Russia hacked nearly a dozen Dem races around the country

yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

There is no proof just more lies coming out from the white house. There are even claims that dhs was trying to hack georgia ballots...our own govt. Despicable what our govt has govt has become.
If the Russians tried to influence the American election they they were incompetent as hell because Crooked Hillary got more votes in the election.

yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking
This is what happens when you shove Gay Marriage down the throats of 97% of the population and denigrate 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian tradition.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than standing alongside your own countrymen and laws.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside Minorities and deride the 70+ percent of your population - Whites - as a dying demographic and irrelevant.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside Muslims and all-but-repudiate your Judeo-Christian base.

This is what happens when you shove poorly-conceived and poorly-executed pseudo-nationalized healthcare down the throats of the vast majority who do not need it.

This is what happens when you execute badly while disengaging from a regional war (Iraq) and send an entire region ( Iraq and Syria ) into vicious civil war.

This is what happens when you draw Red Lines in the Sand (Syria), then do nothing when your adversaries laugh and you while they step over it.

This is what happens when you lack the balls to stand up to a former Cold War rival (Russia) and let them take the Crimea, and re-entrench themselves in the Middle East (Syria).

This is what happens when you go on American Apology World Tour and embarrass your country and your countrymen, and kowtow to foreign potentates.

This is what happens when you abandon American Labor and make shitty trade deals and allow scores of thousands of American jobs to flee overseas - continuing the trend.

This is what happens when you create a toxic climate of Political Correctness, so that advocates of Traditional or Conventional values are condemned as backwards and bigoted..

This is what happens when you get caught beating-up on other candidates (Sanders) within your own party and your party chairman is forced to resign prior to your convention.

This is what happens when you meet with the Attorney General on an airport tarmac on behalf of your candidate-spouse just prior to a decision regarding prosecution.

This is what happens when you get caught as a two-face, declaring that you need a private face and a public face - the implication being that the public face is untrustworthy.

This is what happens when a foreign power gets enough information on you to damage your credibility and trustworthiness, and you cannot refute the allegations.

This is what happens when you field a candidate whose spouse was publicly and irreparably shamed, who broke faith with their public trust, and who was actually impeached.

This is what happens when you lie your ass off to your own government regarding your behaviors and information security while you held a high office of public trust.

This is what happens when you are seen - rightly or wrongly - as cavalier and coldly uncaring about the deaths of countrymen who perished while serving your department.

This is what happens when you flip-flop on major issues ( LGBT, trade, etc.) so that you are seen as a vote-whore who will say anything to glean votes and support.

This is what happens when you arrogantly perceive yourself as The Anointed One; having a lock on the Presidency, so that you largely ignore your party's traditional base.

This is what happens when your fellow countrymen as so fed-up and disgusted with your over-reaching Liberal Agenda that they feel backed into a corner and become bitter.

This is what happens when your fellow countrymen are so desperate to stop you, that they'll overlook damned-near any shortcomings in The Opponent, just to get rid of you.

This is what happens when you are incapable of looking critically at your own Agenda and Strategies and Tactics and ignore your old Base, and exist in a Delusional Bubble.

This is what happens when America tells you to go f--k yourselves.

Hope that helps to clear things up a bit for any of you Liberal-Progressive-Democrat folk who haven't managed to figure that out yet.

Want to blame someone for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?

Look in the mirror.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

There is no proof just more lies coming out from the white house. There are even claims that dhs was trying to hack georgia ballots...our own govt. Despicable what our govt has govt has become.

Right all lies from the WH, Trump has you trained already.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking
This is what happens when you shove Gay Marriage down the throats of 97% of the population and denigrate 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian tradition.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than standing alongside your own countrymen and laws.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside Minorities and deride the 70+ percent of your population - Whites - as a dying demographic and irrelevant.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside Muslims and all-but-repudiate your Judeo-Christian base.

This is what happens when you shove poorly-conceived and poorly-executed pseudo-nationalized healthcare down the throats of the vast majority who do not need it.

This is what happens when you execute badly while disengaging from a regional war (Iraq) and send an entire region ( Iraq and Syria ) into vicious civil war.

This is what happens when you draw Red Lines in the Sand (Syria), then do nothing when your adversaries laugh and you while they step over it.

This is what happens when you lack the balls to stand up to a former Cold War rival (Russia) and let them take the Crimea, and re-entrench themselves in the Middle East (Syria).

This is what happens when you go on American Apology World Tour and embarrass your country and your countrymen, and kowtow to foreign potentates.

This is what happens when you abandon American Labor and make shitty trade deals and allow scores of thousands of American jobs to flee overseas - continuing the trend.

This is what happens when you create a toxic climate of Political Correctness, so that advocates of Traditional or Conventional values are condemned as backwards and bigoted..

This is what happens when you get caught beating-up on other candidates (Sanders) within your own party and your party chairman is forced to resign prior to your convention.

This is what happens when you meet with the Attorney General on an airport tarmac on behalf of your candidate-spouse just prior to a decision regarding prosecution.

This is what happens when you get caught as a two-face, declaring that you need a private face and a public face - the implication being that the public face is untrustworthy.

This is what happens when a foreign power gets enough information on you to damage your credibility and trustworthiness, and you cannot refute the allegations.

This is what happens when you field a candidate whose spouse was publicly and irreparably shamed, who broke faith with their public trust, and who was actually impeached.

This is what happens when you lie your ass off to your own government regarding your behaviors and information security while you held a high office of public trust.

This is what happens when you are seen - rightly or wrongly - as cavalier and coldly uncaring about the deaths of countrymen who perished while serving your department.

This is what happens when you flip-flop on major issues ( LGBT, trade, etc.) so that you are seen as a vote-whore who will say anything to glean votes and support.

This is what happens when you arrogantly perceive yourself as The Anointed One; having a lock on the Presidency, so that you largely ignore your party's traditional base.

This is what happens when your fellow countrymen as so fed-up and disgusted with your over-reaching Liberal Agenda that they feel backed into a corner and become bitter.

This is what happens when your fellow countrymen are so desperate to stop you, that they'll overlook damned-near any shortcomings in The Opponent, just to get rid of you.

This is what happens when you are incapable of looking critically at your own Agenda and Strategies and Tactics and ignore your old Base, and exist in a Delusional Bubble.

This is what happens when America tells you to go f--k yourselves.

Hope that helps to clear things up a bit for any of you Liberal-Progressive-Democrat folk who haven't managed to figure that out yet.

Want to blame someone for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?

Look in the mirror.

let me tell you a secret, many jews and Christians are gay.

Also we were never judeo till Israel became Israel in 1948, so do not give me the judeo Christian stuff. Our founding fathers were mainly Deist.

So lets see, you voted for an arrogant family, a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.

Yes I guess you just can't stand the liberal stuff. Ha Ha what a joke.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

There is no proof just more lies coming out from the white house. There are even claims that dhs was trying to hack georgia ballots...our own govt. Despicable what our govt has govt has become.

Right all lies from the WH, Trump has you trained already.

It's funny,( maybe not so much), that all these deniers of outside interference are the perfect examples of the effectiveness of the campaign of disinformation and the selective release of stolen information. The seeds of doubt sown by the interlopers are rooting nicely within the American psyche.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking
This is what happens when you shove Gay Marriage down the throats of 97% of the population and denigrate 3000+ years of Judeo-Christian tradition.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside an Invasion Force of 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens rather than standing alongside your own countrymen and laws.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside Minorities and deride the 70+ percent of your population - Whites - as a dying demographic and irrelevant.

This is what happens when you take a stand alongside Muslims and all-but-repudiate your Judeo-Christian base.

This is what happens when you shove poorly-conceived and poorly-executed pseudo-nationalized healthcare down the throats of the vast majority who do not need it.

This is what happens when you execute badly while disengaging from a regional war (Iraq) and send an entire region ( Iraq and Syria ) into vicious civil war.

This is what happens when you draw Red Lines in the Sand (Syria), then do nothing when your adversaries laugh and you while they step over it.

This is what happens when you lack the balls to stand up to a former Cold War rival (Russia) and let them take the Crimea, and re-entrench themselves in the Middle East (Syria).

This is what happens when you go on American Apology World Tour and embarrass your country and your countrymen, and kowtow to foreign potentates.

This is what happens when you abandon American Labor and make shitty trade deals and allow scores of thousands of American jobs to flee overseas - continuing the trend.

This is what happens when you create a toxic climate of Political Correctness, so that advocates of Traditional or Conventional values are condemned as backwards and bigoted..

This is what happens when you get caught beating-up on other candidates (Sanders) within your own party and your party chairman is forced to resign prior to your convention.

This is what happens when you meet with the Attorney General on an airport tarmac on behalf of your candidate-spouse just prior to a decision regarding prosecution.

This is what happens when you get caught as a two-face, declaring that you need a private face and a public face - the implication being that the public face is untrustworthy.

This is what happens when a foreign power gets enough information on you to damage your credibility and trustworthiness, and you cannot refute the allegations.

This is what happens when you field a candidate whose spouse was publicly and irreparably shamed, who broke faith with their public trust, and who was actually impeached.

This is what happens when you lie your ass off to your own government regarding your behaviors and information security while you held a high office of public trust.

This is what happens when you are seen - rightly or wrongly - as cavalier and coldly uncaring about the deaths of countrymen who perished while serving your department.

This is what happens when you flip-flop on major issues ( LGBT, trade, etc.) so that you are seen as a vote-whore who will say anything to glean votes and support.

This is what happens when you arrogantly perceive yourself as The Anointed One; having a lock on the Presidency, so that you largely ignore your party's traditional base.

This is what happens when your fellow countrymen as so fed-up and disgusted with your over-reaching Liberal Agenda that they feel backed into a corner and become bitter.

This is what happens when your fellow countrymen are so desperate to stop you, that they'll overlook damned-near any shortcomings in The Opponent, just to get rid of you.

This is what happens when you are incapable of looking critically at your own Agenda and Strategies and Tactics and ignore your old Base, and exist in a Delusional Bubble.

This is what happens when America tells you to go f--k yourselves.

Hope that helps to clear things up a bit for any of you Liberal-Progressive-Democrat folk who haven't managed to figure that out yet.

Want to blame someone for He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named?

Look in the mirror.

let me tell you a secret, many jews and Christians are gay.

Also we were never judeo till Israel became Israel in 1948, so do not give me the judeo Christian stuff. Our founding fathers were mainly Deist.

So lets see, you voted for an arrogant family, a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.

Yes I guess you just can't stand the liberal stuff. Ha Ha what a joke.
Unable to look in the mirror, face reality, and see the true underlying cause for this most catastrophic and humiliating failure...

"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
Obama seemed proud of his job in a gay Chicago bath house.....
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
1. You're swinging after the bell.

2. People are so disgusted with Liberalism in this country that they no longer care HOW despicable He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might be.

3. You've completely lost political power in this country, for the time being, and you're not going to get it back, by continuing to throw rocks; people are ignoring you.
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
Obama seemed proud of his job in a gay Chicago bath house.....
You really are a childish little asshole. LOL.
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
1. You're swinging after the bell.

2. People are so disgusted with Liberalism in this country that they no longer care HOW despicable He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might be.

3. You've completely lost political power in this country, for the time being, and you're not going to get it back, by continuing to throw rocks; people are ignoring you.
Obviously, you aren't ignoring me. I never had any political power, and neither will you when trump becomes president.
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
1. You're swinging after the bell.

2. People are so disgusted with Liberalism in this country that they no longer care HOW despicable He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might be.

3. You've completely lost political power in this country, for the time being, and you're not going to get it back, by continuing to throw rocks; people are ignoring you.
Obviously, you aren't ignoring me. I never had any political power, and neither will you when trump becomes president.
You will not like the power we exercised at all....:lol:
Wikileaks stated reluctantly but definitively, Russia did not provide the DNC/Podesta emails. Please seek therapy if you are in denial and refuse to accept reality.
Democrats cannot accept that they are so far left that America rejects them.

I'm sure you're full of schit because a million more Americans voted for Hillary than did Trump! Are you stupid or does it just appear that way?

The latest national vote totals have Clinton at 61,350,758 votes - or 48 percent - compared to Trump's 60,583,838 or 47 percent.
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
1. You're swinging after the bell.

2. People are so disgusted with Liberalism in this country that they no longer care HOW despicable He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named might be.

3. You've completely lost political power in this country, for the time being, and you're not going to get it back, by continuing to throw rocks; people are ignoring you.

Do you not understand the Pubs use abortion like a jewel, its a money thing to close Planned Parenthood, don't kill that baby but don't expect any help with food or medical care when its born, you had that baby, get a job to feed it.

In Mi the state congress just gave themselves a 3% raise for next year, SS got 0.3% and an increase in Medicare premiums. We have a Pub dominate congress, which is why Trump won.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

Still upset that fagboy Podesta was dumb enough to get his personal email hacked? Did Russia make Donna Brazile give the Hillary campaign debate questions in advance? Did Russia make the DNC screw over Bernie Sanders?

You lefties lost because your party got exposed for the corrupt shit it does every day. They lie and cheat, yet you want to blame the hackers that exposed this truth to the public. No matter who the hackers are, they did this country and democracy a favor by exposing the truth.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

Still upset that fagboy Podesta was dumb enough to get his personal email hacked? Did Russia make Donna Brazile give the Hillary campaign debate questions in advance? Did Russia make the DNC screw over Bernie Sanders?

You lefties lost because your party got exposed for the corrupt shit it does every day. They lie and cheat, yet you want to blame the hackers that exposed this truth to the public. No matter who the hackers are, they did this country and democracy a favor by exposing the truth.

The latest totals have Clinton at 65,788,567 votes - compared to Trump's 62,955,343.

Bottom Line.......more Americans wanted Hillary to be our president than did Trump.
Last edited:
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

Still upset that fagboy Podesta was dumb enough to get his personal email hacked? Did Russia make Donna Brazile give the Hillary campaign debate questions in advance? Did Russia make the DNC screw over Bernie Sanders?

You lefties lost because your party got exposed for the corrupt shit it does every day. They lie and cheat, yet you want to blame the hackers that exposed this truth to the public. No matter who the hackers are, they did this country and democracy a favor by exposing the truth.

The latest national vote totals have Clinton at 61,350,758 votes - or 48 percent - compared to Trump's 60,583,838 or 47 percent.

What of it? Outside of CA and NY, Trump won the popular vote. LA and NYC don't get to determine the President.

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