Rush says he is ashamed of the US...

Where did he say he was ashamed of the USA?

"I can't help but think that we are all being played for a bunch of fools, a bunch of suckers on this sequester business," he said. "Do you really think 800,000 people are [going to] lose their jobs in the Pentagon because we cut $22 billion? Do you really think air traffic control's [going to] shut down? Do you really think there aren't [going to] be any meat inspectors? Do you really think that all of these horror stories are going to happen? I don't."

"Ladies and gentleman, for the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country. To be watching all of this, to be treated like this, to have our common sense and intelligence insulted the way it's been insulted? It just makes me ashamed."

"It" is the way "this sequester business" results are being fear-mongered by BOTH Parties that control the government of [his] country.

Once again, your failure to report anything in context is astonishing.
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Where did he say he was ashamed of the USA?

"I can't help but think that we are all being played for a bunch of fools, a bunch of suckers on this sequester business," he said. "Do you really think 800,000 people are [going to] lose their jobs in the Pentagon because we cut $22 billion? Do you really think air traffic control's [going to] shut down? Do you really think there aren't [going to] be any meat inspectors? Do you really think that all of these horror stories are going to happen? I don't."

"Ladies and gentleman, for the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country. To be watching all of this, to be treated like this, to have our common sense and intelligence insulted the way it's been insulted? It just makes me ashamed."

"It" is the way "this sequester business" results are being fear-mongered by BOTH Parties that control the government of [his] country.

Once again, your failure to report anything in context is astonishing.

So what does "I'm ashamed of my country." mean? Or maybe he is talking about a South American country. You know, one of countries that he visits to pick up presciption drugs, extra viagra, or little boys.
I have read what he said, without the editing done by the Left Wing Media.

I have to say, I understand where he is coming from.

The Low Information Voter. The ADHD American. The person who can't or won't go beyond the thirty second spot between the laugh track on Comedy Central, where more than 50% of those under the age of 30 gets the bulk of their political news.

And then there are those who simply read the headlines and maybe the first paragraph of a story on-line.

They swallow the MSM bullshit hook, line and sinker.
An obese junkie flaps yap on the radio, and the wingnuts act as if God has spoken.

Why do people take the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of this world seriously and I mean both the right and left? I don't believe they believe many of the things they say and are saying outrageous things to appeal to their few loyal followers and get publicity while doing it. I consider them people who do what they do for effect and don't take them seriously. I don't consider either of them or people like that worthy of much of my attention. I would rather spend my time watching The Flim-Flam Man again to amuse myself with how gullible people can be and see a great performance to boot.


Why do people take the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of this world seriously and I mean both the right and left? I don't believe they believe many of the things they say and are saying outrageous things to appeal to their few loyal followers and get publicity while doing it. I consider them people who do what they do for effect and don't take them seriously. I don't consider either of them or people like that worthy of much of my attention. I would rather spend my time watching The Flim-Flam Man again to amuse myself with how gullible people can be and see a great performance to boot.

Glenn Beck is not even a republican. You libtards just hate him because he is CORRECT!!!

Why do people take the Rush Limbaughs and Glenn Becks of this world seriously and I mean both the right and left? I don't believe they believe many of the things they say and are saying outrageous things to appeal to their few loyal followers and get publicity while doing it. I consider them people who do what they do for effect and don't take them seriously. I don't consider either of them or people like that worthy of much of my attention. I would rather spend my time watching The Flim-Flam Man again to amuse myself with how gullible people can be and see a great performance to boot.

Glenn Beck is not even a republican. You libtards just hate him because he is CORRECT!!!

You're batshit crazy if you fall for that con job from a Flim-Flam man. Remember the runes at Rockefeller Center, because we all know Rockefeller wasn't a Robber Baron, right?
Limbaugh can say what he wants. Doesn't live off the government dole

With all those fools, who needs to live off the government dole.

Here are your stats on the government dole. In fiscal year 2010, which began Oct 1, 2009 or the first quarter after the economy posted a positive GDP and we were still officially in the Great Recession, our government spent:

$19,868,098,000 for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and

$2,035,077,000 for Social Services Block Grants

Source: Table #1, page 8:

The federal government spent a total of $21.9 billion on welfare for fiscal year 2010. You will notice the table also has the data for each state, so you can use the population data to determine which state is getting more welfare on a per capita basis. Those are the stats during a period when more people should have been on welfare, because some could hold out until the end of the Great Recession.

If you buy into the government dole nonsense, you're a victim of the Flim-Flam Man.
An obese junkie flaps yap on the radio, and the wingnuts act as if God has spoken.
Much like the illegal alien socialist in the WH, he talks you guys swallow.

Except the first one is an oxycodone-addicted radio host who is a drop-out from Southeast Missouri State University and is on his fourth wife. And the second one is the POTUS, with degrees from Columbia and Harvard and just one wife, who graduated from Princeton. Makes it sort of easy as to who has the most cred.
I pretty much got the message during the lengthy past political campaign.

Ann Coulter said, 'If you don't understand the issues you are too stupid to vote.'

I could never fully understand the issues and the platform of either side.

I gave it my best shot.

We have some very complex problems and I am still not certain what I think the better answers may be.

I am an occasional listener--sometimes agree with 'some' of his points and sometimes his intensity is too much for me.

I try to gather information from a variety of sources. fwiw

I am eternally grateful if I ever find anyone who can offer ideas/opinions in a rational manner.
Has anyone else noticed most if not all the Limbaugh threads here are started by lefties? Says a lot about who really listens to and pays more attention to Limbaugh.

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