Russia Calls America a ‘Liberal Totalitarian State’ with a ‘Monopoly on the Media’ and ‘Irremovability of Oligarchic Elites’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Russia Calls America a ‘Liberal Totalitarian State’ with a ‘Monopoly on the Media’ and ‘Irremovability of Oligarchic Elites’

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By Shane Trejo
The following article, Russia Calls America a ‘Liberal Totalitarian State’ with a ‘Monopoly on the Media’ and ‘Irremovability of Oligarchic Elites’, was first published on Big League Politics.
In recent weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin has stepped into the leadership void left by the delegitimized puppet propped up by globalists as the figurehead of America, Joe Biden, struggles to spit out a coherent sentence. Putin has taken a stand for dissidents in America who are being punished for opposing a blatant third-world vote steal that was clearly given a green light by institutional power, a remarkable stance considering Putin and the Kremlin’s own record of suppressing political opposition.

America is not the America I have known - in my 85 years and having served in the military during the so-called Cold War and watched the USSR put out lies and propaganda via Pravda and other outlets to the point you'd never believe anything that Russia said. AND THEN... I find myself some 50 years later trusting the Russians and not my own government and their complicit Quisling media, aka The Ministry Of Truth a la '1984'. Very disorienting. I now realize how precious that original America was.
We have been slowly slipping into this despicable state for the last 50 years, but it was under Barry Soetoro and now Joey Xi Bai Dung it has mega burst into exactly what Putin described. Russia isn't the enemy - the enemy is within the gates and it's sitting in the Oval Office, the government buildings and the Halls of Congress. The time is short people - either you stop it now or live in bondage.
Nikita Kruschev told us, "We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within....”
It's obvious that Progressive Marxist/Democrat Commies have made Nikita's words become reality.

Russia Calls America a ‘Liberal Totalitarian State’ with a ‘Monopoly on the Media’ and ‘Irremovability of Oligarchic Elites’

26 Jun 2021 ~~ By Shane Trejo
The following article, Russia Calls America a ‘Liberal Totalitarian State’ with a ‘Monopoly on the Media’ and ‘Irremovability of Oligarchic Elites’, was first published on Big League Politics.
In recent weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin has stepped into the leadership void left by the delegitimized puppet propped up by globalists as the figurehead of America, Joe Biden, struggles to spit out a coherent sentence. Putin has taken a stand for dissidents in America who are being punished for opposing a blatant third-world vote steal that was clearly given a green light by institutional power, a remarkable stance considering Putin and the Kremlin’s own record of suppressing political opposition.

America is not the America I have known - in my 85 years and having served in the military during the so-called Cold War and watched the USSR put out lies and propaganda via Pravda and other outlets to the point you'd never believe anything that Russia said. AND THEN... I find myself some 50 years later trusting the Russians and not my own government and their complicit Quisling media, aka The Ministry Of Truth a la '1984'. Very disorienting. I now realize how precious that original America was.
We have been slowly slipping into this despicable state for the last 50 years, but it was under Barry Soetoro and now Joey Xi Bai Dung it has mega burst into exactly what Putin described. Russia isn't the enemy - the enemy is within the gates and it's sitting in the Oval Office, the government buildings and the Halls of Congress. The time is short people - either you stop it now or live in bondage.
Nikita Kruschev told us, "We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within....”
It's obvious that Progressive Marxist/Democrat Commies have made Nikita's words become reality.
What do you know - they know our country better than snowflakes do....
I wonder how many posts that will take when someone who calls themselves a true American patriot and supporter of American values declares that Putin wouldn't be so bad as the POTUS.
Actually, Putin just might be a little sick and tired of the demtrash and their complicit deep state and propaganda wing, using Russia and him as their wiping post and scape goat. The leftists have blamed so much crap on the Russians lately it's pathetic, and 99.999% of it has proven out to be false. Just maybe Putin has had a belly full of it, and after meeting our sniffing, senile, intergalactic laughing stock buffoon, he's going to push back himself a little bit.

Putin may not have liked Trump very much, or maybe he did, but at least he respected him for loving America and putting his nation first. The cheated in, squinting dementia patient is ready for a chair lift for stairs and a nursing home, and Putin knows it and has zero respect for him.
Putin loves Biden and Democrats - they can be bought and are destroying the US from the inside for him so he can focus on taking Europe / Destroying NATO.
Nato is destroying itself.....with corrupt crony contracts, monetary internal graft, uncalled for political meddling and double standard duplicity that wins a gold medal. It has become its own sub-state and it has needs, desires and plans.
Putin would know, he’s been fighting the central banking cabal for a long time now. That’s why he and Russia are always so demonized by western media. It’s amazing to me that anyone can still not know this
Root beer always rocks.


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