Rush Limbaugh Lies About Impeachment!

"drug dealers should be sent to jail for life" said the narcotics user oxyRush. PLUS he is thrice-divorced(?), and was caught coming back from a sex tourism vacation spot with, you guessed it :up: A scrip for viagra that wasn't in his name :rofl:

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yep , pretty funny . I like EL RUSBO and it seems that he lives rent free in the heads of the libs , dems that hate him .
Rush is right (as usual). Why does the republican party take impeachment off the table when it is a serious issue? Barry Hussein makes tricky Dick Nixon look like a choir boy.
July 30, 2014
RUSH: I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never come out for impeachment

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached. *We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff! *Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done!

July 30, 2014
RUSH:* I have never made a call for impeachment.*

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached. *We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff! *Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done!
Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done. *Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless.

Nixon was never impeached.. :D
whitehall & his predictable posts :yawn:

Don't yawn, argue. The Watergate investigative reporters dug up "evidence" based on unverified breathless stuff by an informant who wasn't identified until forty years later after he died. The dream Watergate team got away with it because everybody hated Nixon and little problems with the truth weren't important. There are a dozen verified scandals and the Hussein administration doesn't even have to worry about them because the mainstream media circled the wagons and the low information left doesn't have to worry about thinking about the issues.
Rush is right (as usual). Why does the republican party take impeachment off the table when it is a serious issue? Barry Hussein makes tricky Dick Nixon look like a choir boy.
June 09, 2014
RUSH: Andy McCarthy, a good friend of mine, has a book out called Faithless Execution. It's about the impeachment of Obama. In fact, wasn't it said by some Democrat -- I forget who -- "If Obama does this again --" after the Bergdahl thing -- or maybe it was some Republican who said it, was it Lindsey Graham? "If he does this again, we're gonna impeach him." Drawing our own red lines. And Andy, in his book, makes the point that we have long ago crossed the legal threshold for impeachment.

It's clear that the legal threshold has been met, but there is no political will to do it. And without that, it is a waste of time, if you don't have the political will. Meaning, if the Republican Party doesn't have the gonads, and if the American people are not desirous of it, then it's just whistling into the wind. It's something irrelevant.
Now, Paul Bedard, writing here at the Washington Examiner: "Despite anger in many quarters of the nation over the president's prisoner swap, Republicans are backing off impeachment threats because they fear it would rally President Obama's Democratic base and kill the GOP's chances to win the Senate. ... A top Republican aide added, 'that is an accurate assessment. The Democrats are divided on so many issues right now there's no reason to give them a reason to rally.'"
I'm looking at the title of this thread and what sub-forum it's in....seems to be about Limbaugh lying about ever supporting President Obama's impeachment.

So...that begs the question....why an off topic rant about the President and his alleged drug use? What does that have to do with the thread topic?
whitehall & his predictable posts :yawn:

Don't yawn, argue. The Watergate investigative reporters dug up "evidence" based on unverified breathless stuff by an informant who wasn't identified until forty years later after he died. The dream Watergate team got away with it because everybody hated Nixon and little problems with the truth weren't important. There are a dozen verified scandals and the Hussein administration doesn't even have to worry about them because the mainstream media circled the wagons and the low information left doesn't have to worry about thinking about the issues.

Nixon was a Victim, right?
(1) Rush has ZERO influence on any politicians or voters. The candidates he has actively supported have invariably lost big. His audience is mainly comprised of people who already agree with him and they listen because he says the things THEY think, but can't say as well. Very, very few people are influenced to change their minds about anything because of what he says on the radio. When "Bo Snerdly" hears from someone who has been influenced (or claims to have been influenced), they go to the head of the line.

(2) Saying that Barry ought to be impeached is not the same as overtly supporting his impeachment. Those who listen to Rush with any regularity know that he sees impeachment as a self-defeating ploy that will never succeed, and will only feed the impression that Congressional Republicans "hate" Barry - probably because he is (sort of) "Black."

(3) Limbaugh's drug addiction was precipitated by years of excruciating back pain, not a desire to "get high." Addiction can strike anyone, and as "Hollywood" constantly reminds us, when you combine addiction with virtually infinite piles of money you get some pretty disgusting behavior patterns (e.g., P. S. Hoffman, may he rest in peace).

(4) No president in recent memory has been as deserving of impeachment as Barry. His abuse of the Constitution make WJC's shenanigans look insignificant by comparison.
Recognizing that obama should be impeached is not telling people to start calling their representatives and demanding he be impeached. We should be demanding he be impeached. If only for his open borders.
July 30, 2014
RUSH: I, El Rushbo, Have Not Called for Obama's Impeachment

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached.

July 30, 2014
RUSH: I have never come out for impeachment

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached. *We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff! *Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done!

July 30, 2014
RUSH:* I have never made a call for impeachment.*

June 24, 2014
RUSH: *I mean, this guy needs to be impeached. *We impeached Nixon for less than this kind of stuff! *Nixon only dreamed about doing what this guy's done!
Nixon only dreamed about doing what Lois Lerner has done. *Nixon only dreamed of using the IRS to damage his political opponents. He never did it, but they wanted to convict him of a thought crime nevertheless.

Lies only bother you when it comes from a conservative. Obama has been lying to you for over six years and you haven't complained once.

It says a lot about you.

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