Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

Right or left, talk radio is for the easily manipulated.
Talk Radio as Entertainment
Talk Radio as Entertainment Psychology Today
Yeah man. Listening to music is so much more enlightening. Everything liberals think is 180% opposite of reality.
Of course it is. The fact that you have no clue about this is also enlightening, though not surprising.
OK drummer boy. And Rush isn't angry. He leaves the valet a $200 tip to keep his car handy.
And you are STUPID enough to believe that whopper! :rofl::lmao:
You've already demonstrated your brain power so insults from you are like gnat farts.
After 27 years on the radio, the Rush Limbaugh show is still the highest rated radio show in the USA.
But he's failing......:rofl:

Want to see radio failure on a massive scale??
Air America radio network - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As I've already pointed out, Liberals are too busy working at jobs to sit around being told what to think. Laziness and gullibility are conservative traits.
Lib talk shows fail because they are just shit. Emotional garbage, hate filled rhetoric and no audience wants to hear it. Not even other libs.
You just described Right-Wing radio. And you're a good little dittohead by parroting Rush's mantra: Accuse the other side of doing whatever it is you are doing.
I would be describing left wing radio if any could stay around long enough. Your spin doesn't cut it and guys like Rush make a living pointing it out. Sorry.
This guy started in the late 80's and dominated AM radio ever since. He forever changed AM radio and he led the way for many other talk shows, even sports show.

No one can deny the power he had. I quit listening to him long, but he carried AM for the last 25 years. I expected him to die out in 2000 but the guy went on another 15 years. I listen to the liberal sports host Colin Cowherd and he said you can't deny the benefit that he and others have been given because of Limbaugh.

If he leaves radio now, he lasted longer and change AM radio, single handedly. No one has ever come close to what he accomplished in radio.
Like him or not.

Saying Limbaugh changed Radio or Politics is like saying Hitler Changed Europe. Yeah, maybe, but it's not a good thing.

Here's the problem with Rush you wingnuts don't get. He actually UNDERMINES your cause.

Take the Fluke issue. There really was a legitimate policy argument there. Should employers have to fund medical treatments they have religious objections to.

Limbaugh turned it into a tawdry thing by calling this girl all sorts of vile names.

It isn't me that says that, it is radio personnel, you disagree take it up with those that know their industry. I'm sure you might learn something, but then again, you will probably stay ignorant.
They'd put "IGNORE" buttons on car radios if government allowed it.

But it won't.

That's because liberals, trying to figure out how to use it, would kill hundreds of innocent pedestrians either out of inattention or frustration.
This guy started in the late 80's and dominated AM radio ever since. He forever changed AM radio and he led the way for many other talk shows, even sports show.

No one can deny the power he had. I quit listening to him long, but he carried AM for the last 25 years. I expected him to die out in 2000 but the guy went on another 15 years. I listen to the liberal sports host Colin Cowherd and he said you can't deny the benefit that he and others have been given because of Limbaugh.

If he leaves radio now, he lasted longer and change AM radio, single handedly. No one has ever come close to what he accomplished in radio.
Like him or not.

Saying Limbaugh changed Radio or Politics is like saying Hitler Changed Europe. Yeah, maybe, but it's not a good thing.

Here's the problem with Rush you wingnuts don't get. He actually UNDERMINES your cause.

Take the Fluke issue. There really was a legitimate policy argument there. Should employers have to fund medical treatments they have religious objections to.

Limbaugh turned it into a tawdry thing by calling this girl all sorts of vile names.

It isn't me that says that, it is radio personnel, you disagree take it up with those that know their industry. I'm sure you might learn something, but then again, you will probably stay ignorant.

Of course, describing the Grand Dumbing-Down of Discourse as an "accomplishment" is much like describing a demolition derby as "constructive"....

"Accomplishments" are not measured by sales figures. Coca-cola sells a ton of product; doesn't mean it's any good. The psychology of what draws flies to electronic media (and print media, its predecessor) was figured out a long time ago. It's got nothing to do with aesthetics.
Right or left, talk radio is for the easily manipulated.
Talk Radio as Entertainment
Talk Radio as Entertainment Psychology Today
Yeah man. Listening to music is so much more enlightening. Everything liberals think is 180% opposite of reality.
Of course it is. The fact that you have no clue about this is also enlightening, though not surprising.
OK drummer boy. And Rush isn't angry. He leaves the valet a $200 tip to keep his car handy.
And you are STUPID enough to believe that whopper! :rofl::lmao:
You've already demonstrated your brain power so insults from you are like gnat farts.
If you're gullible to believe that lie, then you swallowed your MessiahRushie trying to top himself.

June 02, 2015
RUSH: You know, sometimes I even offer the valet a third hundred-dollar bill in my case. Sometimes… You know, you never know. These valets, some of them look… You shouldn’t judge people the way they look, but some of them do look shady and if I come out and my car is still there, I’ll give the guy a third hundred-dollar bill just thanks for not stealing the car.
Joe what's going on? That one link they said they were going to he'd rid of him then they said it was false, I checked WLS web sight in may and he was still there, I can't believe Jhonny B, works there now and Steve Dahl came back.

I think that kind of shows where WLS is right now. They are dragging out all these old rejects of radio and probably paying them not all that much.

They fired Roe Cohn, and Roe now has a higher rated show on WGN. They swapped morning hosts with WIND, and now the WIND guy has higher ratings.

I think even Hannity has gotten better ratings since they went to WIND.

But here's the real problem. Right now, Rush only has about 10 adverstisers on WLS, all local.

No, JoeyB, here's the real problem. You continue to make up lies about Rush's advertisers on Chicago's WLS 890 AM.

Here are the spots that played during today's first commercial break on Rush's show broadcast over WLS and WOOD in lovely Grand Rapids, MI

1. Tax Defense Partners
2. Simply Safe home security
3. Visiting Angels home healthcare
(Traffic report break)
4. a local spot

1. Tax Defense Partners
2. Simply Safe home security
3. Visiting Angels home healthcare
4. a local spot

For relative newcomers here this is an old story for JoeyB. He once claimed all of Rush's WLS advertisers had abandoned him in the wake of the Flake flack, forcing the station to air only Public Service Announcements and station self-promos during commercial breaks. We were kind enough at the time to point out he was full of shit as we are now with his latest episode. Just think of it as a blastoff Public Service Announcement.
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Joe what's going on? That one link they said they were going to he'd rid of him then they said it was false, I checked WLS web sight in may and he was still there, I can't believe Jhonny B, works there now and Steve Dahl came back.

I think that kind of shows where WLS is right now. They are dragging out all these old rejects of radio and probably paying them not all that much.

They fired Roe Cohn, and Roe now has a higher rated show on WGN. They swapped morning hosts with WIND, and now the WIND guy has higher ratings.

I think even Hannity has gotten better ratings since they went to WIND.

But here's the real problem. Right now, Rush only has about 10 adverstisers on WLS, all local.

No, JoeyB, here's the real problem. You continue to make up lies about Rush's advertisers on Chicago's WLS 890 AM.

Here are the spots that played during today's first commercial break on Rush's show broadcast over WLS and WOOD in lovely Grand Rapids, MI

1. Tax Defense Partners
2. Simply Safe home security
3. Visiting Angels home healthcare
(Traffic report break)
4. a local spot

1. Tax Defense Partners
2. Simply Safe home security
3. Visiting Angels home healthcare
4. a local spot

For relative newcomers here this is an old story for JoeyB. He once claimed all of Rush's WLS advertisers had abandoned him in the wake of the Flake flack, forcing the station to air only Public Service Announcements and station self-promos during commercial breaks. We were kind enough at the time to point out he was full of shit as we are now with his latest episode. Just think of it as a blastoff Public Service Announcement.

No that's true. They filled space with PSAs. His own distributor cancelled ads for a week or two -- meaning the national feed wasn't even sending content in those clock segments. The local station has to fill that with something, or broadcast dead air (which is illegal). I believe that's what WABC was running -- dead air. A subtle statement.
I haven't listened to Rush in years, but I'm going to tune in tomorrow. :thup:
That's good, he needs you, he's lost 60% of his audience in the last 2 1/2 years!

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?
I haven't listened to Rush in years, but I'm going to tune in tomorrow. :thup:
That's good, he needs you, he's lost 60% of his audience in the last 2 1/2 years!

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

November 07, 2012
RUSH: Hey, any of you guys in there want to come sit in my chair today? Anybody? Nobody wants to come sit in my chair here? None of you? I mean, I'm giving you a golden opportunity to speak to, what, 50 million people.

June 3, 2015
RUSH: You're reaching 20 million of 'em here, but I imagine a number of 'em are gonna be kind of skeptical of this. I'm sure you're gonna face female that aren't gonna believe you, be skeptical, think you're just trying to get on the financial the gravy train and they're gonna look at you and they're gonna see Caucasian. What color is your hair?

The thing about those numbers is -- they've never been documented. It's kinda like the number of names Joe McCarthy says "I have in my hand" -- depends on the day. So when he says "to speak to, what 50 million people" --- the operative word is "what".
This guy started in the late 80's and dominated AM radio ever since. He forever changed AM radio and he led the way for many other talk shows, even sports show.

No one can deny the power he had. I quit listening to him long, but he carried AM for the last 25 years. I expected him to die out in 2000 but the guy went on another 15 years. I listen to the liberal sports host Colin Cowherd and he said you can't deny the benefit that he and others have been given because of Limbaugh.

If he leaves radio now, he lasted longer and change AM radio, single handedly. No one has ever come close to what he accomplished in radio.
Like him or not.

Saying Limbaugh changed Radio or Politics is like saying Hitler Changed Europe. Yeah, maybe, but it's not a good thing.

Here's the problem with Rush you wingnuts don't get. He actually UNDERMINES your cause.

Take the Fluke issue. There really was a legitimate policy argument there. Should employers have to fund medical treatments they have religious objections to.

Limbaugh turned it into a tawdry thing by calling this girl all sorts of vile names.

First, anyone who gets the leftards so bent out of shape, that they make threads, and fill them with 10 pages of freakout..... has done a good thing. I throughly enjoy these threads.

Second, undermine our cause with who? The left? Yeah, like before Rush came along, they all accepted that women who want to screw around without getting pregnant or diseased should pay for their own protection.... but then Rush said 'boo' and they all turned against it?

The only people Rush undermined our position with, was the people who were already in favor of "take from working people, to pay for promiscuity of others" crowd. He didn't harm anything.

That's like saying Bush undermined our position with the Taliban. Up until he started deploying troops, they were flying American flags! Of course not.
After 27 years on the radio, the Rush Limbaugh show is still the highest rated radio show in the USA.
But he's failing......:rofl:

Want to see radio failure on a massive scale??
Air America radio network - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As I've already pointed out, Liberals are too busy working at jobs to sit around being told what to think. Laziness and gullibility are conservative traits.

You started a thread about Limbaugh's radio show "failing". But the fact is that his show is the highest rated radio show in the US. You are the one that is failing.......:rofl:
So...if Beck is the highest rated in the morning, Rush is highest from noon-3, Sean is highest from 3-6, and Levin is highest from 6-9, doesn't that indicate that conservatives spend all day, every day listening to the radio, being told what to think?

All the while, Liberals are out working for a living.
Rush is awesome! 27 years on the radio and He still gets under the skin of leftists, progressives, liberals, communists, socialists, and assorted other scumbags......:thup:

Yeah, I thinking the same thing. The fact that these lefties are freaking out over it, makes me think he's still got it. Causing this much anger and venom, clearly shows Rush is fantastic.
LOL. Are you fucking with me? Rush is a homophobic nut.

Since when did Rush become afraid of gays? You do know who played at his wedding don't you?


Tender moment: Elton John shares a private moment with the happy bride and groom


Furnish later revealed to People magazine that John justified his appearance by telling him: 'Life is about building bridges, not walls.'

Adding that he saw the performance as a chance to open minds among the right-wingers present at the ceremony.

Furnish said that Limbaugh treated his guest of honour very well: 'He said Rush and his bride were incredibly charming and welcoming.'

Adding that the two couples have tentative dinner plans at a future date in England.

Why did Elton John sing at Rush Limbaugh s wedding Daily Mail Online
This reveals two things:

Elton will play anywhere for a million dollars (and I can't blame him).

Rush is a complete phony when he rails against Teh Gays.
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.
Then explain what's happening to him. You did read it didn't you? You can read, can't you?


Explain that.
Indianapolis is a stupid comparison, considering during the day Chicago's WLS megastaion can be heard all the way to Louisville and they carry Rush.

Oh no I doubt that...

Those are not hard and fast rules. I've picked up WABC in NY on the east coast of Florida, and I've picked up the mega-station in St. Louis on the Florida panhandle.

The conditions have to be right.
After 27 years on the radio, the Rush Limbaugh show is still the highest rated radio show in the USA.
But he's failing......:rofl:

Want to see radio failure on a massive scale??
Air America radio network - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As I've already pointed out, Liberals are too busy working at jobs to sit around being told what to think. Laziness and gullibility are conservative traits.
Lib talk shows fail because they are just shit. Emotional garbage, hate filled rhetoric and no audience wants to hear it. Not even other libs.
You just described Right-Wing radio. And you're a good little dittohead by parroting Rush's mantra: Accuse the other side of doing whatever it is you are doing.
I would be describing left wing radio if any could stay around long enough. Your spin doesn't cut it and guys like Rush make a living pointing it out. Sorry.
Yup - Liberal talk radio is never going to be wildly popular.

  1. Liberals are too busy working for a living to spend the day getting angry listening to the radio.
  2. Facts are boring.

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