Russia Destroys 500 IS Fuel Tankers

Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?

Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.
I watched the video...................The tankers were lined up all over the place.............and it was a hell of a lot more than dozens...............

Our A-10's and 130's killed the 116 on it's mission.........both are killing machines............................

Yet our forces have been killing them for a while.............Russia is new to the spare me your rhetoric................

The other poster claiming we worship Putin said were are the threads on the 116.................Were are the threads from the Libs on other strikes....or French forces fighting in Chad.......a movement started by the Vacuum effect in Libya....................which Obama has stated is a vacuum to the UN...................

Russia is killing ISIS.........................and I'm happy about it.

Worship isn't the right word.

You guys idolize anyone who, in your books, may cause Obama a bit of discomfort. Its blown up in your faces every time and will continue to do so. I'm sure Obama is doing cartwheels over Russia spilling their blood and treasure in the ME once more. I know I am.
I haven't seen any military casualties yet from the Russian side yet.............but we have seen a bunch of civilians killed on a Russian Airline............Does that give you joy..............

To the FSA and his policy..........I viewed some videos and articles on how they have butchered Christians for being Christian................Is this the type of people who we should be allied to...........but you will of course deny this because you are cow toed to Obama.

Oh shut the fuck up.

What gives me joy is seeing the right wing "tough guys" scared of the JV team of jihad. Obama has handled the situation masterfully as to where Russia is fighting the battle and spilling their blood and treasure. As long as Americans are not dying, I'm giddy. There is nothing in Syria worth fighting for. And that goes with the entire Middle East.

That the right wing shit-brained morons like yourself are happy about Russia entering an unwinnable war is of little consequence. I do know Ronald Reagan would be turning over in his grave to not watch his Party's members sucking Putin's cock; but there you guys are... I wonder how much you're spending on knee pads.

As for being allied to ISIS; in no way shape or form is this country allied with ISIS. Sell crazy somewhere else douch nozzle. They are contained; the coalition is decimating their numbers and they are basically just shortening their time between living in shadows and not having anywhere left to hide with attacks like Paris. I'm sure they will be able to make a few more bombs and inflict some more damage. Basically a Kleibold and Harris type approach to world domination. Didn't end too well for D&K and won't end too well for them either.
You are more frightening to me than is ISIS. It is ludicrous that any American thinks like you do. You sound as if our demented President, Obama the Pussy has been tutoring you. You remind me of the man who when informed that an arsonist was lighting all of his neighbor's houses afire, told his wife, "Don't worry, honey. He hasn't come here yet!" You are helping ISIS with you complacent attitude.
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I'm wondering how my fellow countrymen can trust soviet army spokesmen.
I'm wondering what happened to them as to where they trust nobody in our government but willingly drop to their knees and drink up whatever vladdy gives them.
I'm wondering what happened to their basic patriotism.

I'm wondering what could have made them change because this wouldn't have flown during Clinton's administration. I'm wondering if it really IS just because Obama is black that you trust the Russians and their former KGB Spymaster more than you trust the US government.

Now you're defecting... You couldn't possibly wonder how fellow countrymen can trust Russian army spokesmen, if you didn't open the link. I only replied to your initial bullshit post to point that if you open the link and actually read the article, you wouldn't be "wondering" and asking stupid questions.
Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?
Or why for a full 14 months after Obamy said we would do everything to destroy ISIS, their truck tanker fleet of nearly a thousand trucks that provides ISIS with over $1 million daily, was left untouched until Putin finally decided to take them out.

This President is a saboteur intent on crippling the US economically and militarily and has already destroyed all respect for our nation.

And all his supporters are partisan hacks who care more for getting their Obamaphones than protecting our nation.
Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid
Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid
You've got to be kidding else do they get it to market.........

Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid

F' them if they're hauling fuel for IS. Since they are hauling fuel, it means that they support their local tribal leader who supports IS.
So while I'm at it, F' you, too!
Putin means what he says.

Unlike well....

Little Barry Soetoro

Fox News Strategic Analyst Lt. Col. Ralph Peters discussing France's cooperation with Russia and Vladimir Putin over the conflict in Syria said:

“If you’re in a knife fight, whom do you want to be in your team: a fighter or faculty lounge philosopher like president Obama?”

They've got a point, Putin's playing the game expertly - giving France a dog was a clinch move. That's one of the benefits of being a dictator, you can move fast enough to take advantage of any random political situation and improve your PR immensely.

I still prefer being a free citizen though heh
I thought the cold war was over with Regan personally. I haven't worried about Russia since HS, and even then the "nuke dive and covers" were a source of amusement for us teens because even then we didn't believe that anyone was going to nuke anything - admittedly though HS'ers tend to think their invincible...

It's just funny to watch some people here flip-flop between "the commies killed x-million people" and "Putin [the former KGB agent] is Mah Heeero!!!"
They are killing ISIS scumbags..............................What's the problem with that?

Your adulation will come in handy the next time you confuse socialism with communism with Nazism with anything that ends in "ism." :D
aka you don't want to answer the question

The answer to why you adore Putin is self-evident.
I thought the cold war was over with Regan personally. I haven't worried about Russia since HS, and even then the "nuke dive and covers" were a source of amusement for us teens because even then we didn't believe that anyone was going to nuke anything - admittedly though HS'ers tend to think their invincible...

It's just funny to watch some people here flip-flop between "the commies killed x-million people" and "Putin [the former KGB agent] is Mah Heeero!!!"
They are killing ISIS scumbags..............................What's the problem with that?

Your adulation will come in handy the next time you confuse socialism with communism with Nazism with anything that ends in "ism." :D
aka you don't want to answer the question

The answer to why you adore Putin is self-evident.

He's taking out ISIS targets..................and some of the targets are soft targets.........meat on the table..................We've been hitting them forever..........the only dang reason those soft targets aren't gone already are under orders not to hit them.............We have wiped out whole countries main assets before in a 1/4 of the time we've already been hitting them.................

Face it.......Obama wanted to use ISIS to get rid of Assad before taking them out......It is the only dang reason they have these soft target assets left.
As long as American blood and treasure isn't being's a net win for the Democrats politically and America on all fronts

Right. It's all Republicans fault and Democrats never involved us in any wars.

Keep forgetting WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, to name a few...
Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid

F' them if they're hauling fuel for IS. Since they are hauling fuel, it means that they support their local tribal leader who supports IS.
So while I'm at it, F' you, too!
Yours is the childish imbecility which supports demagogues like the Donald. Your idea of counter-terrorism policy is that of Santa Claus -- making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and nice. Christmas cheer aside, the flaw in your approach is simple and fatal: it doesn't work

We have already conducted thousands of sorties against the people living in ISIS controlled areas. Some of them have actually damaged ISIS infrastructure, even killed some members of ISIS. But while have been doing this, ISIS has grown richer, more powerful, more popular and more extensive than ever.

There is no point in trying to explain this situation to you because you cannot see the difference between a war among the military forces of sovereign nations and terrorist attacks by non-state actors involved in a civil war. To accomplish its political objectives terrorism depends on the violent blundering of morons who do not grasp whom they are fighting or why. Congratulations! You are working for ISIS just as much as those self-employed Syrian truck drivers. You are safer, but you don't get paid as much and nobody takes you as seriously. So, while you are at it my little jingo, go F' yourself.
Those fuel trucks don't belong to ISIS. ISIS operates the refineries. The trucks are operated by independent small businessmen who line up. often waiting for weeks, to get a fill-up at their own expense. These small business men then then retail the gas or oil locally or sell it to pipeline operators or other smugglers who export it to the foreign market.

Killing these local entrepreneurs and blowing up the vehicles which are the only way their families can make a living does infinitesimal economic damage to ISIS, whose 500 million dollar annual oil income turns out to be vastly greater than we imagined. The attacks do, however, cause suffering and anger among families whose loved ones are killed and whose businesses are destroyed by the Crusaders and their "wasps" (drones). The families now have nowhere to turn for protection and their daily bread but to ISIS.

In combating an insurgency such as ISIS, bombing the hell out of the place is almost always counter-productive. We've been doing it for fifteen years and things are much, much worse than before. We dropped more bombs on North Vietnam than we did in all of World War II. Remember how that one worked out for us? What is our response to this failed strategy? Do it again! Stupid

F' them if they're hauling fuel for IS. Since they are hauling fuel, it means that they support their local tribal leader who supports IS.
So while I'm at it, F' you, too!
Yours is the childish imbecility which supports demagogues like the Donald. Your idea of counter-terrorism policy is that of Santa Claus -- making a list and checking it twice in order to find out who is naughty and nice. Christmas cheer aside, the flaw in your approach is simple and fatal: it doesn't work

We have already conducted thousands of sorties against the people living in ISIS controlled areas. Some of them have actually damaged ISIS infrastructure, even killed some members of ISIS. But while have been doing this, ISIS has grown richer, more powerful, more popular and more extensive than ever.

There is no point in trying to explain this situation to you because you cannot see the difference between a war among the military forces of sovereign nations and terrorist attacks by non-state actors involved in a civil war. To accomplish its political objectives terrorism depends on the violent blundering of morons who do not grasp whom they are fighting or why. Congratulations! You are working for ISIS just as much as those self-employed Syrian truck drivers. You are safer, but you don't get paid as much and nobody takes you as seriously. So, while you are at it my little jingo, go F' yourself.
If they are working for ISIS.......they are TARGETS.....................

Taking them out hits the enemy in the pocket book...............should have been done a long time ago..........

I served back in the 1st Gulf War..............We destroyed most of Iraq's assets in a quarter of the time......................

The only reason they are attacking them now is because someone else is in the fight and are targeting their asses................I saw the video of the Russian strikes and some of ours.....................They were lined up for target practice.................Soft Targets......................
As long as American blood and treasure isn't being's a net win for the Democrats politically and America on all fronts

Right. It's all Republicans fault and Democrats never involved us in any wars.

Keep forgetting WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, to name a few...

Your point is noted. But you're forgetting it's ancient history. Like it or not Obama is seen as getting us out of the winless wars in the middle east. Overall violence has plummted as a result and the price of gasoline has dropped. He puts boots on the ground and all of that goes away.

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