Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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I've been listening to the Maha Rushdie since the early 90's. Tremendous broadcaster, tells it exactly as it is.

Libs have been trying to put him off the air for the entire time.

As far as his cancer, its really impossible to say what his chances are. The exact staging and pathology reports weren't made public. All he said was "advanced" cancer, locally advanced isn't as bad as distant metastases. Ironically, "small" cells have a more negative prognosis than large cells , even though most people would think you'd want your cancer cells to be as small as possible. But you can't tell without a biopsy.

They do a lot of new techniques nowadays in cancer treatments, and people of good will are praying for the best for the great man.

Limbaugh is a tough guy, I'm sure he took it like when James Stewart diagnosed the Duke with advanced lung cancer in the shootist.

Maybe oxycodone will help....
What planet are you on?
Rush constantly spoke about off-shoring and business visas like it was the cat’s meow!
The others I mentioned were bashing the sell-out of Americans.
And Rush’s best line...
Being laid off is actually an opportunity on a silver platter.
Yeah...unless 100,000 people in the same industry are all laid off at the same time.
I doubt you listened to him as much as you claim as you aren't showing an accurate knowledge of his world view.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Actually it isn't. There is nothing mutually exclusive about
i) being offended by what is being directed at Rush.
ii) being interested in the list of political commentators that you find interesting.

Post it, I would be glad to look it over.
You’re not reading my posts, you’re reacting to them.
I’ve already posted them.
<pfffft> i wouldn't have posted it otherwise. i've seen the torture that lung cancer produces & if he makes it he makes it. i won't shed a tear if he doesn't though & only hope that he's remains pain free. that's about as much humanity i can muster for a truly disgusting human being who has created as much emotional torture thru his unending lies as he could for those he disagreed with politically.

so bite me.

Rush never did. So fuck him and fuck you
thats why we dont want leftist in power ...wishing death on people with opposing political views.

That's funny you saying something like that with the many on this forum wishing obama, hiilary , schiff and many other's on the left death. What goes around comes around.
youve never heard me wishing for the death of anyone ! now some on the right might have bloviated about politicians that they dont like but i doubt many would make light or celebrate anyone afflicted with what Rush has ..

Bullshit. All it takes is spending a few minutes to look back on what trump supporters have said. You're so used to the vile and hateful remarks from the right till they don't even register as more than every day conversation.
You’ll find vile remarks from both sides

Yes. Recently, Trump supporters have received some response in kind
He shocked his audience yesterday by announcing that he had advanced lung cancer. It don't look good for El Rushbo but he overcame some tough setbacks in his life.
Classy Tulsi:

"To Rush Limbaugh: I and my family send our love and best wishes to you and your loved ones at this difficult moment in your life. May your hearts and minds be filled with and strengthened by God's love," she wrote.
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.
I have seen people die of cancer and it a horrible experience

limbaugh is a great American who carried the Reagan message till donald trump came along
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

Hopefully thats what happens to you. Afterall, you have said plenty of hateful things and its well documented.
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

The crazy left defended the terrorist general who was killed by the drone strike but no sympathy for a radio talk show host. No surprises here.
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

The crazy left defended the terrorist general who was killed by the drone strike but no sympathy for a radio talk show host. No surprises here.

Trump deserves as much sympathy he has offered to the targets of his obscene attacks over the years.
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

While Limbaug may be a loud mouth narcissistic buffoon, your comment just proves you are even lower on the evolutionary ladder than he is.
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

Thank you.......keep talking, and showing us who the vile ones are....the ones who support gulags and prisons for those you disagree with.........

I prefer asshats like you talking and revealing yourselves..... makes it much easier to convince sane people to keep you out of power....
I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

The crazy left defended the terrorist general who was killed by the drone strike but no sympathy for a radio talk show host. No surprises here.

Trump deserves as much sympathy he has offered to the targets of his obscene attacks over the years.

Hey, shitstain....Trump never attacks first, he only responds to people who attack, however, are less than a shitstain....keep it up......
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I hope his experience is long and slow, with plenty of time to think about all the vile and hateful things he has said.

Thank you.......keep talking, and showing us who the vile ones are....the ones who support gulags and prisons for those you disagree with.........

I prefer asshats like you talking and revealing yourselves..... makes it much easier to convince sane people to keep you out of power....

Always usta listen to Rush on way to work in the 90's.Nice alternative to "Regular" News.
I see the liberals have shown up hoping for a meal... unnamed.jpg
I have until now failed to find evidence for a hell, but after hearing rush has cancer, I kinda hope it does exist.

Quote saved for all of history to review!
Hey Rush, I thought smoking didn't cause cancer? Remember that time when you said that the anti smoking campaign was a liberal plot to control people? How'd that work out:ahole-1:?
CNN’s Reza Aslan responds to the horrific news that Rush Limbaugh was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer by tweeting, “Ask yourself this simple question: is the world a better place or a worse place with Rush Limbaugh in it?”



Tulsi has gotten more support — or at least grudging likes — from the right than her actual politics suggest she should, and there have been explanations ranging from her comparative hotness to her willingness to diss Hillary. But I think it’s also that she’s not constantly displaying the rather icky dehumanizing tropes of America’s anointed class. Instead, she seems like an actual human being who can also see the humanity in others, even those of different political viewpoints.

Perhaps she should run as a Trump party member.

Thank you for confirming what we already know. That Progressives condemn even those in their own party if they show any compassion. You're quite a prize!
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