Russia favored Trump in 2016, Senate panel says, breaking with House GOP

How dumb are you? Clinton was also for protecting the border. You might as well ask Sanders and Trump what color the sky is.

Who isn't for border control?

Let's see, how about DACA? I don't think Trump and Sanders agree there. What about that wall? Nope. Sanders is easily more aligned with Clinton and other Democrats about immigration and the border in general.

Fuck, another fail.

Horseshit. Hillary was caught on tape admitting that she supports open borders.

Clinton Releases Plan to Dissolve U.S. Border Within 100 Days | Breitbart
Breitbart distortion, misdirection and false interpretation hack article. Designed for suckers and dupes. Genuine fake news.
ROFL! Oh nooooooo! It's the evil Breitbart!

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil!
You are deflecting away from the topic of Clinton warning about Russian interference in the 2016 election, an accepted fact today.
You're deflecting from the fact that it's a great big nothing burger.

Is 'nothing burger' still the cool thing to say?
Horseshit. Hillary was caught on tape admitting that she supports open borders.

Clinton Releases Plan to Dissolve U.S. Border Within 100 Days | Breitbart

Wow, she wants to keep DACA alive. The article is filled with half truths and it's also Breitbart. She did not want to 'dissolve' the border you little scared child.

Stop lying. She was for open borders and amnesty.

She was not for open borders and almost everyone is for amnesty for DACA.

No, and you and OP are faggots.

Jesus, you guys fucking crack me up. :auiqs.jpg:

Just because her husband built the only wall that's there, does not mean that Hillary didn't support open borders. Do you have some proof to the contrary? I don't think so. Why? Because it is not so.

If it was, it was most certainly excluded from her campaign platform. An item that may have cost her the election, so what's up?

No it wasn't, here you go:

Here's where Hillary Clinton stands on immigration

Clinton calls for "[protecting] our borders and national security" and supported the 2013 Senate immigration bill that would have funded an enhanced border-security plan, including additional border fencing.

She asserts that the US-Mexican border has been enhanced and is now "the most secure border we have ever had," and that it is now time for "a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship."

Clinton even mocked Donald Trump's proposed border wall as a "fantasy."
That's the plan that implemented amnesty first, and then promised that Congress would talk about enhanced border security second. That's a plan for succers. Anyone who voted for it was against border security, not for it.

Saying "the most secure border we have ever had" means nothing since our border isn't secure. She's just admitting she plans to do nothing about enhacning border security.

Only a major fucking idiot would fall for this pap.
Hillary tried to warn you bri You shut your ears ,,,,,,,,,,sad
She tried to warn me about what, something that never happened? Hilllary was trying to fool idiots like you into believing she actually cares about the security of this country.
It's right in front of you to hear Afraid to find out your president is a scum bag ?? Bet you already knew that
There's no evidence of that, douchebag.
Now I know you're talking through your ass because your head knows better Almost everyone knows ,,,except you
Everything you know is wrong.
Hillary warns about Russian interference in the election and finger boy response is ....but but....but...what about this other stuff....
Russia's attempts at meddling were inept and inconsequential. Douchebags like you are trying to make it an issue because you got nothing else and because you think the public is buying it.

Only the gullible and stupid are fooled.

Yeah, they only hacked into the DNC, spilled the beans that were released on a timeline that was particularly advantageous to Trump, but whatever.
There's no evidence that anyone hacked the DNC server. Russian had nothing to do with Wikileaks publishing Podesta's emails.
Wow, she wants to keep DACA alive. The article is filled with half truths and it's also Breitbart. She did not want to 'dissolve' the border you little scared child.

She was not for open borders and almost everyone is for amnesty for DACA.

No, and you and OP are faggots.

Jesus, you guys fucking crack me up. :auiqs.jpg:

Just because her husband built the only wall that's there, does not mean that Hillary didn't support open borders. Do you have some proof to the contrary? I don't think so. Why? Because it is not so.

If it was, it was most certainly excluded from her campaign platform. An item that may have cost her the election, so what's up?

No it wasn't, here you go:

Here's where Hillary Clinton stands on immigration

Clinton calls for "[protecting] our borders and national security" and supported the 2013 Senate immigration bill that would have funded an enhanced border-security plan, including additional border fencing.

She asserts that the US-Mexican border has been enhanced and is now "the most secure border we have ever had," and that it is now time for "a comprehensive immigration reform with a path to citizenship."

Clinton even mocked Donald Trump's proposed border wall as a "fantasy."
That's the plan that implemented amnesty first, and then promised that Congress would talk about enhanced border security second. That's a plan for succers. Anyone who voted for it was against border security, not for it.[/quote[

What's a succer?

That's a sweet ass opinion you got there.

Saying "the most secure border we have ever had" means nothing since our border isn't secure. She's just admitting she plans to do nothing about enhacning border security.

Only a major fucking idiot would fall for this pap.

The border is pretty secure now with border hopping dropping quite a bit since Bush was in office.
Hillary warns about Russian interference in the election and finger boy response is ....but but....but...what about this other stuff....
Russia's attempts at meddling were inept and inconsequential. Douchebags like you are trying to make it an issue because you got nothing else and because you think the public is buying it.

Only the gullible and stupid are fooled.

Yeah, they only hacked into the DNC, spilled the beans that were released on a timeline that was particularly advantageous to Trump, but whatever.
There's no evidence that anyone hacked the DNC server. Russian had nothing to do with Wikileaks publishing Podesta's emails.

I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
Horseshit. Hillary was caught on tape admitting that she supports open borders.

Clinton Releases Plan to Dissolve U.S. Border Within 100 Days | Breitbart
Breitbart distortion, misdirection and false interpretation hack article. Designed for suckers and dupes. Genuine fake news.
ROFL! Oh nooooooo! It's the evil Breitbart!

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil!
You are deflecting away from the topic of Clinton warning about Russian interference in the 2016 election, an accepted fact today.
You're deflecting from the fact that it's a great big nothing burger.

Is 'nothing burger' still the cool thing to say?
Actually, a nothing burger is not bad. Lettuce, tomato, onion, a slice of cheese with mayo or a creamy salad dressing on a burger bun is pretty good.
So what if the Russians preferred Trump to Hillary? That still does not mean there was any illegal collusion - for which there still remains no evidence to support.

Perhaps the Russians were tired of paying Hillary / the Clintons so much cash and getting so little in return .

All these speculations and conspiracy theories based on butt-hurt are nice, but nothing beats good ol' evidence....and Democrats / Mueller / Snowflakes still don't have any to support their accusations...
This is a Republican led report..for the record. Preferred is one thing//actively attempting to influence the process quite another. You did read the quote, right?
Here..I'll post it again..just for you:

The Russian effort was extensive, sophisticated, and ordered by President Putin himself for the purpose of helping Donald Trump and hurting Hillary Clinton,” Warner continued.
Warner is a democrap. So nope not Republican led.

The chair of the committee is a Republican.
He didn't write the report. The person QUOTED above is a democrap.
They co-wrote the report, not that it really the Republican majority committee voted on the report. If they had not approved..they would not have released it.
EVEN IF Russia wanted Trump to win it doesn't matter. That doesn't add up to collusion it just adds up to MAYBE Russia liked Trump better...course that's no surprise....Only welfare recipients,illegals,the dead,the mentally ill,self hating whites and minorities vote for Democraps.
Hillary tried to warn you bri You shut your ears ,,,,,,,,,,sad
She tried to warn me about what, something that never happened? Hilllary was trying to fool idiots like you into believing she actually cares about the security of this country.
It's right in front of you to hear Afraid to find out your president is a scum bag ?? Bet you already knew that
There's no evidence of that, douchebag.
Now I know you're talking through your ass because your head knows better Almost everyone knows ,,,except you
Everything you know is wrong.
Says the guy who believes all the lies Trump tells. Like the huge one he told just a few days ago to military Moms. In public for all to see and hear. A whooper of a lie that most media and folks just let slide because the President lies so much that one more lie just doesn't seem to matter.
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.
She tried to warn me about what, something that never happened? Hilllary was trying to fool idiots like you into believing she actually cares about the security of this country.
It's right in front of you to hear Afraid to find out your president is a scum bag ?? Bet you already knew that
There's no evidence of that, douchebag.
Now I know you're talking through your ass because your head knows better Almost everyone knows ,,,except you
Everything you know is wrong.
Says the guy who believes all the lies Trump tells. Like the huge one he told just a few days ago to military Moms. In public for all to see and hear. A whooper of a lie that most media and folks just let slide because the President lies so much that one more lie just doesn't seem to matter.
What "lie" was that?
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

I spout my own opinion, not one that's pre-determined by someone else, and I don't get paid or care if I do.
I'll trust the experts over you and Russia. The intelligence community, much of the Trump administration and Congress agree. You just not wanting it to be true isn't enough.

Nobody gives a fuck what you trust, shill. You're here to shill, The End.
What makes HappyJoy a shill but Marion Morrison not a shill? Just curious because I don't see a difference. HappyJoy promotes and agenda and so do you.

Not so sure it's an agenda when pointing out that the people in the know believe the Russians hacked the DNC but I guess I understand your overall point?!?

What effort did the DNC make to get to the bottom of people hacking them?

Refused to turn over their servers? Why, yes!



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