Rush Limbaugh Just Announced Advanced Lung Cancer!

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Common decency means you don't throw kids into cages because their parents were trying to get them out of an awful place
Your faux outrage falls on deaf ears since you said nothing during the Obama years. They weren't "cages" then, but your language changes depending on which party is in power.
Democrats flat don't like it when human traffickers get deprived of their cargo. There are buyers for those kids.
I am not one to wish ill, especially death, on someone.

But before all the Dittoheads get up in arms about the comments about Rush, answer me one question.

If Hillary announced she had stage 4 cancer, what would Rush say about it?
I am not “up in arms”

Ditto heads can dish it out but we can take it too

politics is a contact sport and next to trump I know that Rush is highest on lib’s death wish
I didn't know that promoting patriotism, defending national sovereignty, respecting the flag, The Rule of Law, the anthem, our Constitution, Rights Endowed by our Creator, Upholding Traditional American Values & giving God Glory for his talent, could ever be viewed as "tearing America apart"!

Limbaugh was very good at scaring stupid white people into voting against their own economic interest by getting them upset about the above.

Then he laughed all the way back to his Mansion before he flew down to the Dominican Republic to hang with the rent-boys.
What planet are you on?
Rush constantly spoke about off-shoring and business visas like it was the cat’s meow!
The others I mentioned were bashing the sell-out of Americans.
And Rush’s best line...
Being laid off is actually an opportunity on a silver platter.
Yeah...unless 100,000 people in the same industry are all laid off at the same time.
I doubt you listened to him as much as you claim as you aren't showing an accurate knowledge of his world view.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?
I doubt you listened to him as much as you claim as you aren't showing an accurate knowledge of his world view.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?

I agree Hannity just isn't that interesting, and doesn't provide the original analysis that the Maha Rushdie and the Great One, Mark R. Levin provide.
Nonsense. Jibberish.
1. Unintelligible or nonsensical talk or writing.
Again, not legible.
"Unintelligible" to exceptionally dense fuckers like you. Would that your head wasn't filled
with shit and dirt.

used for saying that you wish that something were true, especially when you know that it is impossible. › dictionary › american › would-that
Aren't you wonderful. Keep telling yourself that. About all you have.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?

I agree Hannity just isn't that interesting, and doesn't provide the original analysis that the Maha Rushdie and the Great One, Mark R. Levin provide.
Agree. Mark provides a differing perspective that I do learn from though and enjoy. Clearly though, Rush has to pass the mantle. For reading, one of my favorites is Randy Barnett.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Interesting. What is Hannity's IQ and where did you learn about it?
Hannity is a talking points parrot.
When’s the last time you heard him analyze an issue?

I agree Hannity just isn't that interesting, and doesn't provide the original analysis that the Maha Rushdie and the Great One, Mark R. Levin provide.
Agree. Mark provides a differing perspective that I do learn from though and enjoy. Clearly though, Rush has to pass the mantle. For reading, one of my favorites is Randy Barnett.
No one person can replace Rush Limbaugh

He’s one for the ages
Rush came up with a persona and conservatives ate it up. It was originally tongue in cheek but the Ditto Heads thought it was real.
Eventually, Rush just played Rush full time.
It was a good act and he played it for 30 years.
Unfortunately, the huge stogie was part of the persona and he has paid the price.

Obama came up with a persona and leavers (lefties) ate it up. It was originally tongue in cheek, and only the ignorant took him seriously, but the Lemming Liberal Heads thought his BS was real.
Eventually, Obama just played Obama full time.
It was a good act and he played it for 8 years....unfortunately damaging the entire nation in his wake.
Fortunately, his terms ended and America can recover.

<sob> But......but......
What about OweBama?

The far-left Progressives here sure seem desperate to show their ugliest side.

I wonder how they manage to get through each day filled with so much hate. How can they get out of bed and breathe?
Fuck off. Limbaugh spewed hate. He mocked people that had illnesses. He is a piece of shit & good riddance when he finally croaks.

The far-left Progressives here sure seem desperate to show their ugliest side.

I wonder how they manage to get through each day filled with so much hate. How can they get out of bed and breathe?
Fuck off. Limbaugh spewed hate. He mocked people that had illnesses. He is a piece of shit & good riddance when he finally croaks.

When El Rushbo does pass on and in the arms of Jesus, I'd love to see America honor him with a massive memorial in San Francisco Bay. The federal government owns Alcatraz Island, it would be tremendous if the former prison there was razed and a monumental statue of Limbaugh was built there in the bay as a gift to the state of California for spawning Limbaugh's talk career in Sacramento

The far-left Progressives here sure seem desperate to show their ugliest side.

I wonder how they manage to get through each day filled with so much hate. How can they get out of bed and breathe?
Fuck off. Limbaugh spewed hate. He mocked people that had illnesses. He is a piece of shit & good riddance when he finally croaks.

When El Rushbo does pass on and in the arms of Jesus, I'd love to see America honor him with a massive memorial in San Francisco Bay. The federal government owns Alcatraz Island, it would be tremendous if the former prison there was razed and a monumental statue of Limbaugh was built there in the bay as a gift to the state of California for spawning Limbaugh's talk career in Sacramento
It would be target practice for seagulls.
I have no idea why you claim that Rush is a "Globalist". What are you basing this on?
What planet are you on?
Rush constantly spoke about off-shoring and business visas like it was the cat’s meow!
The others I mentioned were bashing the sell-out of Americans.
And Rush’s best line...
Being laid off is actually an opportunity on a silver platter.
Yeah...unless 100,000 people in the same industry are all laid off at the same time.
I doubt you listened to him as much as you claim as you aren't showing an accurate knowledge of his world view.
I doubt you listen to him at all; his voice provides confronting background white noise.

By the way...
Is Rush a Republican 1st, Conservative 2nd and Entertainer 3rd these days?
That was during GW because GE certainly wasn’t a Conservative.

Of course the very first day Obama was in office Rush became a Conservative 1st and Republican 2nd.

And it’s amazing how no one but me caught that.

Rush is all Entertainer.
Yeah, you seem to have insights into Rush that no one else has, probably because you are much smarter and more observant than everyone else.
The advantage of being politically independent is that I listen to every word.
It’s interesting that you are so offended concerning Rush but not affected at all by the list of Political commentators that I respect.
Actually it isn't. There is nothing mutually exclusive about
i) being offended by what is being directed at Rush.
ii) being interested in the list of political commentators that you find interesting.

Post it, I would be glad to look it over.
CNN’s Reza Aslan responds to the horrific news that Rush Limbaugh was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer by tweeting, “Ask yourself this simple question: is the world a better place or a worse place with Rush Limbaugh in it?”



Tulsi has gotten more support — or at least grudging likes — from the right than her actual politics suggest she should, and there have been explanations ranging from her comparative hotness to her willingness to diss Hillary. But I think it’s also that she’s not constantly displaying the rather icky dehumanizing tropes of America’s anointed class. Instead, she seems like an actual human being who can also see the humanity in others, even those of different political viewpoints.

Perhaps she should run as a Trump party member.
Because common decency has no place in your Party?
They hate us and view us as less that fully human. They cheer the attacks on our rights as human beings.

University refuses to clarify posting policy after claiming conservative group was in violation of it. But what makes this fun is the novel excuse:

“A public university in northern Virginia is refusing to clarify its flyer posting policy following its claims that a campus conservative group was in violation of that policy. The school cited ongoing concerns regarding the coronavirus as the reason it could not comment.”​

A public university can't comment on suppressing the viewpoint of members of their student body that hold political views that differ from the Administration, and they can't comment because of the CORONAVIRUS?!?!

Oh, there needs to be more lawsuits directed at these lying, stuff with taxpayer dollars, clowns!
The libs here (most of tut them anyway) are exactly what they claim to hate in their manufactured "Rush Limbaugh"
The libs here (most of tut them anyway) are exactly what they claim to hate in their manufactured "Rush Limbaugh"
Yup. And they are getting what is coming to them!

GOP the Big Winner After Democrats’ Iowa Caucus Cock-Up.

“With the impeachment circus wrapping up in the worst possible fashion for the Democrats, this wasn’t the kind of publicity they needed. The party elders headed into Monday believing that a likely Bernie Sanders win would have been the worst-case scenario for them. Welcome to Democratic luck in the Trump era, ladies and gentlemen.”​

I haven’t looked forward to a State of the Union Address so much since never.

I need to get rolling so I can catch Rush if he is on!
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