Rush says Democrats see their opposition to Trump as a battle between good and evil, and if you support Trump, you are evil

If they had any idea just how evil I was, they wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

If both sides think it's a battle of good v. evil, who's right?

I look at abortion, and wonder how anybody can claim to be fighting for good when they advocate the killing of unborn children.

The only theory I can come up with is a flawed psyche that causes some sort of detachment of the mind from reality.
This would explain why so many Trump voters aren't showing up in the opinion polls. Who wants people to think you're evil?
This would explain why so many Trump voters aren't showing up in the opinion polls. Who wants people to think you're evil?
You've got it bass ackwards.

To Democrats

Bad = Good
Hot = Cool
2 +2 = 4 = racist math.
The S.S. guards in the Nazi death camps formed a camaraderie of sorts based on their shared experiences doing horrible things to the prisoners. Being a Democrat in today's climate is something like that.
I listened to a talk radio show and the host replayed someone on a MSM show ranting that Trump has committed 220,000 murders and should get the death penalty on each. It was so damn crazy I had to turn it off to preserve my own sanity.
This would explain why so many Trump voters aren't showing up in the opinion polls. Who wants people to think you're evil?

Well, the average dem thinks the world would be perfect...IF only dems ran everything.

This was taken from a dem run forum.


"Say every single state, city, suburb, town, and every square inch of America were completely Democrat, what do you think it would like? We'd live in a utopia or a society where there is no class system, where everyone was equal, where we would all have full available access to whatever healthcare we needed, where there is never any need for war, where just all love and care for each other."

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