Rush on FOX News! Awesome! Rush Exposes the Deep State Again!

TDS folks, please construct an intelligent comment in English or some of you are going on ignore!

Limbaugh is about as funny as Palin, and almost as smart,
If you had an intellect, common sense and a sense of humor, you'd know that Limbaugh is brilliant and hilarious. He exposes you idiots perfectly.

Limbaugh is a lying pig.
Oh, for sure. He's also a big fat poopy pants, huh.
I can't say anything good or bad about Rush, it has been around 25 years since I gave up on his show after 3 or 4 weeks. Just wasn't my cup of tea, not anything political just felt it was for folks too dumb to think for themselves. I can only guess it is for those that like listening to somebody who thinks the same as they do. I just figure if I want that I can talk to myself.

I do miss Paul Harvey. Good day.

Some people are addicted to righteous outrage, Rush is their fix.

There is nothing righteous about Limbaugh, 2 cent is spot on in post #25.

Limbaugh is a classic demagogue, and a charlatan; Ditto Heads of the past have become supporters of Trump and will never look behind the curtain.
Any horror can be cloaked in righteousness and patriotism. Righteous outrage is what used to get people lynched.
I can't say anything good or bad about Rush, it has been around 25 years since I gave up on his show after 3 or 4 weeks. Just wasn't my cup of tea, not anything political just felt it was for folks too dumb to think for themselves. I can only guess it is for those that like listening to somebody who thinks the same as they do. I just figure if I want that I can talk to myself.

I do miss Paul Harvey. Good day.

Some people are addicted to righteous outrage, Rush is their fix.

There is nothing righteous about Limbaugh, 2 cent is spot on in post #25.

Limbaugh is a classic demagogue, and a charlatan; Ditto Heads of the past have become supporters of Trump and will never look behind the curtain.
Says someone who trusts career politicians
and CNN normalizes said behavior.

And FoxNews does not?
oh geezus christ dude. go troll someone else this am. i dont watch any fucking mainstream news cause they all fucking suck almost as much as having to put out a constant disclaimer.

have some coffee and quit whining. it is unbecoming.
right up there with the instant attacks being juvenille.

If only I had attacked you, you might have a point...but alas you are just being a bit overly sensitive today.
maybe. but this YOU FORGOT FOX NEWS! is just kinda the bullshit i thought we were past.
And FoxNews does not?
oh geezus christ dude. go troll someone else this am. i dont watch any fucking mainstream news cause they all fucking suck almost as much as having to put out a constant disclaimer.

have some coffee and quit whining. it is unbecoming.
right up there with the instant attacks being juvenille.

If only I had attacked you, you might have a point...but alas you are just being a bit overly sensitive today.
maybe. but this YOU FORGOT FOX NEWS! is just kinda the bullshit i thought we were past.

I did too...would it not have been more accurate to say that " the media normalizes said behavior." instead of singling out CNN like they are some how worse than any of the rest.
oh geezus christ dude. go troll someone else this am. i dont watch any fucking mainstream news cause they all fucking suck almost as much as having to put out a constant disclaimer.

have some coffee and quit whining. it is unbecoming.
right up there with the instant attacks being juvenille.

If only I had attacked you, you might have a point...but alas you are just being a bit overly sensitive today.
maybe. but this YOU FORGOT FOX NEWS! is just kinda the bullshit i thought we were past.

I did too...would it not have been more accurate to say that " the media normalizes said behavior." instead of singling out CNN like they are some how worse than any of the rest.
maybe. would it not have been better to ask it that way?

if we are going to nitpick each other, lets go.
and leftists just stereotype everything and pretend they never do anything wrong.

And the righties do not?

We are still trying to figure out who killed those rednecks in Vegas! But we know. Oh we know...

what the hell are you talking about?

are you drunk this early?

You know it was a progressive socialist who blew a gasket again and committed another mass murder don't you? The government does not want people to bring it to the next level.

View attachment 246484
Who killed the rednecks? Come can tell me...
And the righties do not?

We are still trying to figure out who killed those rednecks in Vegas! But we know. Oh we know...

what the hell are you talking about?

are you drunk this early?

You know it was a progressive socialist who blew a gasket again and committed another mass murder don't you? The government does not want people to bring it to the next level.

View attachment 246484
Who killed the rednecks? Come can tell me...
an asshole.

no motive was ever actually found if you are referring to vegas.
TDS folks, please construct an intelligent comment in English or some of you are going on ignore!

The Deep State is a myth, a conspiracy meme which lacks the evidence to be called a theory.

High-level civilian federal employees are accountable to nobody...

That's not true. The fact is the deep state is a myth, one established to fool people like you. Civil Service has rules and enforces them. Yes Rustic, even a civil servant can be fired, notwithstanding anything you or your handlers say.
And the righties do not?

We are still trying to figure out who killed those rednecks in Vegas! But we know. Oh we know...

what the hell are you talking about?

are you drunk this early?

You know it was a progressive socialist who blew a gasket again and committed another mass murder don't you? The government does not want people to bring it to the next level.

View attachment 246484
Who killed the rednecks? Come can tell me...

I have no idea who are "the rednecks", who killed them or, generally, what the heck you seek. Clear it up, or I will still see you as a cartoon character.

The conservative DEEP STATE is trying to expose the liberal DEEP STATE.

During WWII poor adolph hitler had to contend with a "deep state" that tried to assassinate him 16? times.....

All attempts by the DEEP STATE to kill Hitler failed because god protected him!

Look kid....

I've read his books and I have listened to limbaugh since he was first put on radio stations all over the country by roger ailles...

He uses fear, misinformation, lies to accuse his enemies of his own crimes....

and you bought it.
TDS folks, please construct an intelligent comment in English or some of you are going on ignore!

The Deep State is a myth, a conspiracy meme which lacks the evidence to be called a theory.

High-level civilian federal employees are accountable to nobody...

That's not true. The fact is the deep state is a myth, one established to fool people like you. Civil Service has rules and enforces them. Yes Rustic, even a civil servant can be fired, notwithstanding anything you or your handlers say.
High-level civilian federal employees are accountable to nobody… fact

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