Russia hacked nearly a dozen Dem races around the country

yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

So to make sure that I understand the complaint. The Democrats are angry that the people learned the truth? Seriously? Those Russian bastards. How dare they tell the people the truth?

That is why the outrage of the left isn't going anywhere with most people. Because the Democrats are really apocalyptically furious that the People, the voters, learned how much disdain the Democrats had for them.

I know, it's bad form, but it needs to be said. The problem with the big lie is that once it is exposed as a lie, it brings into doubt every single statement ever.

The Democratic Party needs to embrace some history, some philosophy.

Marcus Aurelius Quote :

If it is not true, don't say it. If it is not right, don't do it.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

There is no proof just more lies coming out from the white house. There are even claims that dhs was trying to hack georgia ballots...our own govt. Despicable what our govt has govt has become.

Right all lies from the WH, Trump has you trained already.

No, it's just that the white house has lied to us so much the past few years. They need to show proof of their allegations.
The Managers of this Board ought to give notice to the poster Penelope that the Russians have hacked her account and are posting things in her name that only a raving idiot would post.

I understand you are not into the news anymore , since Trump has said the media is false, he has taken a page right from Putin, only listen to him. Keep listening to only Fox news, because you can't stand to listen to the real news about the guy you put in office. We are a laughing stock of the whole world, esp Putin.
The leaked emails proved how corrupt big media is and were in the tank for Democrats. There's no evidence presented yet Russians had anything to do with it and it would be all over the net. Instead we get accusations and insults.

Liberals have not and maybe cannot understand that you can't run a country on accusations and insults. I just heard obie himself threaten Russia and like the cvnt that he is says they may not even know where it came from. What a stunningly stupid and dangerous comment to make. He put us all in jeopardy to throw a temper tantrum.
The latest totals have Clinton at 65,788,567 votes - compared to Trump's 62,955,343.

Bottom Line.......more Americans wanted Hillary to be our president than did Trump.
You don't know that. Not every American voted. Bottom line, you're full of shit like ALL lefties.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking
After all the lies Obama told, Trump is a very truthful person.
putin is inside my brain right now, i can feel it. all the voices in my head are speaking russian. they're all telling me to vote for trump. i said no, the election is over. they said they don't care, do it anyways.

Me too.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

Prove they were hacked by the Russians or STFU. I sure as hell don't want to deal with whining liberals boohooing that Russia did <fill in the freaking blank> every bloody day on this board.

I know. Maybe the mods will give libs their own personal "whining about Russia" forum. Dear Lord I hope so because this is becoming pathetic.
They need a safe place forum.
Wikileaks stated reluctantly but definitively, Russia did not provide the DNC/Podesta emails. Please seek therapy if you are in denial and refuse to accept reality.
Democrats cannot accept that they are so far left that America rejects them.

I'm sure you're full of schit because a million more Americans voted for Hillary than did Trump! Are you stupid or does it just appear that way?

The latest national vote totals have Clinton at 61,350,758 votes - or 48 percent - compared to Trump's 60,583,838 or 47 percent.

Man! You don't even know how to read a graph! You've got alot of brass telling someone else that their stupid!

Keep it up, buddy. A hard laugh in the morning is good for the soul!
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
Obama seemed proud of his job in a gay Chicago bath house.....

Absolutely amazing that he was elected...then re-elected to the most powerful office in the world.
The latest totals have Clinton at 65,788,567 votes - compared to Trump's 62,955,343.

Bottom Line.......more Americans wanted Hillary to be our president than did Trump.
You don't know that. Not every American voted. Bottom line, you're full of shit like ALL lefties.

Voting is the most precious right that we have. The Republicans are the ones who are conniving and plotting in an attempt to take that right away. They've gerrymandered and plotted for the last ten years and they're still losing elections. I used to be a Republican, voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. I even voted for Reagan the first time he ran. The modern Republican party stands for tax cuts for the rich and an occasional war for the wealthy businessmen. Fuck 'Em!

Last edited:
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
Obama seemed proud of his job in a gay Chicago bath house.....

Absolutely amazing that he was elected...then re-elected to the most powerful office in the world.
Due to the fake news shows.
The latest totals have Clinton at 65,788,567 votes - compared to Trump's 62,955,343.

Bottom Line.......more Americans wanted Hillary to be our president than did Trump.
You don't know that. Not every American voted. Bottom line, you're full of shit like ALL lefties.

Fuck anybody who doesn't vote. Voting is the most precious right that we have. The Republicans are the ones who are conniving and plotting in an attempt to take that right away. They've gerrymandered and plotted for the last ten years and they're still losing elections. I used to be a Republican, voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times. I even voted for Reagan the first time he ran. The modern Republican party stands for tax cuts for the rich and an occasional war for the wealthy businessmen. Fuck 'Em!
Not voting is a right and one you can't take away. Bottom line, you can't support your claims so you simply move on to new ones. I don't care who you hate. Hate doesn't make you right.
a man who cheated on his wife's, had 5 kids by 3 women, and is proud of his life as a playboy, and grabs women by the pussies.
Party of Family Values. Do as we say, not as we do.

Although, I do have to admit, trump doesn't play the Party of Family values bullshit like most of the cons do. He is an unabashed adulterer, and damn proud of it!
Obama seemed proud of his job in a gay Chicago bath house.....

Absolutely amazing that he was elected...then re-elected to the most powerful office in the world.
Due to the fake news shows.

LOL!!! And who would that be? Let me guess.....anyone except Fox News!
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

If true, sounds like you leftists are pretty fucking incompetent. Good to know you've been rendered powerless.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

Are you saying Obama hasn't been hacking the Russians? You really think he's that incompetent?
"Russia hacked nearly a dozen Dem races around the country"


Liberals SUCK at Cyber Security

"Russia hacked nearly a dozen Dem races around the country"


Liberals SUCK at Cyber Security


What the hell do you know about cyber security. I'll bet you couldn't even change a daily crypto key!
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking
talk about lies.
How did Russia hack these specifically targeted areas? Did they mind control the voters? figure out a way to change the vote in a closed machine? maybe infiltrated the election judges with their own russian vote counters?
how was this done.

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