Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

WOW!!! So they've found proof of added, removed or modified ballots. That's good. What, you mean they don't have any of that? Then they can blow it out their ass.
Moron, 99% of all people know who they’re voting’s by Party.

99% of Republicans vote Republican and 99% of Democrats vote Democrat? That sounds iffy at best and I look forward to you proving that.

How about independents?

How about that Trump had razor thin wins in 3 states, how many people would it take to influence? 100k?
You have never been particularly bright and you’re really going out of your way to reinforce that impression.
I have yet to meet any non-Conservative or Liberal who didn’t vote Party.
Most Independents voted for Trump.
No one I have met in Nassau County voted because of an ad.
Oh yeah, I meet about 2,000 people a year due to work and EVERYONE talks politics.

Who said liberals were convinced to vote for Trump? No one, not a single person has even remotely attempted to make this point.

Ads influence people to vote or even not to vote that is their sole purpose. Politicians and corporations don't spend billions on them every year just to entertain you.

You should be concerned with a foreign enemy of the state attempting to influence our elections, whether you think they are successful or not. Instead what you are obviously doing is putting Trump over country because the last thing you want to admit is that our democracy was threatened and Trump very well may have gotten a boost from the Russians therefore throwing up an additional asterisk (the first for losing the popular vote) for the 2016 election.

And what exactly did the president do about it?

Obama? Clearly nothing. However we also know more now then back in 2016.
Well..some of us do..others just wallow in denial and partisan hackery.
Did anyone here actually learn anything about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign that you didn’t already know? I didn’t and highly doubt Russia had any information about her people didn’t already know or suspect.
99% of Republicans vote Republican and 99% of Democrats vote Democrat? That sounds iffy at best and I look forward to you proving that.

How about independents?

How about that Trump had razor thin wins in 3 states, how many people would it take to influence? 100k?
You have never been particularly bright and you’re really going out of your way to reinforce that impression.
I have yet to meet any non-Conservative or Liberal who didn’t vote Party.
Most Independents voted for Trump.
No one I have met in Nassau County voted because of an ad.
Oh yeah, I meet about 2,000 people a year due to work and EVERYONE talks politics.

Who said liberals were convinced to vote for Trump? No one, not a single person has even remotely attempted to make this point.

Ads influence people to vote or even not to vote that is their sole purpose. Politicians and corporations don't spend billions on them every year just to entertain you.

You should be concerned with a foreign enemy of the state attempting to influence our elections, whether you think they are successful or not. Instead what you are obviously doing is putting Trump over country because the last thing you want to admit is that our democracy was threatened and Trump very well may have gotten a boost from the Russians therefore throwing up an additional asterisk (the first for losing the popular vote) for the 2016 election.
Ads are part of the Free Market.
WTF is wrong with Liberals!!!???

Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

What, you don't believe the ads exist?

Here are some of the Russian ads that targeted crucial election states on Facebook and Twitter – Daily News
You have never been particularly bright and you’re really going out of your way to reinforce that impression.
I have yet to meet any non-Conservative or Liberal who didn’t vote Party.
Most Independents voted for Trump.
No one I have met in Nassau County voted because of an ad.
Oh yeah, I meet about 2,000 people a year due to work and EVERYONE talks politics.

Who said liberals were convinced to vote for Trump? No one, not a single person has even remotely attempted to make this point.

Ads influence people to vote or even not to vote that is their sole purpose. Politicians and corporations don't spend billions on them every year just to entertain you.

You should be concerned with a foreign enemy of the state attempting to influence our elections, whether you think they are successful or not. Instead what you are obviously doing is putting Trump over country because the last thing you want to admit is that our democracy was threatened and Trump very well may have gotten a boost from the Russians therefore throwing up an additional asterisk (the first for losing the popular vote) for the 2016 election.
Ads are part of the Free Market.
WTF is wrong with Liberals!!!???

Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

What, you don't believe the ads exist?

Here are some of the Russian ads that targeted crucial election states on Facebook and Twitter – Daily News
He knows they's just a tactic...and a lame one at that.
You have never been particularly bright and you’re really going out of your way to reinforce that impression.
I have yet to meet any non-Conservative or Liberal who didn’t vote Party.
Most Independents voted for Trump.
No one I have met in Nassau County voted because of an ad.
Oh yeah, I meet about 2,000 people a year due to work and EVERYONE talks politics.

Who said liberals were convinced to vote for Trump? No one, not a single person has even remotely attempted to make this point.

Ads influence people to vote or even not to vote that is their sole purpose. Politicians and corporations don't spend billions on them every year just to entertain you.

You should be concerned with a foreign enemy of the state attempting to influence our elections, whether you think they are successful or not. Instead what you are obviously doing is putting Trump over country because the last thing you want to admit is that our democracy was threatened and Trump very well may have gotten a boost from the Russians therefore throwing up an additional asterisk (the first for losing the popular vote) for the 2016 election.
Ads are part of the Free Market.
WTF is wrong with Liberals!!!???

Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

What, you don't believe the ads exist?

Here are some of the Russian ads that targeted crucial election states on Facebook and Twitter – Daily News
These ads are so partisan no Liberal would read them for more than a moment and every Republican would agree with them in an instant.
So who was influenced to change their vote?
99% of Republicans vote Republican and 99% of Democrats vote Democrat? That sounds iffy at best and I look forward to you proving that.

How about independents?

How about that Trump had razor thin wins in 3 states, how many people would it take to influence? 100k?
You have never been particularly bright and you’re really going out of your way to reinforce that impression.
I have yet to meet any non-Conservative or Liberal who didn’t vote Party.
Most Independents voted for Trump.
No one I have met in Nassau County voted because of an ad.
Oh yeah, I meet about 2,000 people a year due to work and EVERYONE talks politics.

Who said liberals were convinced to vote for Trump? No one, not a single person has even remotely attempted to make this point.

Ads influence people to vote or even not to vote that is their sole purpose. Politicians and corporations don't spend billions on them every year just to entertain you.

You should be concerned with a foreign enemy of the state attempting to influence our elections, whether you think they are successful or not. Instead what you are obviously doing is putting Trump over country because the last thing you want to admit is that our democracy was threatened and Trump very well may have gotten a boost from the Russians therefore throwing up an additional asterisk (the first for losing the popular vote) for the 2016 election.
Ads are part of the Free Market.
WTF is wrong with Liberals!!!???

Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

I posted 2. :rolleyes:
Who said liberals were convinced to vote for Trump? No one, not a single person has even remotely attempted to make this point.

Ads influence people to vote or even not to vote that is their sole purpose. Politicians and corporations don't spend billions on them every year just to entertain you.

You should be concerned with a foreign enemy of the state attempting to influence our elections, whether you think they are successful or not. Instead what you are obviously doing is putting Trump over country because the last thing you want to admit is that our democracy was threatened and Trump very well may have gotten a boost from the Russians therefore throwing up an additional asterisk (the first for losing the popular vote) for the 2016 election.
Ads are part of the Free Market.
WTF is wrong with Liberals!!!???

Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

What, you don't believe the ads exist?

Here are some of the Russian ads that targeted crucial election states on Facebook and Twitter – Daily News
These ads are so partisan no Liberal would read them for more than a moment and every Republican would agree with them in an instant.
So who was influenced to change their vote?

Believe it or not there is a wide spectrum of diversity in our electorate. Not everyone identifies as liberal or conservative. Ads can also piss people off and prompt them to be more likely to vote or less likely.

I'm sorry, I find your responses to be incurious and excuse ridden.
And what exactly did the president do about it?

Obama? Clearly nothing. However we also know more now then back in 2016.

And there you have it. :)

Have what? I don't think the government knew the extent of the ads on facebook at the time. Also, Obama's lack of action, whether perceived or real does not change one thing written in the OP. You're just looking for excuses to ignore Russia.
Fuck you bitch.

Oh yeah..the question..what possible bearing this would have on this report..I don't know...I doubt that any Libs voted for Trump. So?

Any comment on the now proven fact..that Russia tried to influence our election on the direct orders of Putin? That Putin wished Trump to win...and used espionage to attempt to ensure it?
Answer the question, retard.
When I ask a Liberals this to their face, their heads start going into spasms.

How many people were wrongfully convinced that Clinton should be in prison? I mean, besides you who believed the bullshit.

The Russians were a great echo chamber.
Answer my question.
I think I'll make you a drinking game...every time you say answer my question..I get a shot..or perhaps a bong hit..gotta vary my intake.
Answer the question.
I need to know how many Liberals voted for Trump.

Man, I don't know if he knows any but I know about 20 or so libs that voted for trump simply because of their disdain for hillary. Two of them are very socialistic and were born in other countries but now american citizens. I imagine there were a shitload. Not all what you refer to liberals are far left.
WOW!!! So they've found proof of added, removed or modified ballots. That's good. What, you mean they don't have any of that? Then they can blow it out their ass.

They said proof would be coming. They SAID it.

It's on it's way. It will get here any day now.
Ads are part of the Free Market.
WTF is wrong with Liberals!!!???

Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

What, you don't believe the ads exist?

Here are some of the Russian ads that targeted crucial election states on Facebook and Twitter – Daily News
These ads are so partisan no Liberal would read them for more than a moment and every Republican would agree with them in an instant.
So who was influenced to change their vote?

Believe it or not there is a wide spectrum of diversity in our electorate. Not everyone identifies as liberal or conservative. Ads can also piss people off and prompt them to be more likely to vote or less likely.

I'm sorry, I find your responses to be incurious and excuse ridden.
And I find you to be the usual idiot you are.
WOW!!! So they've found proof of added, removed or modified ballots. That's good. What, you mean they don't have any of that? Then they can blow it out their ass.

They said proof would be coming. They SAID it.

It's on it's way. It will get here any day now.

Actually no one ever said there is or would be proof of ballot tampering.

What kind of morons are you people?
So what if the Russians preferred Trump to Hillary? That still does not mean there was any illegal collusion - for which there still remains no evidence to support.

Perhaps the Russians were tired of paying Hillary / the Clintons so much cash and getting so little in return .

All these speculations and conspiracy theories based on butt-hurt are nice, but nothing beats good ol' evidence....and Democrats / Mueller / Snowflakes still don't have any to support their accusations...
This is a Republican led report..for the record. Preferred is one thing//actively attempting to influence the process quite another. You did read the quote, right?
Here..I'll post it again..just for you:

The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,” Warner continued.
Warner is a democrap. So nope not Republican led.
Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

What, you don't believe the ads exist?

Here are some of the Russian ads that targeted crucial election states on Facebook and Twitter – Daily News
These ads are so partisan no Liberal would read them for more than a moment and every Republican would agree with them in an instant.
So who was influenced to change their vote?

Believe it or not there is a wide spectrum of diversity in our electorate. Not everyone identifies as liberal or conservative. Ads can also piss people off and prompt them to be more likely to vote or less likely.

I'm sorry, I find your responses to be incurious and excuse ridden.
And I find you to be the usual idiot you are.

Cool, considering you live in opposite world I'll take that as a compliment.
Answer the question, retard.
When I ask a Liberals this to their face, their heads start going into spasms.

How many people were wrongfully convinced that Clinton should be in prison? I mean, besides you who believed the bullshit.

The Russians were a great echo chamber.
Answer my question.
I think I'll make you a drinking game...every time you say answer my question..I get a shot..or perhaps a bong hit..gotta vary my intake.
Answer the question.
I need to know how many Liberals voted for Trump.

Man, I don't know if he knows any but I know about 20 or so libs that voted for trump simply because of their disdain for hillary. Two of them are very socialistic and were born in other countries but now american citizens. I imagine there were a shitload. Not all what you refer to liberals are far left.
Liberals or Democrats.
I know a lot of Blue Dogs who voted for Trump.
The problem today is that Blue Dogs are considered Independents.
So what if the Russians preferred Trump to Hillary? That still does not mean there was any illegal collusion - for which there still remains no evidence to support.

Perhaps the Russians were tired of paying Hillary / the Clintons so much cash and getting so little in return .

All these speculations and conspiracy theories based on butt-hurt are nice, but nothing beats good ol' evidence....and Democrats / Mueller / Snowflakes still don't have any to support their accusations...
This is a Republican led report..for the record. Preferred is one thing//actively attempting to influence the process quite another. You did read the quote, right?
Here..I'll post it again..just for you:

The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,” Warner continued.
Warner is a democrap. So nope not Republican led.

The chair of the committee is a Republican.
These ads are so partisan no Liberal would read them for more than a moment and every Republican would agree with them in an instant.
So who was influenced to change their vote?

Believe it or not there is a wide spectrum of diversity in our electorate. Not everyone identifies as liberal or conservative. Ads can also piss people off and prompt them to be more likely to vote or less likely.

I'm sorry, I find your responses to be incurious and excuse ridden.
And I find you to be the usual idiot you are.

Cool, considering you live in opposite world I'll take that as a compliment.
I voted for Obama both times.

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