Rush Limbaugh is cooked: The stunning fall of the right’s angriest bloviator

After 27 years on the radio, the Rush Limbaugh show is still the highest rated radio show in the USA.
But he's failing......:rofl:

Want to see radio failure on a massive scale??
Air America radio network - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As I've already pointed out, Liberals are too busy working at jobs to sit around being told what to think. Laziness and gullibility are conservative traits.
Lib talk shows fail because they are just shit. Emotional garbage, hate filled rhetoric and no audience wants to hear it. Not even other libs.
After 27 years on the radio, the Rush Limbaugh show is still the highest rated radio show in the USA.
But he's failing......:rofl:

Want to see radio failure on a massive scale??
Air America radio network - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As I've already pointed out, Liberals are too busy working at jobs to sit around being told what to think. Laziness and gullibility are conservative traits.
Lib talk shows fail because they are just shit. Emotional garbage, hate filled rhetoric and no audience wants to hear it. Not even other libs.
You just described Right-Wing radio. And you're a good little dittohead by parroting Rush's mantra: Accuse the other side of doing whatever it is you are doing.
After 27 years on the radio, the Rush Limbaugh show is still the highest rated radio show in the USA.
But he's failing......:rofl:

Want to see radio failure on a massive scale??
Air America radio network - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
As I've already pointed out, Liberals are too busy working at jobs to sit around being told what to think. Laziness and gullibility are conservative traits.

You started a thread about Limbaugh's radio show "failing". But the fact is that his show is the highest rated radio show in the US. You are the one that is failing.......:rofl:
Rush is awesome! 27 years on the radio and He still gets under the skin of leftists, progressives, liberals, communists, socialists, and assorted other scumbags......:thup:

Yeah, I thinking the same thing. The fact that these lefties are freaking out over it, makes me think he's still got it. Causing this much anger and venom, clearly shows Rush is fantastic.
LOL. Are you fucking with me? Rush is a homophobic nut.

Look who his audience is. They're all terrified they're really gay and that someone will will find out.

Lushbo is a fat, drug addicted, drug smuggling drunk and they see themselves in his Viagra smuggling. He lies, they know he lies, they suck it up and come back for more lies. He is proof that the Conservatism is dead.

Look back at old threads about fox lies. RW traitors KNOW fox is truthful in only 18% of their stories and that's the way they want it. Glenn Beck told his audience he lies and they loved it. They know Alex Jones is downright certifiable and they love it.

Simply put, rabid RWs hate the US as much as those entertainers do. They are willfully ignorant and they WANT to be lied to.

There will always be Americans who hate America and there will always be nutters like lushbo to feed their hate.
Rush is awesome! 27 years on the radio and He still gets under the skin of leftists, progressives, liberals, communists, socialists, and assorted other scumbags......:thup:

Yeah, I thinking the same thing. The fact that these lefties are freaking out over it, makes me think he's still got it. Causing this much anger and venom, clearly shows Rush is fantastic.
LOL. Are you fucking with me? Rush is a homophobic nut.

Look who his audience is. They're all terrified they're really gay and that someone will will find out.

Lushbo is a fat, drug addicted, drug smuggling drunk and they see themselves in his Viagra smuggling. He lies, they know he lies, they suck it up and come back for more lies. He is proof that the Conservatism is dead.

Look back at old threads about fox lies. RW traitors KNOW fox is truthful in only 18% of their stories and that's the way they want it. Glenn Beck told his audience he lies and they loved it. They know Alex Jones is downright certifiable and they love it.

Simply put, rabid RWs hate the US as much as those entertainers do. They are willfully ignorant and they WANT to be lied to.

There will always be Americans who hate America and there will always be nutters like lushbo to feed their hate.
Looks like Rush is causing another libturd to have a meltdown. :lol:
Rush is awesome! 27 years on the radio and He still gets under the skin of leftists, progressives, liberals, communists, socialists, and assorted other scumbags......:thup:

Yeah, I thinking the same thing. The fact that these lefties are freaking out over it, makes me think he's still got it. Causing this much anger and venom, clearly shows Rush is fantastic.
LOL. Are you fucking with me? Rush is a homophobic nut.

Since when did Rush become afraid of gays? You do know who played at his wedding don't you?


Tender moment: Elton John shares a private moment with the happy bride and groom


Furnish later revealed to People magazine that John justified his appearance by telling him: 'Life is about building bridges, not walls.'

Adding that he saw the performance as a chance to open minds among the right-wingers present at the ceremony.

Furnish said that Limbaugh treated his guest of honour very well: 'He said Rush and his bride were incredibly charming and welcoming.'

Adding that the two couples have tentative dinner plans at a future date in England.

Why did Elton John sing at Rush Limbaugh s wedding Daily Mail Online
How many times have you morons announced the end of Rush's career? Keep wishin' and hopin', losers.
Then explain what's happening to him. You did read it didn't you? You can read, can't you?


Explain that.
Indianapolis is a stupid comparison, considering during the day Chicago's WLS megastaion can be heard all the way to Louisville and they carry Rush.

Oh no I doubt that...

Back in the 70's I was traveling across country and picked up WLS driving through Arkansas.
I haven't listened to Rush in years, but I'm going to tune in tomorrow. :thup:
Back in the 70's I was traveling across country and picked up WLS driving through Arkansas.

At night maybe, while the ionosphere allowed. Not in the daytime though when Limblob's on.
Right or left, talk radio is for the easily manipulated.
Talk Radio as Entertainment
Talk Radio as Entertainment Psychology Today
Yeah man. Listening to music is so much more enlightening. Everything liberals think is 180% opposite of reality.
Of course it is. The fact that you have no clue about this is also enlightening, though not surprising.
OK drummer boy. And Rush isn't angry. He leaves the valet a $200 tip to keep his car handy.
And you are STUPID enough to believe that whopper! :rofl::lmao:
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Let me explain. The article does not explain or mention how many other stations picked him up. Nor does it explain that at his peak, he was virtually the only one doing it. Now you can hardly pick an AM station the doesn't have conservative talk.

Keep wishing you nutters, and we'll keep laughing at you.

Other stations are only picking him up because IHeartRadio has to put the show SOMEWHERE when a station refuses to carry it.

The real problem with Rush is not his ratings, which are declining. They are his demographics. The average age of his listener is 45-65. This is not a key demographic, because they don't really guy as much. Traffic and Demographic Statistics by Quantcast

More to the point, advertisers don't want to put their products on his show. seriously, I listened to his show when I was in Wisconsin last week. There was only one private business advertiser. The rest was all filled with Public Service Announcements the station was using as filler.
This guy started in the late 80's and dominated AM radio ever since. He forever changed AM radio and he led the way for many other talk shows, even sports show.

No one can deny the power he had. I quit listening to him long, but he carried AM for the last 25 years. I expected him to die out in 2000 but the guy went on another 15 years. I listen to the liberal sports host Colin Cowherd and he said you can't deny the benefit that he and others have been given because of Limbaugh.

If he leaves radio now, he lasted longer and change AM radio, single handedly. No one has ever come close to what he accomplished in radio.
Like him or not.

Saying Limbaugh changed Radio or Politics is like saying Hitler Changed Europe. Yeah, maybe, but it's not a good thing.

Here's the problem with Rush you wingnuts don't get. He actually UNDERMINES your cause.

Take the Fluke issue. There really was a legitimate policy argument there. Should employers have to fund medical treatments they have religious objections to.

Limbaugh turned it into a tawdry thing by calling this girl all sorts of vile names.
Indianapolis is a stupid comparison, considering during the day Chicago's WLS megastaion can be heard all the way to Louisville and they carry Rush.

WLS is trying to get rid of him, too. WLS is now at #25 in the Market. They were almost ready to dump him in March.

Why Rush Limbaugh Is Dragging Down AM Talk Radio
Joe what's going on? That one link they said they were going to get rid of him then they said it was false, I checked WLS web site in may and he was still there, I can't believe Jhonny B, works there now and Steve Dahl came back.
Joe what's going on? That one link they said they were going to he'd rid of him then they said it was false, I checked WLS web sight in may and he was still there, I can't believe Jhonny B, works there now and Steve Dahl came back.

I think that kind of shows where WLS is right now. They are dragging out all these old rejects of radio and probably paying them not all that much.

They fired Roe Cohn, and Roe now has a higher rated show on WGN. They swapped morning hosts with WIND, and now the WIND guy has higher ratings.

I think even Hannity has gotten better ratings since they went to WIND.

But here's the real problem. Right now, Rush only has about 10 adverstisers on WLS, all local.

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