Rush on FOX News! Awesome! Rush Exposes the Deep State Again!

fncceo, did you watch the interview? Please do so and indicate what he states is incorrect.
He. like most Trumpettes & Trump lie & claim the Democrats want illegal immigration just because they oppose Trump's wall.

THAT is a fucking lie.

OMG not the deep state!
fncceo, did you watch the interview? Please do so and indicate what he states is incorrect.
He. like most Trumpettes & Trump lie & claim the Democrats want illegal immigration just because they oppose Trump's wall.

THAT is a fucking lie.

OMG not the deep state!

The conservative DEEP STATE is trying to expose the liberal DEEP STATE.

During WWII poor adolph hitler had to contend with a "deep state" that tried to assassinate him 16? times.....

All attempts by the DEEP STATE to kill Hitler failed because god protected him!

Look kid....

I've read his books and I have listened to limbaugh since he was first put on radio stations all over the country by roger ailles...

He uses fear, misinformation, lies to accuse his enemies of his own crimes....

and you bought it.

Permanent Ignore asshole!
I think Rush is hilarious. Great to listen to, stuck in American traffic jams.

Sorry...I tried. The venom and racism turned my stomach
There is nothing wrong with racism! Only the politically correct fear racism
I'm not sure I entirely agree with you, but you are close.

See, here's the big lie.

That's sort of like saying, "There's nothing wrong with killing."

Because, after all, don't animals kill each other every day?

The problem here, is, ever since the founding of Marxism and the Frankfort school, the West has done everything it can to convince the world's populations that "racism" is unnatural.

Yet, if you ask any well educated biologist or anthropologist, they will tell you that in-group preferences are biologically programmed. We are brainwashed and propagandized since an early age, that the uneducated, those who are ignorant and naturally racist are the ones that are in the dark, that THEY are the ones that are twisted and unnatural. Well, they are just being themselves, they are only doing what comes naturally. . . .

It is the social conditioned which are in denial, after all, it IS the natural state of any animal in nature, that is, to prefer it's own kind, like groups tend to stick together. This has been proven in peer reviewed study after study, etc.,

Evolution of in-group favoritism

This does NOT mean we, as a species, are not better than this. We can and do rise above our animal natures. It is what makes us civilized.

It is only through facing what is natural, and accepting our very natures though, that we can do better.

This is why we construct moral codes, like the ten commandments or the Bill of Rights.

The ruling elites have a tendency to lie in order to more effectively rule.
TDS folks, please construct an intelligent comment in English or some of you are going on ignore!

Limbaugh is about as funny as Palin, and almost as smart,
If you had an intellect, common sense and a sense of humor, you'd know that Limbaugh is brilliant and hilarious. He exposes you idiots perfectly.

Limbaugh is a lying pig.
Oh, for sure. He's also a big fat poopy pants, huh.

Nope. Ted Nugent is the poopy pants guy.
TDS folks, please construct an intelligent comment in English or some of you are going on ignore!

Limbaugh is about as funny as Palin, and almost as smart,
If you had an intellect, common sense and a sense of humor, you'd know that Limbaugh is brilliant and hilarious. He exposes you idiots perfectly.

Limbaugh is a lying pig.
Oh, for sure. He's also a big fat poopy pants, huh.

Nope. Ted Nugent is the poopy pants guy.
Cat scratch fever
TDS folks, please construct an intelligent comment in English or some of you are going on ignore!

Limbaugh is about as funny as Palin, and almost as smart,
If you had an intellect, common sense and a sense of humor, you'd know that Limbaugh is brilliant and hilarious. He exposes you idiots perfectly.

Limbaugh is a lying pig.
Oh, for sure. He's also a big fat poopy pants, huh.

Nope. Ted Nugent is the poopy pants guy.
Oh, you poor pitiful child. Does that big bad rocker with a bow and arrow scare you?
Limbaugh is about as funny as Palin, and almost as smart,
If you had an intellect, common sense and a sense of humor, you'd know that Limbaugh is brilliant and hilarious. He exposes you idiots perfectly.

Limbaugh is a lying pig.
Oh, for sure. He's also a big fat poopy pants, huh.

Nope. Ted Nugent is the poopy pants guy.
Oh, you poor pitiful child. Does that big bad rocker with a bow and arrow scare you?

You mean that has been child rapist with a load in his pants?
And the righties do not?

We are still trying to figure out who killed those rednecks in Vegas! But we know. Oh we know...

what the hell are you talking about?

are you drunk this early?

You know it was a progressive socialist who blew a gasket again and committed another mass murder don't you? The government does not want people to bring it to the next level.

View attachment 246484
Who killed the rednecks? Come can tell me...

This will be a total shock to your bigoted system, but not just rednecks listen to country music
If you had an intellect, common sense and a sense of humor, you'd know that Limbaugh is brilliant and hilarious. He exposes you idiots perfectly.

Limbaugh is a lying pig.
Oh, for sure. He's also a big fat poopy pants, huh.

Nope. Ted Nugent is the poopy pants guy.
Oh, you poor pitiful child. Does that big bad rocker with a bow and arrow scare you?

You mean that has been child rapist with a load in his pants?
Yeah, he obviously scares the hell out of you.
We are still trying to figure out who killed those rednecks in Vegas! But we know. Oh we know...

what the hell are you talking about?

are you drunk this early?

You know it was a progressive socialist who blew a gasket again and committed another mass murder don't you? The government does not want people to bring it to the next level.

View attachment 246484
Who killed the rednecks? Come can tell me...

This will be a total shock to your bigoted system, but not just rednecks listen to country music
There's country music and then there's country music. That current crap on the radio isn't country.
what the hell are you talking about?

are you drunk this early?

You know it was a progressive socialist who blew a gasket again and committed another mass murder don't you? The government does not want people to bring it to the next level.

View attachment 246484
Who killed the rednecks? Come can tell me...

This will be a total shock to your bigoted system, but not just rednecks listen to country music
There's country music and then there's country music. That current crap on the radio isn't country.

As you know, I have no trouble judging people for things, but the one thing I will never do so on is music. The closest I have ever come to liking country is Jimmy Buffet! :mm:
Ahhh Rush, The "Derp" State and Faux News.

Everything President "ConTheory" needs.

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