Russia Destroys 500 IS Fuel Tankers

Yours is the childish imbecility which supports demagogues like the Donald. Your idea of counter-terrorism policy is that of Santa Claus -- making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and nice. Christmas cheer aside, the flaw in your approach is simple and fatal: it doesn't work

We have already conducted thousands of sorties against the people living in ISIS controlled areas. Some of them have actually damaged ISIS infrastructure, even killed some members of ISIS. But while have been doing this, ISIS has grown richer, more powerful, more popular and more extensive than ever.

There is no point in trying to explain this situation to you because you cannot see the difference between a war among the military forces of sovereign nations and terrorist attacks by non-state actors involved in a civil war. To accomplish its political objectives terrorism depends on the violent blundering of morons who do not grasp whom they are fighting or why. Congratulations! You are working for ISIS just as much as those self-employed Syrian truck drivers. You are safer, but you don't get paid as much and nobody takes you as seriously. So, while you are at it my little jingo, go F' yourself.
If they are working for ISIS.......they are TARGETS.....................

Taking them out hits the enemy in the pocket book...............should have been done a long time ago..........

I served back in the 1st Gulf War..............We destroyed most of Iraq's assets in a quarter of the time......................

The only reason they are attacking them now is because someone else is in the fight and are targeting their asses................I saw the video of the Russian strikes and some of ours.....................They were lined up for target practice.................Soft Targets......................
I agree that the tanker trucks are indeed legitimate targets; for me, the issue is, are they the best targets? ISIS made half a billion dollars in oil exports last year. The key link in the chain is not the little guys with their tanker trucks. Bombing them is like using a shotgun on the ants spoiling your picnic.

The refineries and pumping stations are bigger, more stable targets. The exporting facilities and smugglers are also critical although just who is exporting this oil is a secret America and our allies apparently don't want discussed. Just who is buying the oil and how they are transferring the money is another uncomfortable question.

Blowing up some trucks certainly isn't going to help ISIS but trucks can be replaced and decoy trucks make SAM attacks easier. We know from past experience that the capture of a couple of American fighter pilots can be quite a factor.
They are now hitting those targets as well...........I posted the videos either here on this thread or another many on this subject I can't freaking remember..............:dunno:
If there is one thing we have learned in a generation of counter-insurgency warfare in the Middle East it is that air power cannot be decisive without troops to take and hold the ground. The holding has to go on for at least a generation. Smash and dash didn't work in Afghanistan, it didn't work in Iraq and there is no reason to think it will work in Syria.

Providing the air power and high tech weaponry while leaving the ground game to local "allies": is what we tried in Afghanistan. It failed in just three or four years. We tried it in Iraq and it failed even faster. These hard facts need serious consideration by the American pea pull. The fact that the next step (air strikes, no-fly zones, safe havens) in Syria will be easy to take doesn't mean it will lead us in the direction we want to go.
If we don't take out Assad then that would provide ground troops.................That policy is stupid and has prolonged the blood shed.
We've been trying to take out Assad for years now. We can't. He has the support of Russia and Iran. We've got the support of nobody. We can go on blowing up trucks etc. until the money runs out. It won't make a difference because nobody is our friend. We deposed Hussein, so what? We were better off with him than with his successors. Who is going to be a friend of the USA in what is now Syria? There is no solution. We haven't got a chance. Our one "ally" is sitting in the stands laughing at us and singing Onward, Christian Soldiers. We spend five million dollars a day on the IDF which hasn't fought a battle in 40 years. You think they would lend a hand? What a joke!
If they are working for ISIS.......they are TARGETS.....................

Taking them out hits the enemy in the pocket book...............should have been done a long time ago..........

I served back in the 1st Gulf War..............We destroyed most of Iraq's assets in a quarter of the time......................

The only reason they are attacking them now is because someone else is in the fight and are targeting their asses................I saw the video of the Russian strikes and some of ours.....................They were lined up for target practice.................Soft Targets......................
I agree that the tanker trucks are indeed legitimate targets; for me, the issue is, are they the best targets? ISIS made half a billion dollars in oil exports last year. The key link in the chain is not the little guys with their tanker trucks. Bombing them is like using a shotgun on the ants spoiling your picnic.

The refineries and pumping stations are bigger, more stable targets. The exporting facilities and smugglers are also critical although just who is exporting this oil is a secret America and our allies apparently don't want discussed. Just who is buying the oil and how they are transferring the money is another uncomfortable question.

Blowing up some trucks certainly isn't going to help ISIS but trucks can be replaced and decoy trucks make SAM attacks easier. We know from past experience that the capture of a couple of American fighter pilots can be quite a factor.
They are now hitting those targets as well...........I posted the videos either here on this thread or another many on this subject I can't freaking remember..............:dunno:
If there is one thing we have learned in a generation of counter-insurgency warfare in the Middle East it is that air power cannot be decisive without troops to take and hold the ground. The holding has to go on for at least a generation. Smash and dash didn't work in Afghanistan, it didn't work in Iraq and there is no reason to think it will work in Syria.

Providing the air power and high tech weaponry while leaving the ground game to local "allies": is what we tried in Afghanistan. It failed in just three or four years. We tried it in Iraq and it failed even faster. These hard facts need serious consideration by the American pea pull. The fact that the next step (air strikes, no-fly zones, safe havens) in Syria will be easy to take doesn't mean it will lead us in the direction we want to go.
If we don't take out Assad then that would provide ground troops.................That policy is stupid and has prolonged the blood shed.
We've been trying to take out Assad for years now. We can't. He has the support of Russia and Iran. We've got the support of nobody. We can go on blowing up trucks etc. until the money runs out. It won't make a difference because nobody is our friend. We deposed Hussein, so what? We were better off with him than with his successors. Who is going to be a friend of the USA in what is now Syria? There is no solution. We haven't got a chance. Our one "ally" is sitting in the stands laughing at us and singing Onward, Christian Soldiers. We spend five million dollars a day on the IDF which hasn't fought a battle in 40 years. You think they would lend a hand? What a joke!
The puppet masters have been trying to take him years now............and have been arming the enemies of humanity in the region........................That needs to end, and I have no problem with Russia blowing them and the FSA to hell in back.................

Israel isn't laughing...................Powerful forces in the region which could get out of hand...........and with the Idiot Obama in office..........
I agree that the tanker trucks are indeed legitimate targets; for me, the issue is, are they the best targets? ISIS made half a billion dollars in oil exports last year. The key link in the chain is not the little guys with their tanker trucks. Bombing them is like using a shotgun on the ants spoiling your picnic.

The refineries and pumping stations are bigger, more stable targets. The exporting facilities and smugglers are also critical although just who is exporting this oil is a secret America and our allies apparently don't want discussed. Just who is buying the oil and how they are transferring the money is another uncomfortable question.

Blowing up some trucks certainly isn't going to help ISIS but trucks can be replaced and decoy trucks make SAM attacks easier. We know from past experience that the capture of a couple of American fighter pilots can be quite a factor.
They are now hitting those targets as well...........I posted the videos either here on this thread or another many on this subject I can't freaking remember..............:dunno:
If there is one thing we have learned in a generation of counter-insurgency warfare in the Middle East it is that air power cannot be decisive without troops to take and hold the ground. The holding has to go on for at least a generation. Smash and dash didn't work in Afghanistan, it didn't work in Iraq and there is no reason to think it will work in Syria.

Providing the air power and high tech weaponry while leaving the ground game to local "allies": is what we tried in Afghanistan. It failed in just three or four years. We tried it in Iraq and it failed even faster. These hard facts need serious consideration by the American pea pull. The fact that the next step (air strikes, no-fly zones, safe havens) in Syria will be easy to take doesn't mean it will lead us in the direction we want to go.
If we don't take out Assad then that would provide ground troops.................That policy is stupid and has prolonged the blood shed.
We've been trying to take out Assad for years now. We can't. He has the support of Russia and Iran. We've got the support of nobody. We can go on blowing up trucks etc. until the money runs out. It won't make a difference because nobody is our friend. We deposed Hussein, so what? We were better off with him than with his successors. Who is going to be a friend of the USA in what is now Syria? There is no solution. We haven't got a chance. Our one "ally" is sitting in the stands laughing at us and singing Onward, Christian Soldiers. We spend five million dollars a day on the IDF which hasn't fought a battle in 40 years. You think they would lend a hand? What a joke!
The puppet masters have been trying to take him years now............and have been arming the enemies of humanity in the region........................That needs to end, and I have no problem with Russia blowing them and the FSA to hell in back.................

Israel isn't laughing...................Powerful forces in the region which could get out of hand...........and with the Idiot Obama in office..........
The powerful force in the region which has been out of hand for over thirty years is the Israeli Defense Force. The illegal annexation of Jerusalem, the illegal settlements in the West Bank and the war crimes committed in Gaza City have been repeatedly condemned by the UN, our true allies, and the government of the United States. Yet the Jews continue to soak the American taxpayer five million dollars a day in military assistance alone, and billions more for everything else. This is the "ally" that has bombed US military shipping, killing American sailors and committing numerous acts of espionage without penalty. The biggest single obstacle to peace in the Middle East is the state of Israel.
They are now hitting those targets as well...........I posted the videos either here on this thread or another many on this subject I can't freaking remember..............:dunno:
If there is one thing we have learned in a generation of counter-insurgency warfare in the Middle East it is that air power cannot be decisive without troops to take and hold the ground. The holding has to go on for at least a generation. Smash and dash didn't work in Afghanistan, it didn't work in Iraq and there is no reason to think it will work in Syria.

Providing the air power and high tech weaponry while leaving the ground game to local "allies": is what we tried in Afghanistan. It failed in just three or four years. We tried it in Iraq and it failed even faster. These hard facts need serious consideration by the American pea pull. The fact that the next step (air strikes, no-fly zones, safe havens) in Syria will be easy to take doesn't mean it will lead us in the direction we want to go.
If we don't take out Assad then that would provide ground troops.................That policy is stupid and has prolonged the blood shed.
We've been trying to take out Assad for years now. We can't. He has the support of Russia and Iran. We've got the support of nobody. We can go on blowing up trucks etc. until the money runs out. It won't make a difference because nobody is our friend. We deposed Hussein, so what? We were better off with him than with his successors. Who is going to be a friend of the USA in what is now Syria? There is no solution. We haven't got a chance. Our one "ally" is sitting in the stands laughing at us and singing Onward, Christian Soldiers. We spend five million dollars a day on the IDF which hasn't fought a battle in 40 years. You think they would lend a hand? What a joke!
The puppet masters have been trying to take him years now............and have been arming the enemies of humanity in the region........................That needs to end, and I have no problem with Russia blowing them and the FSA to hell in back.................

Israel isn't laughing...................Powerful forces in the region which could get out of hand...........and with the Idiot Obama in office..........
The powerful force in the region which has been out of hand for over thirty years is the Israeli Defense Force. The illegal annexation of Jerusalem, the illegal settlements in the West Bank and the war crimes committed in Gaza City have been repeatedly condemned by the UN, our true allies, and the government of the United States. Yet the Jews continue to soak the American taxpayer five million dollars a day in military assistance alone, and billions more for everything else. This is the "ally" that has bombed US military shipping, killing American sailors and committing numerous acts of espionage without penalty. The biggest single obstacle to peace in the Middle East is the state of Israel.
You have to go a long way back to the bombing of our ship with the IDF, and that was during the 1967 War with Egypt and Syria back then...............Israel is a different subject here...............unless you want to bring the Hez and Hamas into play........who are mortal enemies of Israel............To those groups.........I don't give a rats ass about them or their ties to Assad...........And yes there are ties to them with Assad.

My main interest here is to destroy ISIS. Our gov't has hit them, but has very much limited the targets in hopes that Assad would go down..........which is BS policy...........We are better off Regionally with Assad surviving to hopefully put a lid on the Caliphate of ISIS...........ISIS is a scourge to the degree that AQ even bitches at them for being too harsh............even as AG and Al Nusra join them in the fight................

The insanity there needs to end.............and it took Russia getting into to it to finally destroy targets that should have been destroyed long ago.
Neither ISIS nor Assad can be destroyed from the air unless there are ground forces to seize and hold the territory, and by holding I mean military control for decades. There's our problem. There are no such capable ground forces which are friendly to the USA. Blowing up trucks etc. is at best a means to an end. More than bombs are needed and, when it comes to Syria, we don't have what it takes.
Neither ISIS nor Assad can be destroyed from the air unless there are ground forces to seize and hold the territory, and by holding I mean military control for decades. There's our problem. There are no such capable ground forces which are friendly to the USA. Blowing up trucks etc. is at best a means to an end. More than bombs are needed and, when it comes to Syria, we don't have what it takes.
You underestimate the ability of our Strategic air power...............It has NOT been used in force to defeat ISIS............The strongholds of ISIS in the north can be obliterated by air power is you simply do not worry about the collateral damage in order to kill the enemy..................

Russia is starting to use these tactics against ISIS in places like the stronghold of Raqqa........Using Strategic bombers to carpet bomb ISIS positions..............It will have an effect....................if TURKEY and the Idiot FSA don't get us into WWIII.
Neither ISIS nor Assad can be destroyed from the air unless there are ground forces to seize and hold the territory, and by holding I mean military control for decades. There's our problem. There are no such capable ground forces which are friendly to the USA. Blowing up trucks etc. is at best a means to an end. More than bombs are needed and, when it comes to Syria, we don't have what it takes.
You underestimate the ability of our Strategic air power...............It has NOT been used in force to defeat ISIS............The strongholds of ISIS in the north can be obliterated by air power is you simply do not worry about the collateral damage in order to kill the enemy..................

Russia is starting to use these tactics against ISIS in places like the stronghold of Raqqa........Using Strategic bombers to carpet bomb ISIS positions..............It will have an effect....................if TURKEY and the Idiot FSA don't get us into WWIII.
Your allusion to Turkey illustrates the weakness in the strategic air power approach. You may be too young to remember one of the great founding heroes of the USAF, Gen. Curtis Lemay. He is the guy who solved the technical problems holding up the mass fire bombing of Japanese cities in WWII. Subsequently, he dabbled in right wing politics and offered his prescription for America's frustration in Vietnam, "bomb them back to the Stone Age."

That idea was tried. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II, including LeMay's Tokyo raids which killed hundreds of thousands of civilians.

North Vietnam was a proxy for China and the USSR but it was a real nation with a real government. ISIS is not a real nation and it does not have a real government, although it aspires to be an Islamic state and pretends to have a government. The ability of ISIS to mount terrorist attacks like the one in Paris does not depend on oil revenue. The same is true of their recent attacks in Lebanon, Mali and half a dozen other nations. Hell, it doesn't even stop the freedom fighters in Gaza when their schools and hospitals are carpet bombed by the Israeli Air Force year after year.

Equating ISIS with a national enemy in a state of war is a profound strategic error.
Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?

In all fairness we are...late but where credit is due

A-10 Warthogs and AC-130 Kill Frenzy: 116 ISIS Trucks Destroyed
In a single sortie of airstrikes, U.S. warplanes destroyed 116 ISIS-controlled fuel trucks near Abu Kamal, Syria, on Nov. 15, 2015 as part of the coalition’s Operation Tidal Wave II, which is an effort to slow the Islamic State’s generation of revenue.

Why was the gas supply that fueled these trucks not destroyed?
Why does Syria still have electricity or Internet access?

Obama is just playing games.
The Russians should hit the oil fields. That will remove the money ISIS needs to operate.

No oil. No money.
The Russians should hit the oil fields. That will remove the money ISIS needs to operate.

No oil. No money.

Vichy D.C.s' NATO partner Turkey is making too much money off the oil and also antiquities. I wonder what US banks are laundering the booty?
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1. All the activities of attack aviation (bombers) will be carried out under cover of fighter aircraft.
2. Air defence will be reinforced.
3. Contact with Turkey will be terminated at the military level.
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