Rush Limbaugh Explains Why He Is A Low-information Person, And Too Stupid To Know It

Dunning-Kroger is the perfect tool for the liberal academic elite left to use on students. If you do not conform to liberal standards you will be branded "stupid" and will never recover from it. It's ironic that the left seems concerned about politically correct labels but is willing to keep Black students on the democrat plantation with crackpot theories.
No, he obviously does not listen to him. Otherwise he'd not post such a shallow and purposefully out-of-context thing.

Well then, as a listener what do YOU say the REAL context is, other than he fits perfectly his own adaptation of the Dunning-Kruger effect to the low-information person?

Your debate style isn't logical. Despite your microscopically small soundbites, out of context of course, you have not shown him to be a low-information person. Listening to his show for even a short while would lead any thoughtful person to this conclusion, whether you like or agree with him, or not.

The "context" is that the left hates him because he nails them so well. The left always lets us know who and what they fear the most by who and what the lie about and besmirch the most.

Projecting and hoping and spinning and pretending and regurgitating isn't substantial enough. You can do better.
Again you can show no context other than the one I used.
Thank you.
And regarding the size of the in context quotes, except for the last one, they all came from one rant. I merely edited the ones that undeniably applied to him. The forum does not allow lengthy C&P.

Again, show another context than the one I used, Or admit your MessiahRushie has you programmed to say in knee-jerk fashion that any direct quote directly from his website is automatically "out of context" when it exposes his obvious and undeniable hypocrisy.
OP- you mad bro? You mad Rush makes more in one day than you will in your entire life? You mad he has a beautiful wife and home(s)?
OP- you mad bro? You mad Rush makes more in one day than you will in your entire life? You mad he has a beautiful wife and home(s)?

You mad bro? REALLY?!?! You need to grow up. Get out of the folks' basement, clean the Cheeto dust off your face and get a life, son. :cool:
In a perfect example of projection, Limbaugh explains why he is too stupid to know he's stupid!
Thank You Rush!

August 12, 2014
RUSH: The Dunning-Kruger effect. Why low-information people do not know that they are low-information.

RUSH: "One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid --" You know what that means, don't you? It means somebody that thinks they're dead right all the time, closed-minded and not open to other ideas and therefore is an idiot.

RUSH: Now, there are exceptions to this. I, for example, am one who feels certainty, and I ain't dumb. :rofl::lmao:

RUSH: "The Dunning-Kruger effect is the finding that the poorest performers are the least aware of their own incompetence.

RUSH: Socrates even once said, "The only true wisdom is to know that you know nothing."
Well, that's not the low-information voter, because the low-information voter doesn't know he doesn't know anything.

RUSH: Low-information people tend to overestimate their level of information. They fail to recognize how other people know much more than they do. They fail to recognize just how little they know, even when they're confronted with it.

RUSH: Does anybody come to mind describing any of this? Anybody spring to mind immediately when describing somebody who's constantly wrong but will never believe it, doesn't know it, and thinks so high of themselves that they could never, ever deal with the truth? [Yeah YOU spring immediately to mind]

March 01, 2012
RUSH: To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it." It's a blessing! You know, the worst thing would be to be dumb and to know it -- and there's evidence all over that the dumb do not know they're dumb.

You do realize Rush is an entertainer as well as a talk show host, right? Ergo, the remarks about half his brain tied behind his back..........etc. He must be doing something right.....he just celebrated over twenty five years behind the golden EIB microphone, and makes about a thousand times more than you make.

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