Russia hacked nearly a dozen Dem races around the country

Is Russia laughing or getting pissed at these leftwits in our country?
Possibly both.
Seems to me the Democrats are busy burning bridges.

Their hypocrisy is OFF THE CHARTS. Those fuckers did nothing but fear monger how Trump's inexperience was going to be a foreign policy nightmare, Trump was going to get us in a war, Trump was going to wreck our relationships with other countries, blah blah. Now look at these Dem fuckers, they are publically attacking Russia a nuclear power and threatening sanctions and war over a fucking email hack of all things. After all the shit they talked about Trump, they turn around and do exactly that, fucking amazing.
Barry Hussein Obama told republican candidate Mitt Romney that Russia was our friend and the Cold War was over for decades. Now you have to ask yourself how the hell could the Hussein administration stand for the hacking of American political elections and how could it have happened without the slightest attempt by the Hussein administration to punish Russia? How could it have happened? The short answer is that it didn't happen. The Hussein "intelligence" hacks deliberately blurred the word attempted when there are perhaps a hundred attempted hacks by foreign governments every freaking day. The fact that the "intelligence" drones refuse to testify before a congressional committee indicates a deliberate collusion between the crooked Hussein administration and the crooked mainstream media to keep the fake news alive to give a glimmer of hope to the desperate and angry and delusional left.
What we "know". Some idiot in Beast camp left PC wide-open and all sorts of corruption got exposed by Wiki. Weiner? Huma? Bloom? Podesta? Beast herself? Too bad. Don't associate with morons.

In addition, sting videos showing more corruption (hiring lunatics to incite riot, voter fraud). They even trashed donors and Jews (bernie).

The people did not like what they see, they vote Trump. How they blame Russians? Beyond me. End of story.
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yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

So, why are demicraps so bad with interweb security? Are they really as stupid as they make themselves out to be.

You know that there were probably hundreds of hack attempts on the republicans, Right? But they actually are smart enough to put in security and hire competent I T people.
Might not have even been a hack job? DemWitts are so corrupt, stupid, dishonest etc. One of them could have spoon fed info to Wiki? For payments? NSA could have put info out? The corruption so bad maybe even a Govt worker could not stand it?
Oh my, the fake news fabricators of the Alt Right are having hissy fits.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

Get used to it! Trump is a major league asshole who doesn't give a damn about the United States of America. All he cares about is Donald Trump. Look at history......all he's ever done is flaunt around the money he started out know, what Fred Trump gave to him.

Yes he inherited money from his father. Then he turned it into billions unlike so many other children of rich parents.

The Bronfman family comes to mind of the Seagram wealth. Bad investments. They almost wiped themselves out.

If it was supposed to require brains Trump is the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the planet!



yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

So, why are demicraps so bad with interweb security? Are they really as stupid as they make themselves out to be.

You know that there were probably hundreds of hack attempts on the republicans, Right? But they actually are smart enough to put in security and hire competent I T people.


Horse Shit!
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

So did the rooskies pick the Republicans because they both start with R?
The Managers of this Board ought to give notice to the poster Penelope that the Russians have hacked her account and are posting things in her name that only a raving idiot would post.

I understand you are not into the news anymore , since Trump has said the media is false, he has taken a page right from Putin, only listen to him. Keep listening to only Fox news, because you can't stand to listen to the real news about the guy you put in office. We are a laughing stock of the whole world, esp Putin.
Barry Hussein Obama told republican candidate Mitt Romney that Russia was our friend and the Cold War was over for decades. Now you have to ask yourself how the hell could the Hussein administration stand for the hacking of American political elections and how could it have happened without the slightest attempt by the Hussein administration to punish Russia? How could it have happened? The short answer is that it didn't happen. The Hussein "intelligence" hacks deliberately blurred the word attempted when there are perhaps a hundred attempted hacks by foreign governments every freaking day. The fact that the "intelligence" drones refuse to testify before a congressional committee indicates a deliberate collusion between the crooked Hussein administration and the crooked mainstream media to keep the fake news alive to give a glimmer of hope to the desperate and angry and delusional left.

That was before Ukraine.
Wikileaks stated reluctantly but definitively, Russia did not provide the DNC/Podesta emails. Please seek therapy if you are in denial and refuse to accept reality.
Wikileaks stated reluctantly but definitively, Russia did not provide the DNC/Podesta emails. Please seek therapy if you are in denial and refuse to accept reality.
Democrats cannot accept that they are so far left that America rejects them.
yet Trump ignores this fact. Our country was hacked and the Pres. Elect is worried about himself, and wants to be buddies with Putin. Where are his tax returns, he said he would show them, where are they? Anther lie, aren't you tired of his lies already?

He lies with every word and you love it, pay for play on steroid and nepotism, and its ok. He called you
"the poorly educated" and that was fine, and then he even said he could shoot someone on main street and you would be fine with it, and well I do believe he was right.

“It was like I was standing out there naked,” said Annette Taddeo, a Democrat who lost her primary race after secret campaign documents were made public. “I just can’t describe it any other way. Our entire internal strategy plan was made public, and suddenly all this material was out there and could be used against me.”

The impact of the information released by the hackers on candidates like Ms. Taddeo in Florida and others in nearly a dozen House races around the country was largely lost in the focus on the hacking attacks against the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. But this untold story underscores the effect the Russian operation had on the American electoral system.

Democratic House Candidates Were Also Targets of Russian Hacking

So, why are demicraps so bad with interweb security? Are they really as stupid as they make themselves out to be.

You know that there were probably hundreds of hack attempts on the republicans, Right? But they actually are smart enough to put in security and hire competent I T people.


Horse Shit!

Of course there is proof of this, but Dems are in denial.

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