Rush Limbaugh comments on the conservative media revolution..and how it drives the old media nuts...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This article by Rush Chronicles how he changed the information age…..after he showed up the leftwing lost control of information in this country and it is causing them to come out from behind their false identity as objective reporters of information….

Rush Limbaugh & National Review -- Conservative-Media Revolution | National Review Online

So this has not been an AM-radio revolution exclusively; it has been a conservative-media revolution. And perhaps its greatest consequence has been the destruction of the Left’s national-media monopoly.

And there is much more. Its consequences are unmistakable. I firmly believe that the conservative-media revolution has caused the liberal media to abandon any pretense of objectivity and fairness and actively advocate on the Left’s behalf. This has led in turn to the hyper-partisan nature of our politics today. When Republicans were perennial losers and happy about it, the media could stay hidden behind their wall of phony objectivity.

But they were called out. Now there is a fierce competition for the hearts and minds of the American people, which the Left used to believe it owned. So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington. That is on the Democrats and the Left, for trying to destroy the traditions and institutions that have defined this country. We stand in defense of this great nation, and we always will. And we look forward to the Republican party’s someday joining us.

This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wow…you are a dimwitted light bulb aren't you………he is responsible because he opened up the political debate…the left is responsible for the partisanship because they can't stand free speech and free debate.
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

Walter Cronkite was a left wing hack….who was able to hide his bias because there wasn't any other news sources but the big 3……Rush changed that….
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wow…you are a dimwitted light bulb aren't you………he is responsible because he opened up the political debate…the left is responsible for the partisanship because they can't stand free speech and free debate.
Yeah, sure, swallow that bullshit, but remember when your MessiahRushie said this:

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I'd tell 'em what my problems with him were and it was like talking to a brick wall. They didn't get it. These are the people who fall for this notion, "We gotta compromise, gotta bring everyone together!" Hell, at this golf tournament I was talking to a guy. He said, "The biggest problem we have, Rush, is we gotta make everybody Americans again. We gotta bring people together." I said, "Aw, crap," except I didn't say "crap;" I said something else.

And I got up, and I went back to the lavatory, and I practically threw up."Gotta bring people together," my ass!
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

Walter Cronkite was a left wing hack….who was able to hide his bias because there wasn't any other news sources but the big 3……Rush changed that….
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wow…you are a dimwitted light bulb aren't you………he is responsible because he opened up the political debate…the left is responsible for the partisanship because they can't stand free speech and free debate.
Yeah, sure, swallow that bullshit, but remember when your MessiahRushie said this:

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I'd tell 'em what my problems with him were and it was like talking to a brick wall. They didn't get it. These are the people who fall for this notion, "We gotta compromise, gotta bring everyone together!" Hell, at this golf tournament I was talking to a guy. He said, "The biggest problem we have, Rush, is we gotta make everybody Americans again. We gotta bring people together." I said, "Aw, crap," except I didn't say "crap;" I said something else.

And I got up, and I went back to the lavatory, and I practically threw up."Gotta bring people together," my ass!

Yeah….try actually listening to Limbaugh so you can understand what he is saying…..
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

Walter Cronkite was a left wing hack….who was able to hide his bias because there wasn't any other news sources but the big 3……Rush changed that….

Bullshit: The definition of objective Truth in the eyes of a left wing nut job.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wow…you are a dimwitted light bulb aren't you………he is responsible because he opened up the political debate…the left is responsible for the partisanship because they can't stand free speech and free debate.
Yeah, sure, swallow that bullshit, but remember when your MessiahRushie said this:

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I'd tell 'em what my problems with him were and it was like talking to a brick wall. They didn't get it. These are the people who fall for this notion, "We gotta compromise, gotta bring everyone together!" Hell, at this golf tournament I was talking to a guy. He said, "The biggest problem we have, Rush, is we gotta make everybody Americans again. We gotta bring people together." I said, "Aw, crap," except I didn't say "crap;" I said something else.

And I got up, and I went back to the lavatory, and I practically threw up."Gotta bring people together," my ass!

Yeah….try actually listening to Limbaugh so you can understand what he is saying…..
And there is the programmed response of the brainwashed, anyone who sees through your MessiahRushie's lies doesn't listen to the pathological liar.
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

Walter Cronkite was a left wing hack….who was able to hide his bias because there wasn't any other news sources but the big 3……Rush changed that….

Bullshit: The definition of objective Truth in the eyes of a left wing nut job.
Truth doesn't exist on the Right.
The problem here, kids, is the media is supposed to be "balanced". We have so many partisans now because it isn't. Walter Cronkite is dead, but you have no idea what I mean by that.

Walter Cronkite was a left wing hack….who was able to hide his bias because there wasn't any other news sources but the big 3……Rush changed that….

Bullshit: The definition of objective Truth in the eyes of a left wing nut job.
A little help for you, people with open minds searching for the truth are not proud of being called Dittoheads...
Limbaugh is an ignorant snake oil salesman, as are almost all of the con-talk-radio bunch. They use outright lies and innuendo, rather than honest debate, to try to fool people into following them.

And it works on maybe 27% of the population all the time. 40% of the population some of the time.

Conservative media isn't 'an alternative', or 'debate'. It is propaganda. Lies and half-truths made to appear to be true in order to get as many working people to vote against their own best interests as is possible.

It is a lie machine built by a few wealthy people to benefit a few wealthy people.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it
I'm sure that and your other quotes lack the context and sarcasm that was intended. But what could anyone expect when you get that info from lefty propaganda sources?
The ultimate point of the topic is that left-dominated media created this divide by not providing balance and not even acknowledging their own bias. Most probably didn't even realize the bias because it's institutional.
Limbaugh is an ignorant snake oil salesman, as are almost all of the con-talk-radio bunch. They use outright lies and innuendo, rather than honest debate, to try to fool people into following them.

And it works on maybe 27% of the population all the time. 40% of the population some of the time.

Conservative media isn't 'an alternative', or 'debate'. It is propaganda. Lies and half-truths made to appear to be true in order to get as many working people to vote against their own best interests as is possible.

It is a lie machine built by a few wealthy people to benefit a few wealthy people.

Lies and innuendo? Do you realize that 95% of his show is directly quoting liberals and debunking their lies?
This article by Rush Chronicles how he changed the information age…..after he showed up the leftwing lost control of information in this country and it is causing them to come out from behind their false identity as objective reporters of information….

Rush Limbaugh & National Review -- Conservative-Media Revolution | National Review Online

So this has not been an AM-radio revolution exclusively; it has been a conservative-media revolution. And perhaps its greatest consequence has been the destruction of the Left’s national-media monopoly.

And there is much more. Its consequences are unmistakable. I firmly believe that the conservative-media revolution has caused the liberal media to abandon any pretense of objectivity and fairness and actively advocate on the Left’s behalf. This has led in turn to the hyper-partisan nature of our politics today. When Republicans were perennial losers and happy about it, the media could stay hidden behind their wall of phony objectivity.

But they were called out. Now there is a fierce competition for the hearts and minds of the American people, which the Left used to believe it owned. So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington. That is on the Democrats and the Left, for trying to destroy the traditions and institutions that have defined this country. We stand in defense of this great nation, and we always will. And we look forward to the Republican party’s someday joining us.

As usual, Rush NAILES IT.

Particularly where he points to the Left's Pretense of Objectivity.

In truth, the objectivity is a foreign concept. They quite literally reject the existence of objectivity... and they do so because where objectivity exists, the Left is not just wrong, but a menace to the human species. THIS, they know to an axiomatic certainty and it is THIS that they fear ENTIRELY about Americans and the new media comprised of Americans, for the purpose of defending the principles that define America.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Wow…you are a dimwitted light bulb aren't you………he is responsible because he opened up the political debate…the left is responsible for the partisanship because they can't stand free speech and free debate.
Yeah, sure, swallow that bullshit, but remember when your MessiahRushie said this:

May 25, 2012
RUSH: I'd tell 'em what my problems with him were and it was like talking to a brick wall. They didn't get it. These are the people who fall for this notion, "We gotta compromise, gotta bring everyone together!" Hell, at this golf tournament I was talking to a guy. He said, "The biggest problem we have, Rush, is we gotta make everybody Americans again. We gotta bring people together." I said, "Aw, crap," except I didn't say "crap;" I said something else.

And I got up, and I went back to the lavatory, and I practically threw up."Gotta bring people together," my ass!

Rush is right, we shouldn't compromise or try to "bring everyone together". It's impossible because there will always be disagreement. Best thing to do is stick to the truth and your own principles, and let the lying liberals run amok.
This article by Rush

So it is not I, nor anyone else in conservatism, who is to blame for the partisanship in Washington.
The two faced liar constantly contradicts himself, but his sheeple are too stupid to remember what their MessiahRushie says from day to day so the pathological liar gets away with it.

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Yeah well, now he's saying he's not so you have to listen to the newest thing he says. Don't search for consistency. That's being unfair!

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