Russia Destroys 500 IS Fuel Tankers

Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?

Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.
I watched the video...................The tankers were lined up all over the place.............and it was a hell of a lot more than dozens...............

Our A-10's and 130's killed the 116 on it's mission.........both are killing machines............................

Yet our forces have been killing them for a while.............Russia is new to the spare me your rhetoric................

The other poster claiming we worship Putin said were are the threads on the 116.................Were are the threads from the Libs on other strikes....or French forces fighting in Chad.......a movement started by the Vacuum effect in Libya....................which Obama has stated is a vacuum to the UN...................

Russia is killing ISIS.........................and I'm happy about it.
Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.

Those who open the link have no need to wonder. Let me stop the bleeding.

According to Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, “around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces.”
Nov 20

Minister Sergei Shoigu reported to President Vladimir Putin on Friday that Russian warplanes destroyed 15 oil refining and storage facilities in Syria and 525 trucks carrying oil during this week's bombing blitz. He said this deprived IS of $1.5 million in daily income from oil sales.

Russian military says its bombing blitz sharply cut Islamic State oil revenues

Video shows Russian air strikes hitting 'Isis oil refinery' in Syria

Video shows Russian air strikes hitting 'Isis oil refinery' in Syria -
I can't recall we had problem with Russians during 8 years of Bush. However, when Barry the Clown got in the office, we start having all sort of problems with them.
Of course not.
That's because the Bush administration let the Russians do whatever they wanted.
The Russians invaded Georgia and Bush etc never raised so much as a whimper.

Actually he sent in troops to train Georgians how to fight against Russia. One of our star pupils is Bagdhadi's right hand man. We as in America trained the star pupil of ISIS.

Nice eh?
  • Thanks
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Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.

Those who open the link have no need to wonder. Let me stop the bleeding.

According to Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, “around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces.”

Oh, a russian army spokesman said so.

Make me laugh harder.
Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?

Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.
I watched the video...................The tankers were lined up all over the place.............and it was a hell of a lot more than dozens...............

Our A-10's and 130's killed the 116 on it's mission.........both are killing machines............................

Yet our forces have been killing them for a while.............Russia is new to the spare me your rhetoric................

The other poster claiming we worship Putin said were are the threads on the 116.................Were are the threads from the Libs on other strikes....or French forces fighting in Chad.......a movement started by the Vacuum effect in Libya....................which Obama has stated is a vacuum to the UN...................

Russia is killing ISIS.........................and I'm happy about it.

Worship isn't the right word.

You guys idolize anyone who, in your books, may cause Obama a bit of discomfort. Its blown up in your faces every time and will continue to do so. I'm sure Obama is doing cartwheels over Russia spilling their blood and treasure in the ME once more. I know I am.
Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?

Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.
I watched the video...................The tankers were lined up all over the place.............and it was a hell of a lot more than dozens...............

Our A-10's and 130's killed the 116 on it's mission.........both are killing machines............................

Yet our forces have been killing them for a while.............Russia is new to the spare me your rhetoric................

The other poster claiming we worship Putin said were are the threads on the 116.................Were are the threads from the Libs on other strikes....or French forces fighting in Chad.......a movement started by the Vacuum effect in Libya....................which Obama has stated is a vacuum to the UN...................

Russia is killing ISIS.........................and I'm happy about it.

Worship isn't the right word.

You guys idolize anyone who, in your books, may cause Obama a bit of discomfort. Its blown up in your faces every time and will continue to do so. I'm sure Obama is doing cartwheels over Russia spilling their blood and treasure in the ME once more. I know I am.
I haven't seen any military casualties yet from the Russian side yet.............but we have seen a bunch of civilians killed on a Russian Airline............Does that give you joy..............

To the FSA and his policy..........I viewed some videos and articles on how they have butchered Christians for being Christian................Is this the type of people who we should be allied to...........but you will of course deny this because you are cow toed to Obama.
You brought up Bush...not me.
Putin played Bush like a fiddle and did exactly what he wanted.

Yes, I brought up Bush in sense of US relations with Russia. Putin got what he wanted, not to mention, we also got everything we wanted.

Putin played Bush? That means we got some bad deal(s) out of it. How about you name few?
Well, I'd suggest that the whole invasion of Georgia thing was pretty major...especially when it happened while Bush was at the summer Olympics sitting next to Putin and other world leaders.
Bitch-slapping doesn't come much better than that.

Remind us again how Putin annexed part of Georgia?

Remind us that red line Bush drew and then ran from in front of the world?
You brought up Bush...not me.
Putin played Bush like a fiddle and did exactly what he wanted.

Yes, I brought up Bush in sense of US relations with Russia. Putin got what he wanted, not to mention, we also got everything we wanted.

Putin played Bush? That means we got some bad deal(s) out of it. How about you name few?
Well, I'd suggest that the whole invasion of Georgia thing was pretty major...especially when it happened while Bush was at the summer Olympics sitting next to Putin and other world leaders.
Bitch-slapping doesn't come much better than that.

Remind us again how Putin annexed part of Georgia?

Remind us that red line Bush drew and then ran from in front of the world?
What are you even talking about?
Are you deflecting, I think you're deflecting, are you deflecting?
You brought up Bush...not me.
Putin played Bush like a fiddle and did exactly what he wanted.

Yes, I brought up Bush in sense of US relations with Russia. Putin got what he wanted, not to mention, we also got everything we wanted.

Putin played Bush? That means we got some bad deal(s) out of it. How about you name few?
Well, I'd suggest that the whole invasion of Georgia thing was pretty major...especially when it happened while Bush was at the summer Olympics sitting next to Putin and other world leaders.
Bitch-slapping doesn't come much better than that.

Remind us again how Putin annexed part of Georgia?

Remind us that red line Bush drew and then ran from in front of the world?
What are you even talking about?
Are you deflecting, I think you're deflecting, are you deflecting?

Judge Jeanine to Obama: Putin Has Been Bitch-Slap…:
You brought up Bush...not me.
Putin played Bush like a fiddle and did exactly what he wanted.

Yes, I brought up Bush in sense of US relations with Russia. Putin got what he wanted, not to mention, we also got everything we wanted.

Putin played Bush? That means we got some bad deal(s) out of it. How about you name few?
Well, I'd suggest that the whole invasion of Georgia thing was pretty major...especially when it happened while Bush was at the summer Olympics sitting next to Putin and other world leaders.
Bitch-slapping doesn't come much better than that.

Remind us again how Putin annexed part of Georgia?

Remind us that red line Bush drew and then ran from in front of the world?
What are you even talking about?
Are you deflecting, I think you're deflecting, are you deflecting?

Judge Jeanine to Obama: Putin Has Been Bitch-Slap…:

Is that another deflection, i think it's another deflection, is that another deflection?
Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.

Those who open the link have no need to wonder. Let me stop the bleeding.

According to Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, “around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces.”

Oh, a russian army spokesman said so.

Make me laugh harder.

At least you're not wondering anymore. Someone did it for you.
I thought the cold war was over with Regan personally. I haven't worried about Russia since HS, and even then the "nuke dive and covers" were a source of amusement for us teens because even then we didn't believe that anyone was going to nuke anything - admittedly though HS'ers tend to think their invincible...

It's just funny to watch some people here flip-flop between "the commies killed x-million people" and "Putin [the former KGB agent] is Mah Heeero!!!"
They are killing ISIS scumbags..............................What's the problem with that?

Your adulation will come in handy the next time you confuse socialism with communism with Nazism with anything that ends in "ism." :D
aka you don't want to answer the question.........................

On the contrary. Just wanted to set some terms so you wouldn't weasel out in future.
I thought the cold war was over with Regan personally. I haven't worried about Russia since HS, and even then the "nuke dive and covers" were a source of amusement for us teens because even then we didn't believe that anyone was going to nuke anything - admittedly though HS'ers tend to think their invincible...

It's just funny to watch some people here flip-flop between "the commies killed x-million people" and "Putin [the former KGB agent] is Mah Heeero!!!"
They are killing ISIS scumbags..............................What's the problem with that?

Your adulation will come in handy the next time you confuse socialism with communism with Nazism with anything that ends in "ism." :D
aka you don't want to answer the question.........................

On the contrary. Just wanted to set some terms so you wouldn't weasel out in future.
the ism argument.................LOL

Your using too much of your product........

Putin doing the Job the obumanation would NEVER do!

  • Russian cruise missiles hit ISIS from Mediterranean & Caspian; 600 killed in one strike
    Russia Today ^ | Published time: 20 Nov, 2015 14:57 | Vasily Botanov
    The Russian military has launched cruise missiles against Islamic State positions in Syria from both the Mediterranean and Caspian seas, one of which killed over 600 terrorists in the Deir Ex-Zor Province, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has said. “On November 20, the warships of the Caspian Fleet launched 18 cruise missiles at seven targets in the provinces of Raqqa, Idlib and Aleppo. All targets were hit successfully,” he reported to President Vladimir Putin. Overall, there are 10 warships taking part in the operation, six of which are in the Mediterranean. Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) have been suffering huge...
Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.

Those who open the link have no need to wonder. Let me stop the bleeding.

According to Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, “around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces.”

Oh, a russian army spokesman said so.

Make me laugh harder.

At least you're not wondering anymore. Someone did it for you.

I'm wondering how my fellow countrymen can trust soviet army spokesmen.
I'm wondering what happened to them as to where they trust nobody in our government but willingly drop to their knees and drink up whatever vladdy gives them.
I'm wondering what happened to their basic patriotism.

I'm wondering what could have made them change because this wouldn't have flown during Clinton's administration. I'm wondering if it really IS just because Obama is black that you trust the Russians and their former KGB Spymaster more than you trust the US government.
Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.

Those who open the link have no need to wonder. Let me stop the bleeding.

According to Russian General Staff spokesman Colonel General Andrey Kartapolov, “around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing have been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces.”

Oh, a russian army spokesman said so.

Make me laugh harder.

At least you're not wondering anymore. Someone did it for you.

I'm wondering how my fellow countrymen can trust soviet army spokesmen.
I'm wondering what happened to them as to where they trust nobody in our government but willingly drop to their knees and drink up whatever vladdy gives them.
I'm wondering what happened to their basic patriotism.

I'm wondering what could have made them change because this wouldn't have flown during Clinton's administration. I'm wondering if it really IS just because Obama is black that you trust the Russians and their former KGB Spymaster more than you trust the US government.
We are seeing another country kill ISIS...................and I'm down with that..................I again see no problem with those killing the goat fuckers in that desert...........

Good Hunting Ruskies.............
Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?

Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.
I watched the video...................The tankers were lined up all over the place.............and it was a hell of a lot more than dozens...............

Our A-10's and 130's killed the 116 on it's mission.........both are killing machines............................

Yet our forces have been killing them for a while.............Russia is new to the spare me your rhetoric................

The other poster claiming we worship Putin said were are the threads on the 116.................Were are the threads from the Libs on other strikes....or French forces fighting in Chad.......a movement started by the Vacuum effect in Libya....................which Obama has stated is a vacuum to the UN...................

Russia is killing ISIS.........................and I'm happy about it.

Worship isn't the right word.

You guys idolize anyone who, in your books, may cause Obama a bit of discomfort. Its blown up in your faces every time and will continue to do so. I'm sure Obama is doing cartwheels over Russia spilling their blood and treasure in the ME once more. I know I am.
I haven't seen any military casualties yet from the Russian side yet.............but we have seen a bunch of civilians killed on a Russian Airline............Does that give you joy..............

To the FSA and his policy..........I viewed some videos and articles on how they have butchered Christians for being Christian................Is this the type of people who we should be allied to...........but you will of course deny this because you are cow toed to Obama.

Oh shut the fuck up.

What gives me joy is seeing the right wing "tough guys" scared of the JV team of jihad. Obama has handled the situation masterfully as to where Russia is fighting the battle and spilling their blood and treasure. As long as Americans are not dying, I'm giddy. There is nothing in Syria worth fighting for. And that goes with the entire Middle East.

That the right wing shit-brained morons like yourself are happy about Russia entering an unwinnable war is of little consequence. I do know Ronald Reagan would be turning over in his grave to not watch his Party's members sucking Putin's cock; but there you guys are... I wonder how much you're spending on knee pads.

As for being allied to ISIS; in no way shape or form is this country allied with ISIS. Sell crazy somewhere else douch nozzle. They are contained; the coalition is decimating their numbers and they are basically just shortening their time between living in shadows and not having anywhere left to hide with attacks like Paris. I'm sure they will be able to make a few more bombs and inflict some more damage. Basically a Kleibold and Harris type approach to world domination. Didn't end too well for D&K and won't end too well for them either.
Makes you wonder why we were not targeting those same tanker trucks?

Also makes you wonder how it goes from "dozens" in the link to "500" in the title.
I watched the video...................The tankers were lined up all over the place.............and it was a hell of a lot more than dozens...............

Our A-10's and 130's killed the 116 on it's mission.........both are killing machines............................

Yet our forces have been killing them for a while.............Russia is new to the spare me your rhetoric................

The other poster claiming we worship Putin said were are the threads on the 116.................Were are the threads from the Libs on other strikes....or French forces fighting in Chad.......a movement started by the Vacuum effect in Libya....................which Obama has stated is a vacuum to the UN...................

Russia is killing ISIS.........................and I'm happy about it.

Worship isn't the right word.

You guys idolize anyone who, in your books, may cause Obama a bit of discomfort. Its blown up in your faces every time and will continue to do so. I'm sure Obama is doing cartwheels over Russia spilling their blood and treasure in the ME once more. I know I am.
I haven't seen any military casualties yet from the Russian side yet.............but we have seen a bunch of civilians killed on a Russian Airline............Does that give you joy..............

To the FSA and his policy..........I viewed some videos and articles on how they have butchered Christians for being Christian................Is this the type of people who we should be allied to...........but you will of course deny this because you are cow toed to Obama.

Oh shut the fuck up.

What gives me joy is seeing the right wing "tough guys" scared of the JV team of jihad. Obama has handled the situation masterfully as to where Russia is fighting the battle and spilling their blood and treasure. As long as Americans are not dying, I'm giddy. There is nothing in Syria worth fighting for. And that goes with the entire Middle East.

That the right wing shit-brained morons like yourself are happy about Russia entering an unwinnable war is of little consequence. I do know Ronald Reagan would be turning over in his grave to not watch his Party's members sucking Putin's cock; but there you guys are... I wonder how much you're spending on knee pads.

As for being allied to ISIS; in no way shape or form is this country allied with ISIS. Sell crazy somewhere else douch nozzle. They are contained; the coalition is decimating their numbers and they are basically just shortening their time between living in shadows and not having anywhere left to hide with attacks like Paris. I'm sure they will be able to make a few more bombs and inflict some more damage. Basically a Kleibold and Harris type approach to world domination. Didn't end too well for D&K and won't end too well for them either.
Wars are only unwinnable when people like you Elect Pussies to lead................................and that is all Obama is..............a leftist pussy.............

No comment on his gun running from Libya and the Vacuum he created there from you.............hmmmm..........'s going great...................hmmm.........we get kicked out...............
Libya..............ISIS swimming in our embassy in Tripoli.....................
Egypt..............the Muslim Brotherhood must be in the process............Egypt's response :fu:they outlawed them and destroyed over a thousand tunnels to Gaza..........

The Red Lines........................................

Your Hero is a Joke..............


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