Rush Reports Zimmerman Arrested again


There was a trial - the verdict was NOT GUILTY.

Guess you know better though, based on your erroneous equation of someone shot = murder?

Not trying to give Zimmerman a re-trial, here. Good luck - maybe you can get an all black jury to convict him. (thumbs up)

You know ... like they convicted OJ ... .

OJ is in jail. I'm sure Zimmerman will be joining him soon enough.

Yeah, someone who is unarmed, going out to buy snacks, who is stalked cornered and shot by a trigger happy guy who lies to the police when questioned, I usually think, "Yeah, Murder".

Of course, the cops didn't want to admit they screwed up, the ME did a half-ass autopsy, and the jurors are dumber than rocks, I got exactly the kind of verdict I've come to expect out of Florida. The kind that acquits Casey Anthony of murdering her child.

OJ is in jail because of murder? I missed that. I mean, everyone knows he did kill Nichole, so how did he beat the rap? Oh, the old "Mark Furman was a racist" defence.

Got it.
Al Capone died without ever having been charged with anything but tax evasion.
And Trayvon died with a hollow point bullet to his chest by a overzealous violent creep.

And that is how you justify Zimmerman's guilt? Gee, who was getting their head pounded into the ground exactly? Who was being the violent creep? Who testified in court that they saw Martin on top? What was the verdict?

Please. Sarah G knows all about what happened when she made those types of unbased assertions.

Interestingly enough, there were ZERO witnesses who said they saw Trayvon Martin pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground. The only "witness" we have is Zimmerman himself (and he could have been lying).

As far as the violent creep? I'd have to say Zimmerman was, and still is, as he's proven it on a couple of occasions since Trayvon Martin was shot.

Who testified that they saw Trayvon Martin on top? About the same amount of witnesses who said they saw him pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground, which is to say, ZERO.

Granted, the verdict was not guilty, but I'm wondering how many times he's going to be able to pull off that magic trick. Sorry, but Martin was the first time that the nation was shown what a dirtbag Zimmerman was, his ex-wife was the second, and now his girlfriend is the third.

Once is happenstance, twice is circumstance, third time is overt enemy action.

Zimmerman needs to have his CCL revoked and no longer be allowed a firearm. He's obviously shown that he has a violent streak and cannot control his actions.
Interestingly enough, there were ZERO witnesses who said they saw Trayvon Martin pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground. The only "witness" we have is Zimmerman himself (and he could have been lying).

As far as the violent creep? I'd have to say Zimmerman was, and still is, as he's proven it on a couple of occasions since Trayvon Martin was shot.

Who testified that they saw Trayvon Martin on top? About the same amount of witnesses who said they saw him pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground, which is to say, ZERO.

Granted, the verdict was not guilty, but I'm wondering how many times he's going to be able to pull off that magic trick. Sorry, but Martin was the first time that the nation was shown what a dirtbag Zimmerman was, his ex-wife was the second, and now his girlfriend is the third.

Once is happenstance, twice is circumstance, third time is overt enemy action.

Zimmerman needs to have his CCL revoked and no longer be allowed a firearm. He's obviously shown that he has a violent streak and cannot control his actions.

When this story first broke, I was firmly in Martin's camp. What changed my mind was actually listening to Zimmerman talk and and hearing the witness WHO SAW MARTIN on top of Zimmerman. There was an honesty in both of their tones.

[ame=]Witness Says Trayvon Was On Top of Zimmerman Beating Him - YouTube[/ame]

I don't care if he gets arrested 10 times - if he's guilty, CONVICT HIM! If he isn't, don't tell me that being accused of something more than once means guilt - Barack Obama??? How many times was he accused of being a Kenyan?

There was a trial - the verdict was NOT GUILTY.

Guess you know better though, based on your erroneous equation of someone shot = murder?

Not trying to give Zimmerman a re-trial, here. Good luck - maybe you can get an all black jury to convict him. (thumbs up)

You know ... like they convicted OJ ... .

OJ is in jail. I'm sure Zimmerman will be joining him soon enough.

Yeah, someone who is unarmed, going out to buy snacks, who is stalked cornered and shot by a trigger happy guy who lies to the police when questioned, I usually think, "Yeah, Murder".

Of course, the cops didn't want to admit they screwed up, the ME did a half-ass autopsy, and the jurors are dumber than rocks, I got exactly the kind of verdict I've come to expect out of Florida. The kind that acquits Casey Anthony of murdering her child.

OJ is in jail because of murder? I missed that. I mean, everyone knows he did kill Nichole, so how did he beat the rap? Oh, the old "Mark Furman was a racist" defence.

Got it.

Everyone doesn't know that he killed, the drug addict with seedy friends and even seedier acquaintances, Nicole.
OJ is in jail. I'm sure Zimmerman will be joining him soon enough.

Yeah, someone who is unarmed, going out to buy snacks, who is stalked cornered and shot by a trigger happy guy who lies to the police when questioned, I usually think, "Yeah, Murder".

Of course, the cops didn't want to admit they screwed up, the ME did a half-ass autopsy, and the jurors are dumber than rocks, I got exactly the kind of verdict I've come to expect out of Florida. The kind that acquits Casey Anthony of murdering her child.

OJ is in jail because of murder? I missed that. I mean, everyone knows he did kill Nichole, so how did he beat the rap? Oh, the old "Mark Furman was a racist" defence.

Got it.

Everyone doesn't know that he killed, the drug addict with seedy friends and even seedier acquaintances, Nicole.
Now that's funny!
You said he wasn't guilty for the death of Martin, that is incorrect. Everyone knows he was responsible for the death.

The Jury said he didn't commit a crime, that is something different.


He's not guilty according to the law.


Yes I did.

He did indeed kill the young thug but it was justifiable.

I'm confused, that's what I said (well except for the "thug" part, there is no evidence that Martin was doing anything wrong except for the word of the survivor). Yes he killed Martin. That is not in dispute.

And as I said "He was 'Not Guilty. for the crime of murder,..."

Does all that spinning make you dizzy?

No sure what you mean. What am I "spinning"? Are any of my statements false?

Did Zimmerman kill Martin = Yes.

Was Zimmerman not guilty of Murder = Yes.

Does being found not guilty of Murder mean Zimmerman didn't kill Martin = No​


I agree that just because the jury "did not find enough justification to find someone guilty"
does NOT make them innocent, does NOT make it justifiable homicide, does NOT mean that person didn't mess up.

It just means they didn't meet the legal criteria.

I personally would have tried to argue for "negligence" or "involuntary manslaughter"

When everyone was pushing for "murder charges" to make a political statement, they may have hurt their own cause.

I still would like to verify if it was true that Trayvon Martin was not attacked near the unit he was heading within 4 minutes of it; but was found on the other side of the complex and if it was true he was not chased there but jumped there because he was fighting or following Zimmerman.

Otherwise, if Zimmerman did start the confrontation, that part could have been his negligence, separate from the act of killing.

It seems pretty mutual to me, and the difference is Trayvon got the death penalty and Zimmerman is getting punished for life.
Interestingly enough, there were ZERO witnesses who said they saw Trayvon Martin pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground. The only "witness" we have is Zimmerman himself (and he could have been lying).

As far as the violent creep? I'd have to say Zimmerman was, and still is, as he's proven it on a couple of occasions since Trayvon Martin was shot.

Who testified that they saw Trayvon Martin on top? About the same amount of witnesses who said they saw him pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground, which is to say, ZERO.

Granted, the verdict was not guilty, but I'm wondering how many times he's going to be able to pull off that magic trick. Sorry, but Martin was the first time that the nation was shown what a dirtbag Zimmerman was, his ex-wife was the second, and now his girlfriend is the third.

Once is happenstance, twice is circumstance, third time is overt enemy action.

Zimmerman needs to have his CCL revoked and no longer be allowed a firearm. He's obviously shown that he has a violent streak and cannot control his actions.

When this story first broke, I was firmly in Martin's camp. What changed my mind was actually listening to Zimmerman talk and and hearing the witness WHO SAW MARTIN on top of Zimmerman. There was an honesty in both of their tones.

[ame=]Witness Says Trayvon Was On Top of Zimmerman Beating Him - YouTube[/ame]

I don't care if he gets arrested 10 times - if he's guilty, CONVICT HIM! If he isn't, don't tell me that being accused of something more than once means guilt - Barack Obama??? How many times was he accused of being a Kenyan?

I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place? OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.
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OJ is in jail. I'm sure Zimmerman will be joining him soon enough.

Yeah, someone who is unarmed, going out to buy snacks, who is stalked cornered and shot by a trigger happy guy who lies to the police when questioned, I usually think, "Yeah, Murder".

Of course, the cops didn't want to admit they screwed up, the ME did a half-ass autopsy, and the jurors are dumber than rocks, I got exactly the kind of verdict I've come to expect out of Florida. The kind that acquits Casey Anthony of murdering her child.

OJ is in jail because of murder? I missed that. I mean, everyone knows he did kill Nichole, so how did he beat the rap? Oh, the old "Mark Furman was a racist" defence.

Got it.

Everyone doesn't know that he killed, the drug addict with seedy friends and even seedier acquaintances, Nicole.

Anyone that spent the time watching the Trial has no doubt that the prosecution had no case. They fabricated evidence and got caught. They lied and got caught. They allowed the case to rest on the word of a racist that had a personal grudge against OJ.
....why was this such a huge story in the first place?
I don't think it has anything to do with the nefarious implications you put forth.

I think it's because it picked at a scab on our collective body.

an inner-core of much unspoken, felt, difficult to express precisely ...about how we internally view race, guns, gun laws, overzealous watchmen (we've all known them), our historical sense of justice (from whatever individual perspectives we've come to see it applied), the touchstone of youth and potential aggression, what "suspicious" means, the "who you know" factor, media-manipulation (on both sides), our political affiliations -- so much more, to meld into the drama of a story media was eager to feed, its genesis in the initial screams we all heard, a moment of death shared.

And they did so, because they heard the picking, the picking fed the narrative, and a perfect symbiosis formed.
I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.
I don't really think you believe what you are saying. In today's climate, if Obama had done anything like that, there would be somebody ready to provide the background information to prove it. That's just silly to think that Obama actually has time to go to such lengths to promote something that Republicans started to begin with.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place?
That is such an easy thing to figure out, I can't understand that you didn't get it. It was such a huge story because the victim was black and the perpetrator was white, and it was swept under the rug by the Sanford Police. Stories like that always make the news, it doesn't matter if you reverse the races.

OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?
It's the sign of the times. OJ was how many years ago? Now we have people with cell phones that can take pictures/videos, we have Facebook where people make racial comments that everyone can see and incense others, we have Twitter, where news travels much faster and spreads quicker, not to mention the election of a black President that has increased racial bias.

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.
That is truly an insensitive thing to say. Obama would "figuratively kill" to get another George Zimmerman type story? Obama will be vindicated in spite of the many lies and erroneous stories being created by the right, and he doesn't need to initiate sensationalism to divert national attention, the right wing will make sure to expand and twist everything he says and does in order to give the impression that he is bad. Fortunately, truth always wins out, and when the facts are provided, Americans are able to figure out for themselves who the bad guys truly are.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.
Unfortunately he isn't going away. The fact that he became a political issue, and giving his propensity to commit crimes, he will be in the news every time he steps out of bounds.
I don't think he'll stay out of trouble, we've already been able to get a glimpse of his true persona, and he is trouble with a capital "T". But, just like OJ, he will find himself in a situation where the courts will not cater to him and we won't have to hear about him as often.

Everyone doesn't know that he killed, the drug addict with seedy friends and even seedier acquaintances, Nicole.


I get it ... OJ was innocent?

Left-wing equivalent of birther nut.

(Two thumbs up!)
That's so funny. OJ was found not guilty, but you seem to imply that everyone knows he was not innocent.

Zimmerman killed Martin, everyone knows he did, was found innocent, and you and others agree that he is innocent.

How are you able to determine that OJ is not innocent, but Zimmerman is?

Is that a right-wing extension of birther nut?

There was a trial - the verdict was NOT GUILTY.

Guess you know better though, based on your erroneous equation of someone shot = murder?

Not trying to give Zimmerman a re-trial, here. Good luck - maybe you can get an all black jury to convict him. (thumbs up)

You know ... like they convicted OJ ... .

OJ is in jail. I'm sure Zimmerman will be joining him soon enough.

Yeah, someone who is unarmed, going out to buy snacks, who is stalked cornered and shot by a trigger happy guy who lies to the police when questioned, I usually think, "Yeah, Murder".

Of course, the cops didn't want to admit they screwed up, the ME did a half-ass autopsy, and the jurors are dumber than rocks, I got exactly the kind of verdict I've come to expect out of Florida. The kind that acquits Casey Anthony of murdering her child.

OJ is in jail because of murder? I missed that. I mean, everyone knows he did kill Nichole, so how did he beat the rap? Oh, the old "Mark Furman was a racist" defence.

Got it.

I think OJ was cashed up enough to pay for the best Lawyers.......often a jurist is confused and easily swayed in the hot-bed of a trial,and more often than not...IGNORANT OF THE LAW. Both these individuals were in my opinion GUILY of Murder.steve
Interestingly enough, there were ZERO witnesses who said they saw Trayvon Martin pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground. The only "witness" we have is Zimmerman himself (and he could have been lying).

As far as the violent creep? I'd have to say Zimmerman was, and still is, as he's proven it on a couple of occasions since Trayvon Martin was shot.

Who testified that they saw Trayvon Martin on top? About the same amount of witnesses who said they saw him pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground, which is to say, ZERO.

Granted, the verdict was not guilty, but I'm wondering how many times he's going to be able to pull off that magic trick. Sorry, but Martin was the first time that the nation was shown what a dirtbag Zimmerman was, his ex-wife was the second, and now his girlfriend is the third.

Once is happenstance, twice is circumstance, third time is overt enemy action.

Zimmerman needs to have his CCL revoked and no longer be allowed a firearm. He's obviously shown that he has a violent streak and cannot control his actions.

When this story first broke, I was firmly in Martin's camp. What changed my mind was actually listening to Zimmerman talk and and hearing the witness WHO SAW MARTIN on top of Zimmerman. There was an honesty in both of their tones.

[ame=]Witness Says Trayvon Was On Top of Zimmerman Beating Him - YouTube[/ame]

I don't care if he gets arrested 10 times - if he's guilty, CONVICT HIM! If he isn't, don't tell me that being accused of something more than once means guilt - Barack Obama??? How many times was he accused of being a Kenyan?

I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place? OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.

You are a speculatng nutjob. This has nothing to do with obama. Bottom feeders like you should be ignored.
When this story first broke, I was firmly in Martin's camp. What changed my mind was actually listening to Zimmerman talk and and hearing the witness WHO SAW MARTIN on top of Zimmerman. There was an honesty in both of their tones.

Witness Says Trayvon Was On Top of Zimmerman Beating Him - YouTube

I don't care if he gets arrested 10 times - if he's guilty, CONVICT HIM! If he isn't, don't tell me that being accused of something more than once means guilt - Barack Obama??? How many times was he accused of being a Kenyan?

I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place? OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.

You are a speculatng nutjob. This has nothing to do with obama. Bottom feeders like you should be ignored.

Well I don't agree with Foxy on this one BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO INSULTING TO THE Lady..........and what the hell is "speculatng" drone
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Interestingly enough, there were ZERO witnesses who said they saw Trayvon Martin pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground. The only "witness" we have is Zimmerman himself (and he could have been lying).

As far as the violent creep? I'd have to say Zimmerman was, and still is, as he's proven it on a couple of occasions since Trayvon Martin was shot.

Who testified that they saw Trayvon Martin on top? About the same amount of witnesses who said they saw him pounding Zimmerman's head into the ground, which is to say, ZERO.

Granted, the verdict was not guilty, but I'm wondering how many times he's going to be able to pull off that magic trick. Sorry, but Martin was the first time that the nation was shown what a dirtbag Zimmerman was, his ex-wife was the second, and now his girlfriend is the third.

Once is happenstance, twice is circumstance, third time is overt enemy action.

Zimmerman needs to have his CCL revoked and no longer be allowed a firearm. He's obviously shown that he has a violent streak and cannot control his actions.

When this story first broke, I was firmly in Martin's camp. What changed my mind was actually listening to Zimmerman talk and and hearing the witness WHO SAW MARTIN on top of Zimmerman. There was an honesty in both of their tones.

[ame=]Witness Says Trayvon Was On Top of Zimmerman Beating Him - YouTube[/ame]

I don't care if he gets arrested 10 times - if he's guilty, CONVICT HIM! If he isn't, don't tell me that being accused of something more than once means guilt - Barack Obama??? How many times was he accused of being a Kenyan?

I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place? OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.

Paranoid, partisan nonsense.

That most on the right don’t understand the issue is part of the problem.

Zimmerman is about the simmering resentment felt by many white conservatives concerning racism they neither see nor practice, but are told exists nonetheless; and as a consequence they refuse to enter into a good faith dialogue with African-Americans with regard to race and how young black men are perceived by white conservatives.

The proof of this can be seen in the right’s effort to demonize Martin and other young black men.

And the right’s bizarre and ignorant obsession with regard to ‘knock out’ on this very forum is further proof, where conservatives seek to contrive the lie that this is somehow ‘representative’ of African-American culture.
When this story first broke, I was firmly in Martin's camp. What changed my mind was actually listening to Zimmerman talk and and hearing the witness WHO SAW MARTIN on top of Zimmerman. There was an honesty in both of their tones.

Witness Says Trayvon Was On Top of Zimmerman Beating Him - YouTube

I don't care if he gets arrested 10 times - if he's guilty, CONVICT HIM! If he isn't, don't tell me that being accused of something more than once means guilt - Barack Obama??? How many times was he accused of being a Kenyan?

I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place? OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.

Paranoid, partisan nonsense.

That most on the right don’t understand the issue is part of the problem.

Zimmerman is about the simmering resentment felt by many white conservatives concerning racism they neither see nor practice, but are told exists nonetheless; and as a consequence they refuse to enter into a good faith dialogue with African-Americans with regard to race and how young black men are perceived by white conservatives.

The proof of this can be seen in the right’s effort to demonize Martin and other young black men.

And the right’s bizarre and ignorant obsession with regard to ‘knock out’ on this very forum is further proof, where conservatives seek to contrive the lie that this is somehow ‘representative’ of African-American culture.

Martin should not have put his hands on anyone, and in particular - a man with a gun.

Sorry, but African-American culture needs to take a long look in the mirror.
I sometimes wonder if Barack Obama didn't PROMOTE that Kenyan story just to keep folks who were defending him focused on that and off the truly questionable things in his background and history.

And given all the domestic violence in this country and given that George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin were absolutely nobody to anybody except those who knew them personally, why was this such a huge story in the first place? OJ you can understand--he was beloved both as an amazing sports figure and then as a movie star. Everybody knew who he was. But why is George Zimmerman such an internationally known figure and EVERYTHING he does is instant front page news?

Is that orchestrated and planned too? To get more troublesome news bumped into inside pages? To divert the national conversation? These incidents sure seem to keep cropping up just when the press for the present Administration is the worst. I am guessing Barack Obama would figuratively kill to get another George Zimmerman type story going to divert the national attention right now.

I know I for one am sick of hearing about George Zimmerman. I just don't think he is important enough to merit all the attention.

You are a speculatng nutjob. This has nothing to do with obama. Bottom feeders like you should be ignored.

Well I don't agree with Foxy on this one BUT WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO INSULTING TO THE Lady..........and what he hell is "speculatng" drone

Thanks but I'm pretty used to it by now. :) You'll note what got them all riled up was a string of questions, not definitive statements. There wasn't anything there to disagree with, but some get angry if even the question is asked. I did make a definitive statement that Obama and company would give almost anything to get Obamacare off the front pages right now, and another George Zimmerman type incident would do that. I really do believe that.

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