plenty of opportunity to get medical care in the state of Washington even without medical insurance. She made the CHOICE not to take advantage of them.


How did Rush attack the 11 year old?
(usually I do not do this, but no one responds to these questions so I guess I need to add more for the "thinking Masses"(what an oxymoron!).)

I see how Rush accused Democrats of exploiting an 11 year old.

I see how Rush makes the point that it will take several years before the mother of the 11 year old could obtain the Health care that she would need. Thus she may have died if the bill pass.

But no where did I see Rush make even a critical remark of the 11 year old himself.
Can you point out this attack, or is the title of this thread a bit fallacious?


19 minute standing ovation for that!!!

duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no insurance, no expensive meds

Not true, she had plenty of opportunity to get medical care in the state of Washington even without medical insurance. She made the CHOICE not to take advantage of them.


Actually, that may not be true.

I was in a situation like the 11 year olds mother--I have hypertension and currently unemployed. Also, I was unable to obtain medication for my blood pressure and I was denied both Medicare and Medicad when I applied for them early last year.

Know what happened?

My kidneys failed. That is when I was able to obtain Medicare because Dialysis patient are required by law to recieve it. Funny thing is, if they just allowed me to obtain some assistants when I first applied for help, I would be able to pay back the medical costs to the government by the end of this year.

On the other hand, I doubt the mother would have survived even if Obamacare was in place. She still would need to be accepted into a Health program and there is a possibility that she would have been denied still.
Oh nose, the new outrage of the day.

Progressives-Democrats have a habit of using women, children and the disabled as human shields (props). Then "of course" you aren't allowed to say anything about them or you get a thread like this.:lol:

And Conservatives have a way of telling an 11 year old who lost his mother....Tough luck kid, she would have died anyway

Libtards used this little girl. Rush called them on it.. nothing else.

You libs are fricken idiots. My god... don't you see people just don't take you seriously anymore?
Five years ago my wife passed away. She died from the same thing this woman did. I have great insurance. Made zero difference. Give me a break.

I guess I have to take the left side on thi--although the argument they are making is not pertinent to the problem they see.

Did you wife die because she lack access to medication or Health care.
(If you have great insurance, I doubt the above was the case.)

Or did she die due to something else?

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