Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to ‘Curry Favor’ With Trump: Official


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
If he became a girl obongus might have pardoned him/shel...

Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to ‘Curry Favor’ With Trump: Official

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NBC News

Cynthia McFadden and William Arkin 6 hrs ago

U.S. intelligence has collected information that Russia is considering turning over Edward Snowden as a "gift" to President Donald Trump — who has called the NSA leaker a "spy" and a "traitor" who deserves to be executed.

That's according to a senior U.S. official who has analyzed a series of highly sensitive intelligence reports detailing Russian deliberations and who says a Snowden handover is one of various ploys to "curry favor" with Trump. A second source in the intelligence community confirms the intelligence about the Russian conversations and notes it has been gathered since the inauguration.


Russia Considers Returning Snowden to U.S. to ‘Curry Favor’ With Trump: Official
Why would Russia have to curry favor with Trump? The left claims they are already buddies. Sounds to me like Russia, and others, realize there is a force to be reckoned with now and they are trying to smooth things over.

Obama was a pansy and let everyone run roughshod over us. Those days are gone.

Obama granted a pardon to a guy/girl who simply exposed information for the sake of hurting us. Snowden exposed corruption that was hurting us and others. Of course, the left only gets upset about those who exposed corruption in the Obama administration. They don't care about those who harm the U.S.
I have no difficulty believing that the Russians would deny asylum to Edward Snowden if they could get so-called President Trump to lift sanctions imposed on Putin and his cronies when he annexed Crimea.


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