Russia Destroys 500 IS Fuel Tankers

Russia and America should take turns nuking every square inch of isis held land. Now that wouldn't last too long as all the isis would be dead.

You don't win a war being nice to your enemy. You win it by kicking the living shit out of him and making him beg for surrender!

Something like this?


Exactly, our isis problem would be gone!
You won't see this on US cable and MSM media channels.............(Thank you, Mr. Putin!)

Caught On Tape: Russian Air Force Destroys Dozens Of ISIS Oil Trucks | Zero Hedge

Do you read Russian? Because while that's obviously a fleet of oil trucks being blown up, there's no visual indication of where or when. Could be Russia's war with Afghanistan in the 80s, or their invasion of Georgia, or their ongoing war with Chechnya, or...

If it is in ISIS-held territory, it seems rather short-sighted. How will they transport the oil once they claim the territory?
Well Goll-yee! CNN showed the video late this morning on 'Wolf' PST. Some CNN producer grew hairless little balls and decided to run it.
Shocked tellya', I'm shocked!
You won't see this on US cable and MSM media channels.............(Thank you, Mr. Putin!)

Caught On Tape: Russian Air Force Destroys Dozens Of ISIS Oil Trucks | Zero Hedge

Do you read Russian? Because while that's obviously a fleet of oil trucks being blown up, there's no visual indication of where or when. Could be Russia's war with Afghanistan in the 80s, or their invasion of Georgia, or their ongoing war with Chechnya, or...

If it is in ISIS-held territory, it seems rather short-sighted. How will they transport the oil once they claim the territory?

Oh please. The world is watching. It's the real deal. They are kicking the shit out of ISIS for several reasons. One is because ISIS bombed their plane. They are seeking revenge.

Secondly they got tired of bullshit airstrikes by this so called coalition and had to take action on their own because Chechen terrorists have pledged allegiance to ISIS. Look up Beslan. Look up all the Chechen terror attacks on Russia.


Revenge: Russia has stepped up strikes on the already war-torn country after it was confirmed that a bomb downed a Russian airliner in Egypt last month, killing at 224 people on board

'This is for Paris': Russian pilots write messages of support on bombs
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
I thought the cold war was over with Regan personally. I haven't worried about Russia since HS, and even then the "nuke dive and covers" were a source of amusement for us teens because even then we didn't believe that anyone was going to nuke anything - admittedly though HS'ers tend to think their invincible...
I thought the cold war was over with Regan personally. I haven't worried about Russia since HS, and even then the "nuke dive and covers" were a source of amusement for us teens because even then we didn't believe that anyone was going to nuke anything - admittedly though HS'ers tend to think their invincible...

It's just funny to watch some people here flip-flop between "the commies killed x-million people" and "Putin [the former KGB agent] is Mah Heeero!!!"
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.

(X)The Russians know how to do the job right. America doesn't want the war to end with ISIS. There is too much money to be made for the big corporations and banksters for them to want to end the war. It's all about the money, don't you know. It's screw the people, especially those who go off to war and fight for these inhuman azz holes.
I thought the cold war was over with Regan personally. I haven't worried about Russia since HS, and even then the "nuke dive and covers" were a source of amusement for us teens because even then we didn't believe that anyone was going to nuke anything - admittedly though HS'ers tend to think their invincible...

It's just funny to watch some people here flip-flop between "the commies killed x-million people" and "Putin [the former KGB agent] is Mah Heeero!!!"
They are killing ISIS scumbags..............................What's the problem with that?
They bombed his plane, he said fuck you bitches. Sounds like a fairly "normal" response to me. We did the same when they bombed our building. Same shit, different country. We can either stand for what their doing or against it. Personally I think this kind of action is necessary to put an end to it, if we don't have the will, but they do... I'm not going to complain.
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

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