Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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Because common decency has no place in your Party?

Common decency means you don't throw kids into cages because their parents were trying to get them out of an awful place.

Not feeling bad for a fat hypocrite because he's dying ironically is hardly "common decency". Limbaugh spent years shilling for the Tobacco Industry.... I don't believe in God, but I do believe in Karma.
Free everything given to them by the government is democrats of all colors idea of their “best interests”

Again, you guys have no problem with "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Disability, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits.

It's when the darkies say, "Hey, where's ours" you guys get upset. And Limbaugh was a genius at getting you upset.
Common decency means you don't throw kids into cages because their parents were trying to get them out of an awful place
Your faux outrage falls on deaf ears since you said nothing during the Obama years. They weren't "cages" then, but your language changes depending on which party is in power.
Free everything given to them by the government is democrats of all colors idea of their “best interests”

Again, you guys have no problem with "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Disability, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits.

It's when the darkies say, "Hey, where's ours" you guys get upset. And Limbaugh was a genius at getting you upset.
Social security is a democrat program that existed before I was born

and its a mandatory “contribution” from every workers paycheck

but contrary to what you may have been told, black people get the same benefits as whites

in fact you will be surprised to learn that blacks get all the same government programs that you thought went only to whites
Common decency means you don't throw kids into cages because their parents were trying to get them out of an awful place
Your faux outrage falls on deaf ears since you said nothing during the Obama years. They weren't "cages" then, but your language changes depending on which party is in power.
Its easy for liberals to be genuinely outraged when they are so badly misinformed by their leaders
I listened to Rush from right after 9/11 until Obama’s first day in office.
If you don’t know Rush is a Globalist and the others I mentioned are MAGA, all I can conclude is that prior to Trump winning, you weren’t listening.
Or you own a business and liked what you heard.
I have no idea why you claim that Rush is a "Globalist". What are you basing this on?
What planet are you on?
Rush constantly spoke about off-shoring and business visas like it was the cat’s meow!
The others I mentioned were bashing the sell-out of Americans.
And Rush’s best line...
Being laid off is actually an opportunity on a silver platter.
Yeah...unless 100,000 people in the same industry are all laid off at the same time.
I doubt you listened to him as much as you claim as you aren't showing an accurate knowledge of his world view.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Thoughts & prayers! :boo_hoo14:
This has become the new Don Lemon slogan of the regressive "elites" Thanks for contributing to the next conservative victory
It's a toss up between Rushblow & Lumpy Hannity who has spewed more hate in their careers. Hopefully, Hannity will be next. Think they'll be able to buy their way in?

Hannity will probably get butt cancer. A result of his special relationship with trump.
That’s pretty messed up.

Hannity is pretty messed up.
Hannity has a low IQ.
The commentators I admire run rings around him.
Common decency means you don't throw kids into cages because their parents were trying to get them out of an awful place
Your faux outrage falls on deaf ears since you said nothing during the Obama years. They weren't "cages" then, but your language changes depending on which party is in power.
Its easy for liberals to be genuinely outraged when they are so badly misinformed by their leaders
MSM parrots the talking points and liberals in unison become "outraged" as their leaders command
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Free everything given to them by the government is democrats of all colors idea of their “best interests”

Again, you guys have no problem with "White People Welfare" like Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Disability, Medicare, Veteran's Benefits.

It's when the darkies say, "Hey, where's ours" you guys get upset. And Limbaugh was a genius at getting you upset.
Not welfare moron

Darkies dont get social security?
I am not one to wish ill, especially death, on someone.

But before all the Dittoheads get up in arms about the comments about Rush, answer me one question.

If Hillary announced she had stage 4 cancer, what would Rush say about it?
I have no idea why you claim that Rush is a "Globalist". What are you basing this on?
What planet are you on?
Rush constantly spoke about off-shoring and business visas like it was the cat’s meow!
The others I mentioned were bashing the sell-out of Americans.
And Rush’s best line...
Being laid off is actually an opportunity on a silver platter.
Yeah...unless 100,000 people in the same industry are all laid off at the same time.
I doubt you listened to him as much as you claim as you aren't showing an accurate knowledge of his world view.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
I am not one to wish ill, especially death, on someone.

But before all the Dittoheads get up in arms about the comments about Rush, answer me one question.

If Hillary announced she had stage 4 cancer, what would Rush say about it?
Who knows or cares? This isn't about Clinton.

Hell, it isn't even about Limbaugh anymore.

It is about acceptable hate from the left.

Sorry, wrong video. I removed it.
tRump/our thoughts and prayers are with Rush and his family. May Gawd be with them during difficult times for this GREAT Amerrykin who has never been an advocate of those fake news spreaders !
DRopped Rush of my listening list when he made fun of Chelsea Clinton's looks. Regardless of her family's crimes and what she is now, attacking 11 and 12 year old girls is a no no in my books. Fuck Rush, he had zero character, and was just a sports announcer who got paid well to do talk radio, and didn't particularly care if he was telling the truth or not. He had no real ideology except money, he did nothing at all to contribute to society, just pandered to the GOP establishment like a good little professional suck ass.
DRopped Rush of my listening list when he made fun of Chelsea Clinton's looks. Regardless of her family's crimes, attacking 11 and 12 year old girls is a no non in my books. Fuck Rush, he had zero character, and was just a sports announcer who got paid well to do talk radio, and didn't particularly care if he was telling the truth or not. He had no real ideology except money, he did nothing at all to contribute to society, just pandered to the GOP establishment like a good little professional suck ass.
DRopped Rush of my listening list when he made fun of Chelsea Clinton's looks. Regardless of her family's crimes, attacking 11 and 12 year old girls is a no non in my books. Fuck Rush, he had zero character, and was just a sports announcer who got paid well to do talk radio, and didn't particularly care if he was telling the truth or not. He had no real ideology except money, he did nothing at all to contribute to society, just pandered to the GOP establishment like a good little professional suck ass.

Now you can get back to licking your own ass and stealing bananas from children.
I’ve been told for years that Rush tells me what to think. Even though I’ve only watched his show a hand full of times.

Liberals are nuts of course. The fact of the matter is that whether Mr. Limbaugh beats the Big C or not, some day he will hang up the Golden EIB Microphone. But it really doesn't mean a damn thing about the Conservative Movement, and the desire for freedom, which will live forever.
I’d rather listen to Limbaugh than Hannity any day

Limbaugh does not take himself seriously, even though Conservatives do. Lung cancer is a bitch. Even though he made bad life decisions and would not have much sympathy for others......I still wish him well in his fight

Meh.....he did his thing and did it his way
He had a good run...he's got the money to beat this probably... Not sure if he can make the changes or even wants to.

Rush came up with a persona and conservatives ate it up. It was originally tongue in cheek but the Ditto Heads thought it was real.
Eventually, Rush just played Rush full time.
It was a good act and he played it for 30 years.
Unfortunately, the huge stogie was part of the persona and he has paid the price.
I am not one to wish ill, especially death, on someone.

But before all the Dittoheads get up in arms about the comments about Rush, answer me one question.

If Hillary announced she had stage 4 cancer, what would Rush say about it?

What Difference Does It Make ?
Rush came up with a persona and conservatives ate it up. It was originally tongue in cheek but the Ditto Heads thought it was real.
Eventually, Rush just played Rush full time.
It was a good act and he played it for 30 years.
Unfortunately, the huge stogie was part of the persona and he has paid the price.

Obama came up with a persona and leavers (lefties) ate it up. It was originally tongue in cheek, and only the ignorant took him seriously, but the Lemming Liberal Heads thought his BS was real.
Eventually, Obama just played Obama full time.
It was a good act and he played it for 8 years....unfortunately damaging the entire nation in his wake.
Fortunately, his terms ended and America can recover.
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