Russia deploying NUKES on their border to counter attack agsinst Europe?

What rock have you been under?

Hell he had 1KT tactical nuke capability on the border midway through the build-up.

He also has short range nuke capable OTR-21 Tochka and the newer 9K720 Iskander conventional/nuke capable systems in place.



Russia is serious about defending it's safety and security. They're not willing to lose this war and so both sides are going to have to carefully adhere to the rules of friendly warfare.

This places the onus on the US to not win the war for the Ukraine.

Also perhaps some onus on Russia to not win too much!

A peace deal is now more essential. Fortunately it's within reach with satisfactory concessions for both America and Russia.
Judging by how garbage they are in this war, and that all their stuff is expired, their USSR 1985 missles probably don’t even work.
Russia is serious about defending it's safety and security. They're not willing to lose this war and so both sides are going to have to carefully adhere to the rules of friendly warfare.

This places the onus on the US to not win the war for the Ukraine.

Also perhaps some onus on Russia to not win too much!

A peace deal is now more essential. Fortunately it's within reach with satisfactory concessions for both America and Russia.
Pootin Apologist?
Judging by how garbage they are in this war, and that all their stuff is expired, their USSR 1985 missles probably don’t even work.
Actually, We and Russia both test fire off two nuclear capable ICBM missiles on a regular schedule. Just to make sure that they work.
Anyone not licking Zelensky's boots. It's little more than a pathetic attempt to create a binary issue out of something far more complicated.

That's not really an answer. It's more of a way to jab the other side.
We were scheduled to do one but then Russia started whooping and hollering and invading we put it on hold.
The last warhead tested was in 1992. We test the missiles, not the ordinance. Our nuclear deterrent is of questionable reliability.
That's not really an answer. It's more of a way to jab the other side.
That is the truth of it. I've been neutral from the start, in the eyes of the supporters of the corrupt monkey in Kiev, that makes me a Putin supporter. Pretty pathetic but is how it really is.

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