Russia Destroys 500 IS Fuel Tankers

Russia found them but Barry Hussein's "intelligence" aimed ordinance at dead camels in the desert just like LBJ's planes bombed useless old road junctions in Vietnam and called it mission accomplished. Democrat regimes never change.
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
Cool we got 116 the other day, so that makes 616 less tankers. Would be a bummer if ISIS only had 400 to begin with huh?

wow...we got 116 and they ignore that and celebrate Putin. Interesting allegiences.
Who the hell said we weren't happy that we took some out as well? BRAVO ZULU to our side as well...........

If the rumor is is said that we called in advance to tell them we were gonna hit them................Why would we do that?

Well...sure couldn't find a thread applauding it like you applaud every Putin bowel movement.
Which part of I don't agree with the taking out of Assad policy don't you understand? I believe the FSA isn't the cure.............I have shown articles of them killing Christians..............why should I support that policy, which happens to be Obama's.........

My main goal is for the Caliphate to die...............and as long as the Russians are killing them...............I'm down with that...............

I have also posted on many threads the Centcom information of our airstrikes and damage over time...................

What is wrong with Russia killing ISIS???????????? Do you have a problem with that?

Never said I had a problem with that - what I notice is the absolute glorification of Putin across the rightwing spectrum. And not one thread on how we bombed 116 ? Not one? Interesting.
Maybe because 166 is less than 500?
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
Nonsense. You promote nonsense. No one is more propagandized about the events in Ukraine, the war in Georgia and now, ISIS than you. Your evidence about Shishani being trained by US Special Forces is tied to a single report made by an unknown alleged Georgian officer. Your Ukrainian rants are pure Russian propaganda straight out of the Russian government-controlled media. You claim to be "duel Ukrainian-Irish" Have you ever been to either of the nations? Being of Ukrainian ancestry does not make you Ukrainian. Nothing you claim to be such an expert about comes from empirical data. You just pick things out from the net that fits your agenda and run with it. You ignore data that refute you claims.
Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid

F' them if they're hauling fuel for IS. Since they are hauling fuel, it means that they support their local tribal leader who supports IS.
So while I'm at it, F' you, too!
Yours is the childish imbecility which supports demagogues like the Donald. Your idea of counter-terrorism policy is that of Santa Claus -- making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and nice. Christmas cheer aside, the flaw in your approach is simple and fatal: it doesn't work

We have already conducted thousands of sorties against the people living in ISIS controlled areas. Some of them have actually damaged ISIS infrastructure, even killed some members of ISIS. But while have been doing this, ISIS has grown richer, more powerful, more popular and more extensive than ever.

There is no point in trying to explain this situation to you because you cannot see the difference between a war among the military forces of sovereign nations and terrorist attacks by non-state actors involved in a civil war. To accomplish its political objectives terrorism depends on the violent blundering of morons who do not grasp whom they are fighting or why. Congratulations! You are working for ISIS just as much as those self-employed Syrian truck drivers. You are safer, but you don't get paid as much and nobody takes you as seriously. So, while you are at it my little jingo, go F' yourself.
If they are working for ISIS.......they are TARGETS.....................

Taking them out hits the enemy in the pocket book...............should have been done a long time ago..........

I served back in the 1st Gulf War..............We destroyed most of Iraq's assets in a quarter of the time......................

The only reason they are attacking them now is because someone else is in the fight and are targeting their asses................I saw the video of the Russian strikes and some of ours.....................They were lined up for target practice.................Soft Targets......................
I agree that the tanker trucks are indeed legitimate targets; for me, the issue is, are they the best targets? ISIS made half a billion dollars in oil exports last year. The key link in the chain is not the little guys with their tanker trucks. Bombing them is like using a shotgun on the ants spoiling your picnic.

The refineries and pumping stations are bigger, more stable targets. The exporting facilities and smugglers are also critical although just who is exporting this oil is a secret America and our allies apparently don't want discussed. Just who is buying the oil and how they are transferring the money is another uncomfortable question.

Blowing up some trucks certainly isn't going to help ISIS but trucks can be replaced and decoy trucks make SAM attacks easier. We know from past experience that the capture of a couple of American fighter pilots can be quite a factor.
Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid

F' them if they're hauling fuel for IS. Since they are hauling fuel, it means that they support their local tribal leader who supports IS.
So while I'm at it, F' you, too!
Yours is the childish imbecility which supports demagogues like the Donald. Your idea of counter-terrorism policy is that of Santa Claus -- making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and nice. Christmas cheer aside, the flaw in your approach is simple and fatal: it doesn't work

We have already conducted thousands of sorties against the people living in ISIS controlled areas. Some of them have actually damaged ISIS infrastructure, even killed some members of ISIS. But while have been doing this, ISIS has grown richer, more powerful, more popular and more extensive than ever.

There is no point in trying to explain this situation to you because you cannot see the difference between a war among the military forces of sovereign nations and terrorist attacks by non-state actors involved in a civil war. To accomplish its political objectives terrorism depends on the violent blundering of morons who do not grasp whom they are fighting or why. Congratulations! You are working for ISIS just as much as those self-employed Syrian truck drivers. You are safer, but you don't get paid as much and nobody takes you as seriously. So, while you are at it my little jingo, go F' yourself.
If they are working for ISIS.......they are TARGETS.....................

Taking them out hits the enemy in the pocket book...............should have been done a long time ago..........

I served back in the 1st Gulf War..............We destroyed most of Iraq's assets in a quarter of the time......................

The only reason they are attacking them now is because someone else is in the fight and are targeting their asses................I saw the video of the Russian strikes and some of ours.....................They were lined up for target practice.................Soft Targets......................
I agree that the tanker trucks are indeed legitimate targets; for me, the issue is, are they the best targets? ISIS made half a billion dollars in oil exports last year. The key link in the chain is not the little guys with their tanker trucks. Bombing them is like using a shotgun on the ants spoiling your picnic.

The refineries and pumping stations are bigger, more stable targets. The exporting facilities and smugglers are also critical although just who is exporting this oil is a secret America and our allies apparently don't want discussed. Just who is buying the oil and how they are transferring the money is another uncomfortable question.

Blowing up some trucks certainly isn't going to help ISIS but trucks can be replaced and decoy trucks make SAM attacks easier. We know from past experience that the capture of a couple of American fighter pilots can be quite a factor.
They are now hitting those targets as well...........I posted the videos either here on this thread or another many on this subject I can't freaking remember..............:dunno:
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
While it's true that I could never argue very deeply into this subject, it's also true that Putin chose to send his troops into Georgia while he and Bush and other world leaders were at official functions in China.
I'd call that a calculated poke in Bush's eye.
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
Nonsense. You promote nonsense. No one is more propagandized about the events in Ukraine, the war in Georgia and now, ISIS than you. Your evidence about Shishani being trained by US Special Forces is tied to a single report made by an unknown alleged Georgian officer. Your Ukrainian rants are pure Russian propaganda straight out of the Russian government-controlled media. You claim to be "duel Ukrainian-Irish" Have you ever been to either of the nations? Being of Ukrainian ancestry does not make you Ukrainian. Nothing you claim to be such an expert about comes from empirical data. You just pick things out from the net that fits your agenda and run with it. You ignore data that refute you claims.

No Camp. We trained Georgians. It's all right out there.

My Uk rants. Oh kiss my ass because the Ukraine, Canada and the US voted to veto a bill introduced by the Russians to attempt to not glorify NAZIS.

Why wouldn't we back a bill to not allow any government to glorify NAZIS.
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
While it's true that I could never argue very deeply into this subject, it's also true that Putin chose to send his troops into Georgia while he and Bush and other world leaders were at official functions in China.
I'd call that a calculated poke in Bush's eye.

There was no option. The Georgian leader was determined to kill off all Russian ethnics.

Cripes this kills me defending Russia. For crying out loud I'm Ukrainian. Half Irish. But my Uk side is for real and tears me up that I have to defend Putin.
Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid

F' them if they're hauling fuel for IS. Since they are hauling fuel, it means that they support their local tribal leader who supports IS.
So while I'm at it, F' you, too!
Yours is the childish imbecility which supports demagogues like the Donald. Your idea of counter-terrorism policy is that of Santa Claus -- making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and nice. Christmas cheer aside, the flaw in your approach is simple and fatal: it doesn't work

We have already conducted thousands of sorties against the people living in ISIS controlled areas. Some of them have actually damaged ISIS infrastructure, even killed some members of ISIS. But while have been doing this, ISIS has grown richer, more powerful, more popular and more extensive than ever.

There is no point in trying to explain this situation to you because you cannot see the difference between a war among the military forces of sovereign nations and terrorist attacks by non-state actors involved in a civil war. To accomplish its political objectives terrorism depends on the violent blundering of morons who do not grasp whom they are fighting or why. Congratulations! You are working for ISIS just as much as those self-employed Syrian truck drivers. You are safer, but you don't get paid as much and nobody takes you as seriously. So, while you are at it my little jingo, go F' yourself.
If they are working for ISIS.......they are TARGETS.....................

Taking them out hits the enemy in the pocket book...............should have been done a long time ago..........

I served back in the 1st Gulf War..............We destroyed most of Iraq's assets in a quarter of the time......................

The only reason they are attacking them now is because someone else is in the fight and are targeting their asses................I saw the video of the Russian strikes and some of ours.....................They were lined up for target practice.................Soft Targets......................
I agree that the tanker trucks are indeed legitimate targets; for me, the issue is, are they the best targets? ISIS made half a billion dollars in oil exports last year. The key link in the chain is not the little guys with their tanker trucks. Bombing them is like using a shotgun on the ants spoiling your picnic.

The refineries and pumping stations are bigger, more stable targets. The exporting facilities and smugglers are also critical although just who is exporting this oil is a secret America and our allies apparently don't want discussed. Just who is buying the oil and how they are transferring the money is another uncomfortable question.

Blowing up some trucks certainly isn't going to help ISIS but trucks can be replaced and decoy trucks make SAM attacks easier. We know from past experience that the capture of a couple of American fighter pilots can be quite a factor.
They are now hitting those targets as well...........I posted the videos either here on this thread or another many on this subject I can't freaking remember..............:dunno:
If there is one thing we have learned in a generation of counter-insurgency warfare in the Middle East it is that air power cannot be decisive without troops to take and hold the ground. The holding has to go on for at least a generation. Smash and dash didn't work in Afghanistan, it didn't work in Iraq and there is no reason to think it will work in Syria.

Providing the air power and high tech weaponry while leaving the ground game to local "allies": is what we tried in Afghanistan. It failed in just three or four years. We tried it in Iraq and it failed even faster. These hard facts need serious consideration by the American pea pull. The fact that the next step (air strikes, no-fly zones, safe havens) in Syria will be easy to take doesn't mean it will lead us in the direction we want to go.
F' them if they're hauling fuel for IS. Since they are hauling fuel, it means that they support their local tribal leader who supports IS.
So while I'm at it, F' you, too!
Yours is the childish imbecility which supports demagogues like the Donald. Your idea of counter-terrorism policy is that of Santa Claus -- making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and nice. Christmas cheer aside, the flaw in your approach is simple and fatal: it doesn't work

We have already conducted thousands of sorties against the people living in ISIS controlled areas. Some of them have actually damaged ISIS infrastructure, even killed some members of ISIS. But while have been doing this, ISIS has grown richer, more powerful, more popular and more extensive than ever.

There is no point in trying to explain this situation to you because you cannot see the difference between a war among the military forces of sovereign nations and terrorist attacks by non-state actors involved in a civil war. To accomplish its political objectives terrorism depends on the violent blundering of morons who do not grasp whom they are fighting or why. Congratulations! You are working for ISIS just as much as those self-employed Syrian truck drivers. You are safer, but you don't get paid as much and nobody takes you as seriously. So, while you are at it my little jingo, go F' yourself.
If they are working for ISIS.......they are TARGETS.....................

Taking them out hits the enemy in the pocket book...............should have been done a long time ago..........

I served back in the 1st Gulf War..............We destroyed most of Iraq's assets in a quarter of the time......................

The only reason they are attacking them now is because someone else is in the fight and are targeting their asses................I saw the video of the Russian strikes and some of ours.....................They were lined up for target practice.................Soft Targets......................
I agree that the tanker trucks are indeed legitimate targets; for me, the issue is, are they the best targets? ISIS made half a billion dollars in oil exports last year. The key link in the chain is not the little guys with their tanker trucks. Bombing them is like using a shotgun on the ants spoiling your picnic.

The refineries and pumping stations are bigger, more stable targets. The exporting facilities and smugglers are also critical although just who is exporting this oil is a secret America and our allies apparently don't want discussed. Just who is buying the oil and how they are transferring the money is another uncomfortable question.

Blowing up some trucks certainly isn't going to help ISIS but trucks can be replaced and decoy trucks make SAM attacks easier. We know from past experience that the capture of a couple of American fighter pilots can be quite a factor.
They are now hitting those targets as well...........I posted the videos either here on this thread or another many on this subject I can't freaking remember..............:dunno:
If there is one thing we have learned in a generation of counter-insurgency warfare in the Middle East it is that air power cannot be decisive without troops to take and hold the ground. The holding has to go on for at least a generation. Smash and dash didn't work in Afghanistan, it didn't work in Iraq and there is no reason to think it will work in Syria.

Providing the air power and high tech weaponry while leaving the ground game to local "allies": is what we tried in Afghanistan. It failed in just three or four years. We tried it in Iraq and it failed even faster. These hard facts need serious consideration by the American pea pull. The fact that the next step (air strikes, no-fly zones, safe havens) in Syria will be easy to take doesn't mean it will lead us in the direction we want to go.
If we don't take out Assad then that would provide ground troops.................That policy is stupid and has prolonged the blood shed.
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
Nonsense. You promote nonsense. No one is more propagandized about the events in Ukraine, the war in Georgia and now, ISIS than you. Your evidence about Shishani being trained by US Special Forces is tied to a single report made by an unknown alleged Georgian officer. Your Ukrainian rants are pure Russian propaganda straight out of the Russian government-controlled media. You claim to be "duel Ukrainian-Irish" Have you ever been to either of the nations? Being of Ukrainian ancestry does not make you Ukrainian. Nothing you claim to be such an expert about comes from empirical data. You just pick things out from the net that fits your agenda and run with it. You ignore data that refute you claims.

No Camp. We trained Georgians. It's all right out there.

My Uk rants. Oh kiss my ass because the Ukraine, Canada and the US voted to veto a bill introduced by the Russians to attempt to not glorify NAZIS.

Why wouldn't we back a bill to not allow any government to glorify NAZIS.
We trained Georgians in a program to prepare troops for service in Iraq (four 600 man units). There is a small chance that Shishani got training at the National Training Center at Krtsanisi, but that is doubtful. The area Tarkhan Batsrachvili comes from, the Panski Gorge region near the Chechnya border is populated with many of Chechnya ancestry. The one you call Omar Shishani or Omar the Chechen (Shishani=Chechen), was born of a Christia Georgian father and a Muslim mother of Chechen ancestry. It would be surprising to learn he would be part of the group trained at Krtsanisi.
Much of the training was done by US Marines. Tarkhan gained attention as a reconnaissance and FAO, skills possibly learned or improved upon by direct or indirect US aid, but certainly not trained by US forces directly or indirectly for a command position. He became good at sneak and peak, understood map reading and knew how to put artillery fire on target.
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
While it's true that I could never argue very deeply into this subject, it's also true that Putin chose to send his troops into Georgia while he and Bush and other world leaders were at official functions in China.
I'd call that a calculated poke in Bush's eye.
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Hehehe. Spoken out of ignorance I realize. In the true sense of the word. Not an insult.

Your posts are for the most part very intelligent and well thought out but idb you must understand your propaganda machine. It beats the shit out of PRAVDA in the old days.

When Russia went into Georgia it was to repel the Georgian leaders attack on the ethnic Russian people there. Much like what is happening in eastern Ukraine with the Nazis in Kiev trying to destroy the ethnic Russians as we speak.

Know what the neo cons did? Oh they acted. I was so pissed off when I found out about this my head was spinning faster than Linda Blair's in the Exorcist.

They trained soldiers. In Georgia. Their star pupil is now Baghdadi's right hand military man who let ISIS to victory after victory in Syria and then the victories in Iraq.


And the Russians apart from Georgia haven't done jack shit on the planet. Crimea is such a huge lie by the MSM and the west as to be laughable. No selfies? No pictures of an invasion of Crimea? Nothing? Not even drone footage? But everyone in the west keeps talking about the Russian invasion of Crimea and its all a lie.


On the other hand the west have been assholes fucking up Egypt temporarily. Fucking up Libya permanently. Yemen YIKES! The Ukraine is toast. Forever divided now.

AND YET the assholes in Washington, London, Ottawa, Berlin and others are still determined to take Assad out.

Basically it comes down to this. The US created this nightmare on so many levels. Let me introduce you to the military tactical genius that the US first trained to lead attacks on Russia and now the key dude in ISIS.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS' most notorious successes.

It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.

And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.

These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani's four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.

“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”

More at link:

Omar al-Shishani ISIS commander and US - Business Insider
Nonsense. You promote nonsense. No one is more propagandized about the events in Ukraine, the war in Georgia and now, ISIS than you. Your evidence about Shishani being trained by US Special Forces is tied to a single report made by an unknown alleged Georgian officer. Your Ukrainian rants are pure Russian propaganda straight out of the Russian government-controlled media. You claim to be "duel Ukrainian-Irish" Have you ever been to either of the nations? Being of Ukrainian ancestry does not make you Ukrainian. Nothing you claim to be such an expert about comes from empirical data. You just pick things out from the net that fits your agenda and run with it. You ignore data that refute you claims.

No Camp. We trained Georgians. It's all right out there.

My Uk rants. Oh kiss my ass because the Ukraine, Canada and the US voted to veto a bill introduced by the Russians to attempt to not glorify NAZIS.

Why wouldn't we back a bill to not allow any government to glorify NAZIS.
We trained Georgians in a program to prepare troops for service in Iraq (four 600 man units). There is a small chance that Shishani got training at the National Training Center at Krtsanisi, but that is doubtful. The area Tarkhan Batsrachvili comes from, the Panski Gorge region near the Chechnya border is populated with many of Chechnya ancestry. The one you call Omar Shishani or Omar the Chechen (Shishani=Chechen), was born of a Christia Georgian father and a Muslim mother of Chechen ancestry. It would be surprising to learn he would be part of the group trained at Krtsanisi.
Much of the training was done by US Marines. Tarkhan gained attention as a reconnaissance and FAO, skills possibly learned or improved upon by direct or indirect US aid, but certainly not trained by US forces directly or indirectly for a command position. He became good at sneak and peak, understood map reading and knew how to put artillery fire on target.

Tell me a story tell me know lies.

You trained him. You own him.

Good at only a sneak peak only a what?
If I'm not mistaken "sneak and peak" is a covert kind of operation to check out a potential target for bombing (artillery or air). My lingo's a bit rusty so I could be wrong.
If I'm not mistaken "sneak and peak" is a covert kind of operation to check out a potential target for bombing (artillery or air). My lingo's a bit rusty so I could be wrong.
That is how I meant it. It was his job during the Russian-Georgian war at the rank of Sargeant.
There remains absolutely no evidence that Omar ever had any contact with any US military personnel at any time.

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