Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

Professor long ago told me it's not your IQ it's your I Will

He wasn't bullshittin'.
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?
They are no more in the know than you or I, on top of which they are professional liars. Matters of fact aren't determined by a majority vote, moron.
There's no evidence of that, douchebag.
Now I know you're talking through your ass because your head knows better Almost everyone knows ,,,except you
Everything you know is wrong.
Says the guy who believes all the lies Trump tells. Like the huge one he told just a few days ago to military Moms. In public for all to see and hear. A whooper of a lie that most media and folks just let slide because the President lies so much that one more lie just doesn't seem to matter.
What "lie" was that?
He told a room full of military mom's at a White House event that he was giving the military their first raise in ten years. Truth is they have gotten raises every year for the last ten years and at least one of them under Obama was bigger than the one being given this year under his administration. Everyone in the room who was wearing a uniform or the mom of someone in the military knew they were being used by trump to promote a blatant lie.
3 days ago.
He erred. He didn't lie.
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?
They are no more in the know than you or I, on top of which they are professional liars. Matters of fact aren't determined by a majority vote, moron.

Really? What's it called when someone thinks they know more than they really do? Eh, it's probably just a picture of you in the dictionary. Anyway, the term is escaping me at the moment.
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?
They are no more in the know than you or I, on top of which they are professional liars. Matters of fact aren't determined by a majority vote, moron.

Really? What's it called when someone thinks they know more than they really do? Eh, it's probably just a picture of you in the dictionary. Anyway, the term is escaping me at the moment.
I think they call it "HappyJoy snowflake douchebag."
Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?
They are no more in the know than you or I, on top of which they are professional liars. Matters of fact aren't determined by a majority vote, moron.

Really? What's it called when someone thinks they know more than they really do? Eh, it's probably just a picture of you in the dictionary. Anyway, the term is escaping me at the moment.
I think they call it "HappyJoy snowflake douchebag."

Ohhhh, that's cute, little man.
Now I know you're talking through your ass because your head knows better Almost everyone knows ,,,except you
Everything you know is wrong.
Says the guy who believes all the lies Trump tells. Like the huge one he told just a few days ago to military Moms. In public for all to see and hear. A whooper of a lie that most media and folks just let slide because the President lies so much that one more lie just doesn't seem to matter.
What "lie" was that?
He told a room full of military mom's at a White House event that he was giving the military their first raise in ten years. Truth is they have gotten raises every year for the last ten years and at least one of them under Obama was bigger than the one being given this year under his administration. Everyone in the room who was wearing a uniform or the mom of someone in the military knew they were being used by trump to promote a blatant lie.
3 days ago.
He erred. He didn't lie.
Sure, he erred. So show us where the White House retracted his error or apologized for making the error. You can't, because it was not an error. It was a lie. He wants to give the false impression that he did what Obama did not do. He is branding himself as the President who gave the military raises in pay and did not ignore the topic like the past President.
Trump's lies have purposes. They are not made only by error and mistake. They are malicious and designed to promote information fraud. That is call disinformation. There are people now who believe trump changed a bad habit and an injustice of not giving the military regular raises in pay. Especially his supporters. His base believes that nonsense. It can not be taken out of their heads. When caught and confronted with the lie they will do like this poster has done and blame it on an error. Just a mistake.
Hillary tried to warn you bri You shut your ears ,,,,,,,,,,sad
oh my fucking god - really?

i get the hate for trump. i do. i ignore him as much as i can and hope he gets more good done than bad. best i can do right now. but to reference hillary as a role model in this?

just holy fucksticks batman.
Hillary tried to warn you bri You shut your ears ,,,,,,,,,,sad
oh my fucking god - really?

i get the hate for trump. i do. i ignore him as much as i can and hope he gets more good done than bad. best i can do right now. but to reference hillary as a role model in this?

just holy fucksticks batman.
ice did you really listen to what she said about your guy? Most has been proven Why in Gods name do you think Russia wanted Trump as President ?? To MAGA ?? lol
99% of Republicans vote Republican and 99% of Democrats vote Democrat? That sounds iffy at best and I look forward to you proving that.

How about independents?

How about that Trump had razor thin wins in 3 states, how many people would it take to influence? 100k?
You have never been particularly bright and you’re really going out of your way to reinforce that impression.
I have yet to meet any non-Conservative or Liberal who didn’t vote Party.
Most Independents voted for Trump.
No one I have met in Nassau County voted because of an ad.
Oh yeah, I meet about 2,000 people a year due to work and EVERYONE talks politics.

Who said liberals were convinced to vote for Trump? No one, not a single person has even remotely attempted to make this point.

Ads influence people to vote or even not to vote that is their sole purpose. Politicians and corporations don't spend billions on them every year just to entertain you.

You should be concerned with a foreign enemy of the state attempting to influence our elections, whether you think they are successful or not. Instead what you are obviously doing is putting Trump over country because the last thing you want to admit is that our democracy was threatened and Trump very well may have gotten a boost from the Russians therefore throwing up an additional asterisk (the first for losing the popular vote) for the 2016 election.
Ads are part of the Free Market.
WTF is wrong with Liberals!!!???

Deceptive ads from a foreign government, specifically a country like Russia that pretend to be from another group are not part of the free market. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Link to one of these “deceptive” ads.

Here's the lie or fake news about Hillary running a child sex ring out of a pizza restaurant

I don't know if it's from russians but it's very likely.

It was picked up by the alt right and blasted all over their websites.

Which caused a crazy person to go to that pizza restaurant with an AR 15 to shoot up the place.

The restaurant owner and employees received death threats too.

Man opens fire in restaurant targeted by anti-Clinton "PizzaGate" fake news conspiracy - CBS News
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?
They are no more in the know than you or I, on top of which they are professional liars. Matters of fact aren't determined by a majority vote, moron.

Really? What's it called when someone thinks they know more than they really do? Eh, it's probably just a picture of you in the dictionary. Anyway, the term is escaping me at the moment.

That would be: Liberal mentality....dumbass.
Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?
They are no more in the know than you or I, on top of which they are professional liars. Matters of fact aren't determined by a majority vote, moron.

Really? What's it called when someone thinks they know more than they really do? Eh, it's probably just a picture of you in the dictionary. Anyway, the term is escaping me at the moment.

That would be: Liberal mentality....dumbass.

No, that;s not it, queef.

It's the Dunning-Kruger effect.
Everything you know is wrong.
Says the guy who believes all the lies Trump tells. Like the huge one he told just a few days ago to military Moms. In public for all to see and hear. A whooper of a lie that most media and folks just let slide because the President lies so much that one more lie just doesn't seem to matter.
What "lie" was that?
He told a room full of military mom's at a White House event that he was giving the military their first raise in ten years. Truth is they have gotten raises every year for the last ten years and at least one of them under Obama was bigger than the one being given this year under his administration. Everyone in the room who was wearing a uniform or the mom of someone in the military knew they were being used by trump to promote a blatant lie.
3 days ago.
He erred. He didn't lie.
Sure, he erred. So show us where the White House retracted his error or apologized for making the error. You can't, because it was not an error. It was a lie. He wants to give the false impression that he did what Obama did not do. He is branding himself as the President who gave the military raises in pay and did not ignore the topic like the past President.
Trump's lies have purposes. They are not made only by error and mistake. They are malicious and designed to promote information fraud. That is call disinformation. There are people now who believe trump changed a bad habit and an injustice of not giving the military regular raises in pay. Especially his supporters. His base believes that nonsense. It can not be taken out of their heads. When caught and confronted with the lie they will do like this poster has done and blame it on an error. Just a mistake.

When you prove you can read Trump's mind, then perhaps your ravings might have some interest. Until then: <YAWN!>
Hillary tried to warn you bri You shut your ears ,,,,,,,,,,sad
oh my fucking god - really?

i get the hate for trump. i do. i ignore him as much as i can and hope he gets more good done than bad. best i can do right now. but to reference hillary as a role model in this?

just holy fucksticks batman.
ice did you really listen to what she said about your guy? Most has been proven Why in Gods name do you think Russia wanted Trump as President ?? To MAGA ?? lol
i don't even fucking listen to your bullshit anymore, edward. you keep forcing your views of hate on me because i don't join you in bashing trump. you keep calling him "my guy" because i don't hate him with a white hot passion of a thousand dying suns - as you do.

you're so fucking binary it's pathetic. I HATE TRUMP - YOU DON'T HATE HIM YOU LOVE HIM WAH.

grow the fuck up dude.
Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

That's right. The ENTIRE Senate Committee chaired by the GOP agrees with the US Intelligence Committee, breaking from trump. The House Intel Committee did not issue a joint report. Rather, the GOP on that committee issued a memo in which they tried to appease Glorious Leader.

“Our staff concluded that the [intelligence community’s] conclusions were accurate and on point,” the panel’s vice chairman, Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-Va.), said Wednesday in a joint statement with Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), its chairman. “The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,” Warner continued.

But that last determination — that Russia intended to help Trump — sets up a clash within the GOP over which record of events is most accurate, a dispute that could complicate the party’s messaging surrounding the Russia investigations as it heads into the 2018 election season. While the House Republicans’ report also concurred with the bulk of the intelligence community’s findings about Russian meddling, it accused officials of not following their own best practices in determining that Moscow hoped Trump would win."

Trump has taken umbrage at the intelligence community’s determination that the Kremlin favored his candidacy over that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The president cheered the House Intelligence Committee’s findings and report on Twitter, claiming it vindicated him by finding there was no evidence of collusion or coordination with Russia.

The Senate intelligence panel has yet to weigh in on the collusion allegations, a subject that will be left to its final report. But Burr and Warner have been dropping hints for days that their panel’s interim findings on the intelligence community would depart from those of the House Intelligence Committee Republicans. House Democrats also roundly disagreed with those findings.


FILE In this file photo taken on Friday, July 7, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. The Senate Intelligence Committee released its findings on Wednesday that the Russia had interfered in the 2016 election to help Trump’s chances of victory, breaking with House Republicans. (Evan Vucci/AP)

“I’m not sure that the House was required to substantiate every conclusion with facts,” Burr told reporters last week, when asked whether the Senate Intelligence Committee would also find fault with the intelligence community’s assessment. He promised the Senate panel would “have the facts to show for” its conclusions."

loL! i suspect i'm going to get a record number of funnies for this one..much Butt Hurt in Trumpville!
11 funnies..a new personal record~
Fuck you bitch.

Oh yeah..the question..what possible bearing this would have on this report..I don't know...I doubt that any Libs voted for Trump. So?

Any comment on the now proven fact..that Russia tried to influence our election on the direct orders of Putin? That Putin wished Trump to win...and used espionage to attempt to ensure it?
Answer the question, retard.
When I ask a Liberals this to their face, their heads start going into spasms.

How many people were wrongfully convinced that Clinton should be in prison? I mean, besides you who believed the bullshit.

The Russians were a great echo chamber.
Answer my question.
I think I'll make you a drinking game...every time you say answer my question..I get a shot..or perhaps a bong hit..gotta vary my intake.
Answer the question.
I need to know how many Liberals voted for Trump.

Why? If I make plans and then try to rob a bank but I don't manage to get away with any money, I'm not guilty of a crime?
Answer the question, retard.
When I ask a Liberals this to their face, their heads start going into spasms.

How many people were wrongfully convinced that Clinton should be in prison? I mean, besides you who believed the bullshit.

The Russians were a great echo chamber.
Answer my question.
I think I'll make you a drinking game...every time you say answer my question..I get a shot..or perhaps a bong hit..gotta vary my intake.
Answer the question.
I need to know how many Liberals voted for Trump.

Why? If I make plans and then try to rob a bank but I don't manage to get away with any money, I'm not guilty of a crime?
What crime?
How many people were wrongfully convinced that Clinton should be in prison? I mean, besides you who believed the bullshit.

The Russians were a great echo chamber.
Answer my question.
I think I'll make you a drinking game...every time you say answer my question..I get a shot..or perhaps a bong hit..gotta vary my intake.
Answer the question.
I need to know how many Liberals voted for Trump.

Why? If I make plans and then try to rob a bank but I don't manage to get away with any money, I'm not guilty of a crime?
What crime?

So there is no crime of attempted bank robbery or attempted murder if you’re not actually successful?

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