Russia and the US - pretty much the same place

So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.

The US is Britain's puppet.

It is Britain that is manipulating the US to interfere with everyone.

This will keep happening as long as the elites in Britain have international goals.

They plan to totally destroy the US in pursuit of those goals BTW, just like they did to Germany. They will eventually rebuild the US, but first they plan to completely destroy it.

But I think you know this already. So stop playing dumb.
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.

The US is Britain's puppet.

It is Britain that is manipulating the US to interfere with everyone.

This will keep happening as long as the elites in Britain have international goals.

They plan to totally destroy the US in pursuit of those goals BTW, just like they did to Germany. They will eventually rebuild the US, but first they plan to completely destroy it.

But I think you know this already. So stop playing dumb.
Are the "British Elites" manipulating Russia as well ?
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
But we worked so hard to stop Great Britain from doing all the interfering in the world..
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.

The US is Britain's puppet.

It is Britain that is manipulating the US to interfere with everyone.

This will keep happening as long as the elites in Britain have international goals.

They plan to totally destroy the US in pursuit of those goals BTW, just like they did to Germany. They will eventually rebuild the US, but first they plan to completely destroy it.

But I think you know this already. So stop playing dumb.
Are the "British Elites" manipulating Russia as well ?
Russia has a bad heritage from marxist's ideology, but is becoming free year to year. Free from either marxism or liberalism both.
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.

The US is Britain's puppet.

It is Britain that is manipulating the US to interfere with everyone.

This will keep happening as long as the elites in Britain have international goals.

They plan to totally destroy the US in pursuit of those goals BTW, just like they did to Germany. They will eventually rebuild the US, but first they plan to completely destroy it.

But I think you know this already. So stop playing dumb.
Are the "British Elites" manipulating Russia as well ?
Well, when one says, "British Elites," that's tongue in cheek.

Even in the middle ages, the nobility was transcontinental, wasn't it?

The ruling elite is a global click. It has no national allegiance. They really don't give a shit about national identities, they really don't.

Watching these political candidates like Trump, Clinton or Sanders talk to the plebes about "America?" The elites of America or Britain don't give a shit about the little people of the nations the represent anymore. The world is global, and they consider themselves globalists. The only people that consider themselves nationals are the folks that live their whole lives in the same 200 square km/mi area.

I remember the first 8 months, to 14 months after Facebook launched outside of Harvard for all colleges, but was still closed to those who did not have a college email address. It was a terrific time to do research into the connections into the global elite. They were all members of Facebook and had no privacy filters on their accounts. If you were in college, you were could research all of their friendship connections.

I went into David Rockefeller's friend list and it led me to the most interesting places. Seriously. The people on his friends list were from all over the globe. It was amazing. And yes, he had friends in Russia.

Was he manipulating them, or were they manipulating him?

It's not an easy question to answer.

At this point in world history, it's important to remember, the poor of Russia have more in common with the poor of the UK, than the elite of Russia.

Thus, in the end, the elites in Russia have just as much interest in keeping the world economy humming, just like the elites in the UK do. The elites in BOTH nations sympathize with each other when push comes to shove and civil right and civil liberties somehow need to be circumvented to keep order.

Russia does it with a club, the UK does it with a mallet, the US does it with a scalpel, and in the end, the individual still gets the shaft.

Slavery by any other name is still slavery.
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
But we worked so hard to stop Great Britain from doing all the interfering in the world..
It would take a lot more to undo the damage caused by the British Empire. Our great grandchildren will still be paying the price.
It would take a lot more to undo the damage caused by the British Empire. Our great grandchildren will still be paying the price.
What damage? Is lifting up people from the dirt and bringing them to the modern age considered as damage?
So. You've been watching documentaries and you visited Russia. Have you also been watching documentaries and visited America?
Yes, I have been to America several times and American culture is everywhere.
During the cold War the US was seen as the good guy because the USSR did not have a democratic system. They now have a version of democracy and the differences between the 2 super powers are difficult to see.
For what its worth I think most of us would prefer to live in the US than Russia, but mainly that you would both fuck off and stop interfering with the problems of the world.
But we worked so hard to stop Great Britain from doing all the interfering in the world..
It would take a lot more to undo the damage caused by the British Empire. Our great grandchildren will still be paying the price.
A system ostensibly invented by the Roman Empire can hardly be blamed on the British. . . .

The elites in both British and American society revel in the history. The symbolism is rife in the throughout western culture.

The empire lives on in the minds of the elites. . . .

(I think it seriously annoys the Chinese and the Russians, though even they partake in the symbolism.)
I have been watching some documentaries on the state of modern Russia. I have also visited the country.

There seem to be growing similarities between the Russians and America

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

I am sure that there are more similarities.

I have travelled far and wide and Moscow is the only place on earth that I felt uncomfortable.

That is quite a simplistic list and quite subjective from your point of view. I can name the number one thing that the U.S. has that Russia does not and that is the Bill of Rights. Hands down U.S. is not Russia in any meaningful way.
I have been watching some documentaries on the state of modern Russia. I have also visited the country.

There seem to be growing similarities between the Russians and America

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

I am sure that there are more similarities.

I have travelled far and wide and Moscow is the only place on earth that I felt uncomfortable.

That is quite a simplistic list and quite subjective from your point of view. I can name the number one thing that the U.S. has that Russia does not and that is the Bill of Rights. Hands down U.S. is not Russia in any meaningful way.
absolutely agree. Russia has no bills of rights and all that crap. In russia people are much more free, usually ruled by their mind. Another thing Russia differs from US is that money in Russia treated as a crap often, paying much more attention to the freedom of spirit. There is a good series, look here:
absolutely agree. Russia has no bills of rights and all that crap. In russia people are much more free, usually ruled by their mind. Another thing Russia differs from US is that money in Russia treated as a crap often, paying much more attention to the freedom of spirit. There is a good series, look here:

Pretty much free huh? Try insulting Putin in the media and see what happens to you.
I have been watching some documentaries on the state of modern Russia. I have also visited the country.

There seem to be growing similarities between the Russians and America

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

I am sure that there are more similarities.

I have travelled far and wide and Moscow is the only place on earth that I felt uncomfortable.

That is quite a simplistic list and quite subjective from your point of view. I can name the number one thing that the U.S. has that Russia does not and that is the Bill of Rights. Hands down U.S. is not Russia in any meaningful way.
Not quite true.
There is a Russian Bill of Rights, of a sort.
Comparing the American and Russian Constitutions | Alaska Justice Forum
I have been watching some documentaries on the state of modern Russia. I have also visited the country.

There seem to be growing similarities between the Russians and America

Corporations call the shots
Corrupt political system
Destructive imperialist foreign policy
Rise of anti gay activity
Sponsoring terrorism

I am sure that there are more similarities.

I have travelled far and wide and Moscow is the only place on earth that I felt uncomfortable.

That is quite a simplistic list and quite subjective from your point of view. I can name the number one thing that the U.S. has that Russia does not and that is the Bill of Rights. Hands down U.S. is not Russia in any meaningful way.
Not quite true.
There is a Russian Bill of Rights, of a sort.
Comparing the American and Russian Constitutions | Alaska Justice Forum

In name only. from the article you posted:

Moreover, Article 72 of the Russian constitution gives the federal government and the provincial/regional governments joint jurisdiction over many other governmental functions, including:

  • “issues [concerning] the possession, use, and management of land, mineral resources, water, and other natural resources;”
  • “protection of the environment and ecological safety;”
  • “general questions of upbringing, education, science, culture, physical culture, and sports;”
  • “coordination of health issues, protection of the family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood, [and] social protection including social security;”
  • “administrative, . . . labor, family, housing, land, water, and forestry legislation;”....
There are many other differences as well and while the article claims Russians have the right to free speech, that is false because under article 72 if it is determined that speech is against the government (i.e. Putin) it most certainly is censored and not to mention the "disappearances" of those that have questioned Putin publicly.

They have rights, but many are in name only and are not actually protected when push comes to shove. Look at gay people there.
absolutely agree. Russia has no bills of rights and all that crap. In russia people are much more free, usually ruled by their mind. Another thing Russia differs from US is that money in Russia treated as a crap often, paying much more attention to the freedom of spirit. There is a good series, look here:

Pretty much free huh? Try insulting Putin in the media and see what happens to you.

as i said to be free for russians means not to insult each other and rulers as well, but to get rid of the whole civil life and have the space to develop its spirit, to be happy among friends and relatives where no one could reach your own world. Let Putin be on his own and live your own live - that is freedom.
absolutely agree. Russia has no bills of rights and all that crap. In russia people are much more free, usually ruled by their mind. Another thing Russia differs from US is that money in Russia treated as a crap often, paying much more attention to the freedom of spirit. There is a good series, look here:

Pretty much free huh? Try insulting Putin in the media and see what happens to you.

as i said to be free for russians means not to insult each other and rulers as well, but to get rid of the whole civil life and have the space to develop its spirit, to be happy among friends and relatives where no one could reach your own world. Let Putin be on his own and live your own live - that is freedom.

I.e. no freedom of speech.
Look at gay people there.
yeah, gays are unaccepted in Russia as far as pedophiles and murderers. All that deals are considered a sin according to christianity and other religions as well.
Then how is there truly freedom of religion then? Answer? There isn't.
yes there is not freedom of religion there, because the religion - is the key point of the whole life of man and society as well. There should be the foundation in each country, in some countries it is patriotism, in others - the wealth, in russia - orthodox christianity. Other rights are derived from that.
I.e. no freedom of speech.
yes, no freedom of speech in media and papers. If you do not influence a lot of people you can say what you want - putin will not bother over you.
about religion: western system of law was also derived from religious principles, because society was christian and considered sins to be forbidden, but over the time society became less christian and now the law changes to more pagan than christian. What is better: pagan religion or christian religion? Let's see, although the answer is on the surface.

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