Rush Reports Zimmerman Arrested again

Luddly Neddite said:
and the records sealed.

Again with the sealed records thing.

What are you talking about, Florida has some of the must open Sunshine Laws in the Country and every aspect of the case was placed in the public domain through discovery.

So what are these "sealed records" you speak of that have a bearing on this case?


If only you had access to the internet, you'd be able to look it up.

Obviously I have access to the internet or you wouldn't be reading my posts. I've followed the case very closely since it went national and there has NEVER been any discovery or reliable news source indication that there are any criminal records for Martin.

speaking of sealed records

i would imagine if somehow zimmerman did have to go through

a civil court

that martins sealed records would now be open

#1 - What sealed records, Martin had no criminal arrests.

#2 - If you mean things like his High School transcripts and disciplinary record, now they wouldn't unless the respondent could show how such information directly related to the events of this night. Just because it's a civil case, there are still rules of evidence that apply and it's not just throw anything you want against the wall and see if anythings sticks.

#3 - In such a case the respondent would have to be very, VERY careful about that because if Zimmerman argued that Martin's history is applicable to the case, then his history would also be applicable. And believe me, Zimmerman would want to keep charges of felony battery on a police officer, testimony bearing terminated for injuring a guest at a party where he was providing security, Zimmerman showing a tendency to lie to the court. In a case of bringing up "history" Zimmerman would look much worse then Martin.


Only convictions would be admissible. Every prior charge has been dropped. They are unsubstantiated complaints, hearsay. The guest at the party would have to testify, the police officer would have to testify. The court is VERY careful to not allow in evidence of prior bad acts unless the defendant opens the door (By saying he would never under any circumstances commit the act in which he is charged). Naturally if the plaintiff opens that door (that Trayvon Martin would never, under any circumstances attack another person), then evidence that he had committed similar acts in the future would be admitted.

Zimmerman didn't lie in court. His wife did, he didn't, he didn't testify either.

What YOU think of in "opening the door" isn't. You can't open the door to what the defendant may have done in the past by claiming the plaintiff did something bad in the past. The door can only be opened by making a claim contrary to what you are saying. Zimmerman's door could only be opened if he said "I would NEVER shoot anyone. I am a peaceful person that has never had a violent confrontation in the past." NOW the door is open.

Huh?? What charges? Martin had never been charged with any crime. Ever.

Unlike Zimmerman, who had been.
school suspensions = criminal record? :rofl: Writing graffitti & making assumptions is all you have? RLY?
#1 - What sealed records, Martin had no criminal arrests.

#2 - If you mean things like his High School transcripts and disciplinary record, now they wouldn't unless the respondent could show how such information directly related to the events of this night. Just because it's a civil case, there are still rules of evidence that apply and it's not just throw anything you want against the wall and see if anythings sticks.

#3 - In such a case the respondent would have to be very, VERY careful about that because if Zimmerman argued that Martin's history is applicable to the case, then his history would also be applicable. And believe me, Zimmerman would want to keep charges of felony battery on a police officer, testimony bearing terminated for injuring a guest at a party where he was providing security, Zimmerman showing a tendency to lie to the court. In a case of bringing up "history" Zimmerman would look much worse then Martin.


What sealed records, Martin had no criminal arrests.

he had plenty of run ins with the law

in fact there is an investigation currently happening

on the cover up not only of martin but other kids

of wrong actions taken by the school dist police

however i meant evidence not allowed at trial

would be open this time around

There sure is an investigation as to school cover up.

How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin's Death | The American Spectator

The February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martion might never have happened if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted an unofficial policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions. Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George Zimmerman.

Both of Trayvon's suspensions during his junior year at Krop High involved crimes that could have led to his prosecution as a juvenile offender. However, Chief Charles Hurley of the Miami-Dade School Police Department (MDSPD) in 2010 had implemented a policy that reduced the number of criiminal reports, manipulating statistics to create the appearance of a reduction in crime within the school system. Less than two weeks before Martin's death, the school system commended Chief Hurley for "decreasing school-related juvenile delinquency by an impressive 60 percent for the last six months of 2011." What was actually happening was that crimes were not being reported as crimes, but instead treated as disciplinary infractions.

In October 2011, after a video surveillance camera caught Martin writing graffiti on a door, MDSPD Office Darryl Dunn searched Martin's backpack, looking for the marker he had used. Officer Dunn found 12 pieces of women's jewelry and a man's watch, along with a flathead screwdriver the officer described as a "burglary tool." The jewelry and watch, which Martin claimed he had gotten from a friend he refused to name, matched a description of items stolen during the October 2011 burglary of a house on 204th Terrace, about a half-mile from the school. However, because of Chief Hurley's policy "to lower the arrest rates," as one MDSPD sergeant said in an internal investigation, the stolen jewerly was instead listed as "found property" and was never reported to Miami-Dade Police who were investigating the burglary. Similarly, in February 2012 when an MDSPD officer caught Martin with a small plastic bag containing marijuana residue, as well as a marijuana pipe, this was not treated as a crime, and instead Martin was suspended from school.

Trayvon Martin was on his way to a being a career criminal.
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Ol' Zimm had his 15 minutes of fame and now will sow now what he reaps from his fame, and scrutiny of his,,, peers.

or he could stop letting his penis do all the thinking.
school suspensions = criminal record? :rofl: Writing graffitti & making assumptions is all you have? RLY?
What sealed records, Martin had no criminal arrests.

he had plenty of run ins with the law

in fact there is an investigation currently happening

on the cover up not only of martin but other kids

of wrong actions taken by the school dist police

however i meant evidence not allowed at trial

would be open this time around

There sure is an investigation as to school cover up.

How a Miami School Crime Cover-Up Policy Led to Trayvon Martin's Death | The American Spectator

The February 2012 shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martion might never have happened if school officials in Miami-Dade County had not instituted an unofficial policy of treating crimes as school disciplinary infractions. Revelations that emerged from an internal affairs investigation explain why Martin was not arrested when caught at school with stolen jewelry in October 2011 or with marijuana in February 2012. Instead, the teenager was suspended from school, the last time just days before he was shot dead by George Zimmerman.

Both of Trayvon's suspensions during his junior year at Krop High involved crimes that could have led to his prosecution as a juvenile offender. However, Chief Charles Hurley of the Miami-Dade School Police Department (MDSPD) in 2010 had implemented a policy that reduced the number of criiminal reports, manipulating statistics to create the appearance of a reduction in crime within the school system. Less than two weeks before Martin's death, the school system commended Chief Hurley for "decreasing school-related juvenile delinquency by an impressive 60 percent for the last six months of 2011." What was actually happening was that crimes were not being reported as crimes, but instead treated as disciplinary infractions.

In October 2011, after a video surveillance camera caught Martin writing graffiti on a door, MDSPD Office Darryl Dunn searched Martin's backpack, looking for the marker he had used. Officer Dunn found 12 pieces of women's jewelry and a man's watch, along with a flathead screwdriver the officer described as a "burglary tool." The jewelry and watch, which Martin claimed he had gotten from a friend he refused to name, matched a description of items stolen during the October 2011 burglary of a house on 204th Terrace, about a half-mile from the school. However, because of Chief Hurley's policy "to lower the arrest rates," as one MDSPD sergeant said in an internal investigation, the stolen jewerly was instead listed as "found property" and was never reported to Miami-Dade Police who were investigating the burglary. Similarly, in February 2012 when an MDSPD officer caught Martin with a small plastic bag containing marijuana residue, as well as a marijuana pipe, this was not treated as a crime, and instead Martin was suspended from school.

Trayvon Martin was on his way to a being a career criminal.

Ya gotta love this lunacy ... someone who had never been charged with a crime was someone on their way to being a "career criminal." :cuckoo:
Can we all agree that Zimmerman is an idiot?
Yeah, and Martin was a thug. I'd rather deal with an idiot than a thug.

Me? I'd rather deal with a thug than an idiot. Want to know why? Because even though thugs like to do illegal acts (some that are violent), they at least have a set of rules that they have to comply with, or face punishment from their fellow thugs for breaking the rules.

Idiots have no rules, and are therefore very unpredictable.

I hope that Zimmerman receives all the Karma he's put out into the world back by at least 10 fold. looks like it's already happening.

I hope he's locked up and realizes what he is doing is wrong before he kills another innocent.

Zimmerman should not be allowed a CCL, nor should he be allowed to own a firearm, he's proven himself to be incapable of either, because he thinks with his little finger (meaning his trigger finger) before he thinks with his brain (which I doubt he has).

Next time he pulls a gun on someone? I hope they have one to pull on him to defend themselves, even if it means that he's got to be shot and end up in the hospital (or worse) so that he can no longer hurt another person.

Zimmerman is a rabid dog, and should be locked up or put down.
And yet, the idiot is the one who took a life. The "thug" died without ever having been charged with thugary.
Al Capone died without ever having been charged with anything but tax evasion.
And Trayvon died with a hollow point bullet to his chest by a overzealous violent creep.

And that is how you justify Zimmerman's guilt? Gee, who was getting their head pounded into the ground exactly? Who was being the violent creep? Who testified in court that they saw Martin on top? What was the verdict?

Please. Sarah G knows all about what happened when she made those types of unbased assertions.
Al Capone died without ever having been charged with anything but tax evasion.
And Trayvon died with a hollow point bullet to his chest by a overzealous violent creep.

And that is how you justify Zimmerman's guilt? Gee, who was getting their head pounded into the ground exactly? Who was being the violent creep? Who testified in court that they saw Martin on top? What was the verdict?

Please. Sarah G knows all about what happened when she made those types of unbased assertions.

An all-white jury gives a white guy a pass on killing a black child, and you think this is justice?


Damn, where have we heard that one before?
And Trayvon died with a hollow point bullet to his chest by a overzealous violent creep.

And that is how you justify Zimmerman's guilt? Gee, who was getting their head pounded into the ground exactly? Who was being the violent creep? Who testified in court that they saw Martin on top? What was the verdict?

Please. Sarah G knows all about what happened when she made those types of unbased assertions.

An all-white jury gives a white guy a pass on killing a black child, and you think this is justice?

Damn, where have we heard that one before?

White people can't be trusted?
And that is how you justify Zimmerman's guilt? Gee, who was getting their head pounded into the ground exactly? Who was being the violent creep? Who testified in court that they saw Martin on top? What was the verdict?

Please. Sarah G knows all about what happened when she made those types of unbased assertions.

An all-white jury gives a white guy a pass on killing a black child, and you think this is justice?

Damn, where have we heard that one before?

White people can't be trusted?

Apparently not, when they have a case of a dead child and the guy who shot him with a smoking gun in his hand and a long history of violent behavior, and they think, "Derpa-derp, must have been self-defense!"
An all-white jury gives a white guy a pass on killing a black child, and you think this is justice?

Damn, where have we heard that one before?

White people can't be trusted?

Apparently not, when they have a case of a dead child and the guy who shot him with a smoking gun in his hand and a long history of violent behavior, and they think, "Derpa-derp, must have been self-defense!"

There was a trial - the verdict was NOT GUILTY.

Guess you know better though, based on your erroneous equation of someone shot = murder?

Not trying to give Zimmerman a re-trial, here. Good luck - maybe you can get an all black jury to convict him. (thumbs up)

You know ... like they convicted OJ ... .

There was a trial - the verdict was NOT GUILTY.

Guess you know better though, based on your erroneous equation of someone shot = murder?

Not trying to give Zimmerman a re-trial, here. Good luck - maybe you can get an all black jury to convict him. (thumbs up)

You know ... like they convicted OJ ... .

OJ is in jail. I'm sure Zimmerman will be joining him soon enough.

Yeah, someone who is unarmed, going out to buy snacks, who is stalked cornered and shot by a trigger happy guy who lies to the police when questioned, I usually think, "Yeah, Murder".

Of course, the cops didn't want to admit they screwed up, the ME did a half-ass autopsy, and the jurors are dumber than rocks, I got exactly the kind of verdict I've come to expect out of Florida. The kind that acquits Casey Anthony of murdering her child.

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