Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

It sounds like you have never listened to left wing talk radio.

It's on the air here, of course I hear it. And radio was my career so yeah I know a bit about what's in there and how it works. :)

Then you should know that both sides use it.
Talk radio and political parties.

But you can't conflate a 30-second ad (I assume that's what you refer to) with a three-hour talk show. Completely different environment. You can't develop a point in 30 seconds. All you can do is drop some sound bites and hope they take root as a meme.

That's not what we're talking about analyzing talk shows.

I am saying that both left and right talk radio shows use paranoia, not just the right talk radio shows.

Then perhaps we must needs regroup. My original treatise (203) was about exactly that -- the use of paranoia-mining on radio talk shows, and specifically why it works better for one side than for the other. It was not a claim that one side does it and the other does not.

But that's not a fair comparison with a 30-second political campaign ad. That's apples to oranges.

Using paranoia is using it period, 30 seconds or 3 hours it is still using paranoia and the left has always been better at it.
It's on the air here, of course I hear it. And radio was my career so yeah I know a bit about what's in there and how it works. :)

Then you should know that both sides use it.
Talk radio and political parties.

But you can't conflate a 30-second ad (I assume that's what you refer to) with a three-hour talk show. Completely different environment. You can't develop a point in 30 seconds. All you can do is drop some sound bites and hope they take root as a meme.

That's not what we're talking about analyzing talk shows.

I am saying that both left and right talk radio shows use paranoia, not just the right talk radio shows.

Then perhaps we must needs regroup. My original treatise (203) was about exactly that -- the use of paranoia-mining on radio talk shows, and specifically why it works better for one side than for the other. It was not a claim that one side does it and the other does not.

But that's not a fair comparison with a 30-second political campaign ad. That's apples to oranges.

Using paranoia is using it period, 30 seconds or 3 hours it is still using paranoia and the left has always been better at it.

False comparison.

And doesn't work as a theory anyway, unless you're calling the venerable* HenryBHough a liar.
(*he is 122 years old yanno...)

If that were the case, Rush Limbaugh would be an obscure trivia question and AM radio would be saturated with AirAmerica and its imitators. Think about it.
It's understandable that a teenager who gets off on cleaning the coffee break room at a public ratio station cannot comprehend the workings of commercial broadcasting.

Completely over your head, was it?
I realize my deep thoughts are kind of chewy. Try putting your dentures in.
Then you should know that both sides use it.
Talk radio and political parties.

But you can't conflate a 30-second ad (I assume that's what you refer to) with a three-hour talk show. Completely different environment. You can't develop a point in 30 seconds. All you can do is drop some sound bites and hope they take root as a meme.

That's not what we're talking about analyzing talk shows.

I am saying that both left and right talk radio shows use paranoia, not just the right talk radio shows.

Then perhaps we must needs regroup. My original treatise (203) was about exactly that -- the use of paranoia-mining on radio talk shows, and specifically why it works better for one side than for the other. It was not a claim that one side does it and the other does not.

But that's not a fair comparison with a 30-second political campaign ad. That's apples to oranges.

Using paranoia is using it period, 30 seconds or 3 hours it is still using paranoia and the left has always been better at it.

False comparison.

And doesn't work as a theory anyway, unless you're calling the venerable* HenryBHough a liar.
(*he is 122 years old yanno...)

If that were the case, Rush Limbaugh would be an obscure trivia question and AM radio would be saturated with AirAmerica and its imitators. Think about it.

Left wing talk radio is boring as hell and has not ever been popular.
But you can't conflate a 30-second ad (I assume that's what you refer to) with a three-hour talk show. Completely different environment. You can't develop a point in 30 seconds. All you can do is drop some sound bites and hope they take root as a meme.

That's not what we're talking about analyzing talk shows.

I am saying that both left and right talk radio shows use paranoia, not just the right talk radio shows.

Then perhaps we must needs regroup. My original treatise (203) was about exactly that -- the use of paranoia-mining on radio talk shows, and specifically why it works better for one side than for the other. It was not a claim that one side does it and the other does not.

But that's not a fair comparison with a 30-second political campaign ad. That's apples to oranges.

Using paranoia is using it period, 30 seconds or 3 hours it is still using paranoia and the left has always been better at it.

False comparison.

And doesn't work as a theory anyway, unless you're calling the venerable* HenryBHough a liar.
(*he is 122 years old yanno...)

If that were the case, Rush Limbaugh would be an obscure trivia question and AM radio would be saturated with AirAmerica and its imitators. Think about it.

Left wing talk radio is boring as hell and has not ever been popular.

Then your theory above does not work.
I am saying that both left and right talk radio shows use paranoia, not just the right talk radio shows.

Then perhaps we must needs regroup. My original treatise (203) was about exactly that -- the use of paranoia-mining on radio talk shows, and specifically why it works better for one side than for the other. It was not a claim that one side does it and the other does not.

But that's not a fair comparison with a 30-second political campaign ad. That's apples to oranges.

Using paranoia is using it period, 30 seconds or 3 hours it is still using paranoia and the left has always been better at it.

False comparison.

And doesn't work as a theory anyway, unless you're calling the venerable* HenryBHough a liar.
(*he is 122 years old yanno...)

If that were the case, Rush Limbaugh would be an obscure trivia question and AM radio would be saturated with AirAmerica and its imitators. Think about it.

Left wing talk radio is boring as hell and has not ever been popular.

Then your theory above does not work.

You are the one who is using the word theory.
Then perhaps we must needs regroup. My original treatise (203) was about exactly that -- the use of paranoia-mining on radio talk shows, and specifically why it works better for one side than for the other. It was not a claim that one side does it and the other does not.

But that's not a fair comparison with a 30-second political campaign ad. That's apples to oranges.

Using paranoia is using it period, 30 seconds or 3 hours it is still using paranoia and the left has always been better at it.

False comparison.

And doesn't work as a theory anyway, unless you're calling the venerable* HenryBHough a liar.
(*he is 122 years old yanno...)

If that were the case, Rush Limbaugh would be an obscure trivia question and AM radio would be saturated with AirAmerica and its imitators. Think about it.

Left wing talk radio is boring as hell and has not ever been popular.

Then your theory above does not work.

You are the one who is using the word theory.

OK -- your assertion. Your posit. Your idea. Your inkling. Whatever it is -- it doesn't work.
Let me explain. The article does not explain or mention how many other stations picked him up. Nor does it explain that at his peak, he was virtually the only one doing it. Now you can hardly pick an AM station the doesn't have conservative talk.

Keep wishing you nutters, and we'll keep laughing at you.

Other stations are only picking him up because IHeartRadio has to put the show SOMEWHERE when a station refuses to carry it.

The real problem with Rush is not his ratings, which are declining. They are his demographics. The average age of his listener is 45-65. This is not a key demographic, because they don't really guy as much. Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast

More to the point, advertisers don't want to put their products on his show. seriously, I listened to his show when I was in Wisconsin last week. There was only one private business advertiser. The rest was all filled with Public Service Announcements the station was using as filler.

Yeah sure you did.

I listened to him today and there were plenty of ads, too many imo.
Of course it is. The fact that you have no clue about this is also enlightening, though not surprising.
OK drummer boy. And Rush isn't angry. He leaves the valet a $200 tip to keep his car handy.
And you are STUPID enough to believe that whopper! :rofl::lmao:
You've already demonstrated your brain power so insults from you are like gnat farts.
If you're gullible to believe that lie, then you swallowed your MessiahRushie trying to top himself.

June 02, 2015
RUSH: You know, sometimes I even offer the valet a third hundred-dollar bill in my case. Sometimes… You know, you never know. These valets, some of them look… You shouldn’t judge people the way they look, but some of them do look shady and if I come out and my car is still there, I’ll give the guy a third hundred-dollar bill just thanks for not stealing the car.
He isn't my messiah, I'm a conservative. I don't need to drop to my knees and pray to a figurehead like you guys.

But what's that prove anyway? He gives 2 and sometimes 3 bills. So?
It proves you are stupid to believe anything your MessiahRushie says.
I find it interesting that the lib that hate Rush know more about him and his advertisers than most other people.

Of course we do. We are identifying who they are and organizing boycotts.

Which is why most of them have abandoned him.

You spend a lot more time listening to him than most the people I know. You guys really jack his ratings up. I bet that makes him very happy. He gets money from you nutter listening.
You spend a lot more time listening to him than most the people I know. You guys really jack his ratings up. I bet that makes him very happy. He gets money from you nutter listening.

i personaly don't listen to him much at all.

That said, it really doesn't matter what his ratings are if no one wants to advertise on his show

He has plenty of advertisers.

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