Russia Hacked Two Florida Counties in 2016


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
"Russian hackers breached the systems of two county elections systems in Florida in 2016, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday at a news conference. DeSantis said no data were tampered with and vote tallies were not affected.

"The intrusions, which had not ever been publicly confirmed, were first disclosed in special counsel Robert Mueller's reportabout Russian interference in the 2016 election last month."

Putting aside the obvious questions about US meddling in Russian elections, what is being done to ensure key 2020 swing state races aren't hacked in ways that may affect vote tallies?

Florida Governor Says Russian Hackers Breached 2 Counties In 2016
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo

Edit... I should have known, the OP put in the picture, not NPR
Last edited:
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo
What has the "Great Disruptor" done to make you think he's not counting on Russian help once again in 2020?
DeSantis said he could not disclose which counties' networks were compromised, but he said the voter data that the attackers gained access to was already public.

"Nothing that affected the vote count," DeSantis said.

Were they the counties that use non paper votes, and how does he know?? Nothing affected the count, I so doubt it.


Last year, former Florida Sen. Bill Nelson warned that Russia had "penetrated" Florida's voter registration systems, but election officials denied that vehemently at the time.

Then-Gov. Rick Scott, who defeated Nelson in the Senate race, decried Nelson's claims and said they "only serve to erode public trust in our elections at a critical time."

I never trust Florida since the 2000 election.
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo
I don't see that illustration in the OP link so it seems to me it is an OP bias rather than a media bias. Besides, DJT was in the 2016 election so the OP illustration is fair game.
DeSantis said he could not disclose which counties' networks were compromised, but he said the voter data that the attackers gained access to was already public.

"Nothing that affected the vote count," DeSantis said.

Were they the counties that use non paper votes, and how does he know?? Nothing affected the count, I so doubt it.


Last year, former Florida Sen. Bill Nelson warned that Russia had "penetrated" Florida's voter registration systems, but election officials denied that vehemently at the time.

Then-Gov. Rick Scott, who defeated Nelson in the Senate race, decried Nelson's claims and said they "only serve to erode public trust in our elections at a critical time."

I never trust Florida since the 2000 election.
Republicans are much better at election manipulation than Democrats; I don't think that advantage has escaped Donald Trump's limited attention span.

Mueller Report Raises New Questions About Russia's Hacking Targets In 2016

"It has been known for some time that a company that supplies many Florida counties with voter registration systems was the target of a spear-phishing campaign by the Russians in 2016.

"The hackers then used the information gleaned from the company's network to send malicious emails to more than 120 of its customers in Florida.

"The company — identified elsewhere as VR Systems, based in Tallahassee — has said that it warned customers shortly before the 2016 elections to be on the lookout for the fake emails and not to open any attachments...."

"The Mueller report notes another successful breach in the summer of 2016, involving Illinois' voter registration system.

"According to the report, Russian hackers successfully exploited a vulnerability in the state's Board of Elections website, giving them access to the records of millions of Illinois voters.

"The hackers were able to get personal information from 500,000 voters before the state detected and stopped the breach."

Democrats Are Blowing Their Chance to Take Over the Senate |
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo
What has the "Great Disruptor" done to make you think he's not counting on Russian help once again in 2020?
This happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo
What has the "Great Disruptor" done to make you think he's not counting on Russian help once again in 2020?
This happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
his happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
Which additional steps could Obama have taken in the summer/fall of 2016 to publicize Russia's desire to put Trump in the White House?

Fact-checking Trump's claims Obama 'did nothing' to stop Russian election interference - CNNPolitics

"Facts first:
While there is evidence that the Obama administration struggled with how to deal with Russia's election meddling, it did make attempts to get Russia to stop, and also to tell the American public about what the Russians were up to...."

"Obama administration officials sought support from bipartisan congressional leaders to send a letter to state governors to urge shoring up of their defenses of election infrastructure.

"But, as reported by CNN in August 2017, they were rebuffed by Republican leaders, who viewed the request as partisan, according to current and former officials briefed on the discussions.

Visit CNN's Facts First page

"Those attempts appear to have had little to no impact on Russia's behavior, and the public did not fully grasp the extent of the meddling until well after the election."
"Russian hackers breached the systems of two county elections systems in Florida in 2016, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday at a news conference. DeSantis said no data were tampered with and vote tallies were not affected.

"The intrusions, which had not ever been publicly confirmed, were first disclosed in special counsel Robert Mueller's reportabout Russian interference in the 2016 election last month."

Putting aside the obvious questions about US meddling in Russian elections, what is being done to ensure key 2020 swing state races aren't hacked in ways that may affect vote tallies?

Florida Governor Says Russian Hackers Breached 2 Counties In 2016
Nothing is being done. Trump supporters are hoping it happens again, and they have the power right now to allow it.
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo
What has the "Great Disruptor" done to make you think he's not counting on Russian help once again in 2020?
This happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
his happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
Which additional steps could Obama have taken in the summer/fall of 2016 to publicize Russia's desire to put Trump in the White House?

Fact-checking Trump's claims Obama 'did nothing' to stop Russian election interference - CNNPolitics

"Facts first:
While there is evidence that the Obama administration struggled with how to deal with Russia's election meddling, it did make attempts to get Russia to stop, and also to tell the American public about what the Russians were up to...."

"Obama administration officials sought support from bipartisan congressional leaders to send a letter to state governors to urge shoring up of their defenses of election infrastructure.

"But, as reported by CNN in August 2017, they were rebuffed by Republican leaders, who viewed the request as partisan, according to current and former officials briefed on the discussions.

Visit CNN's Facts First page

"Those attempts appear to have had little to no impact on Russia's behavior, and the public did not fully grasp the extent of the meddling until well after the election."
And the brainwashed Orange Horde will barely read your comment or links. They'd rather have Orange political crap shoveled into their piehole brains then educate themselves. Pathetic, really.
"Russian hackers breached the systems of two county elections systems in Florida in 2016, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday at a news conference. DeSantis said no data were tampered with and vote tallies were not affected.

"The intrusions, which had not ever been publicly confirmed, were first disclosed in special counsel Robert Mueller's reportabout Russian interference in the 2016 election last month."

Putting aside the obvious questions about US meddling in Russian elections, what is being done to ensure key 2020 swing state races aren't hacked in ways that may affect vote tallies?

Florida Governor Says Russian Hackers Breached 2 Counties In 2016
Thanks Uncle Vlad!
Trump could not have won without Russia’s help
This prominent Penn prof didn’t believe Russia got Trump elected. Here’s what changed her mind. | Will Bunch

"Posted: October 9, 2018 - 2:27 PM..."

"The Penn professor's argument is bolstered not just by her decades-long reputation as a thought leader in the intersection of politics and communications, but by the fact that — like most of her ilk — she tended at first to dismiss the notion that Russian meddling had reached the level that it had caused Trump to win and Hillary Clinton to lose.

"'I went into it more than an agnostic — I went into it actively skeptical,' she said.

"But she said she started to dig deeper — and to change her mind in the process — when she tried to make sense of her data showing an unexpected drop in support for Clinton after the televised debates.

"That decline was driven by voters who believed Clinton says one thing and believes something different.

"The drop-off happened even as broader polls suggested Clinton had 'won' the debates. And while the number of voters who expressed greater distrust of the Democratic nominee was not huge, they were the ones who said they were now less likely to vote for her."
"Russian hackers breached the systems of two county elections systems in Florida in 2016, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday at a news conference. DeSantis said no data were tampered with and vote tallies were not affected.

"The intrusions, which had not ever been publicly confirmed, were first disclosed in special counsel Robert Mueller's reportabout Russian interference in the 2016 election last month."

Putting aside the obvious questions about US meddling in Russian elections, what is being done to ensure key 2020 swing state races aren't hacked in ways that may affect vote tallies?

Florida Governor Says Russian Hackers Breached 2 Counties In 2016
"Russian hackers breached the systems of two county elections systems in Florida in 2016, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday at a news conference. DeSantis said no data were tampered with and vote tallies were not affected.

"The intrusions, which had not ever been publicly confirmed, were first disclosed in special counsel Robert Mueller's reportabout Russian interference in the 2016 election last month."

Putting aside the obvious questions about US meddling in Russian elections, what is being done to ensure key 2020 swing state races aren't hacked in ways that may affect vote tallies?

Florida Governor Says Russian Hackers Breached 2 Counties In 2016

On Visit To Russia, Pompeo Says 'We Would Not Tolerate' Interference In 2020 Election

Dead horses know better.
"Russian hackers breached the systems of two county elections systems in Florida in 2016, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Tuesday at a news conference. DeSantis said no data were tampered with and vote tallies were not affected.

"The intrusions, which had not ever been publicly confirmed, were first disclosed in special counsel Robert Mueller's reportabout Russian interference in the 2016 election last month."

Putting aside the obvious questions about US meddling in Russian elections, what is being done to ensure key 2020 swing state races aren't hacked in ways that may affect vote tallies?

Florida Governor Says Russian Hackers Breached 2 Counties In 2016
Nothing is being done. Trump supporters are hoping it happens again, and they have the power right now to allow it.
Nothing is being done. Trump supporters are hoping it happens again, and they have the power right now to allow it.
If there is one thing Trump has proven over and over again, it's his total disdain for the rule of law; he still believes the Justice Department's first responsibility is to protect him and his crime family from legitimate investigations instead of defending the Constitution.

If Trump is as pathologically narcissistic as the Mueller Report suggests, there's no way to reconcile Mueller's findings with the idea Congress should allow Trump to remain being president until 2020.

The Biggest Threat to Our Democracy in 2020 Will Be Trump, Not Russia
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo
What has the "Great Disruptor" done to make you think he's not counting on Russian help once again in 2020?
This happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
his happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
Which additional steps could Obama have taken in the summer/fall of 2016 to publicize Russia's desire to put Trump in the White House?

Fact-checking Trump's claims Obama 'did nothing' to stop Russian election interference - CNNPolitics

"Facts first:
While there is evidence that the Obama administration struggled with how to deal with Russia's election meddling, it did make attempts to get Russia to stop, and also to tell the American public about what the Russians were up to...."

"Obama administration officials sought support from bipartisan congressional leaders to send a letter to state governors to urge shoring up of their defenses of election infrastructure.

"But, as reported by CNN in August 2017, they were rebuffed by Republican leaders, who viewed the request as partisan, according to current and former officials briefed on the discussions.

Visit CNN's Facts First page

"Those attempts appear to have had little to no impact on Russia's behavior, and the public did not fully grasp the extent of the meddling until well after the election."
And the brainwashed Orange Horde will barely read your comment or links. They'd rather have Orange political crap shoveled into their piehole brains then educate themselves. Pathetic, really.
And the brainwashed Orange Horde will barely read your comment or links. They'd rather have Orange political crap shoveled into their piehole brains then educate themselves. Pathetic, really.
Here's a natural history metaphor that seems apt for Trump's Chumps:

Rebecca Solnit: The Coup Has Already Happened

"Five days after the 2017 Trump inauguration, National Geographic reported on a newly discovered species: 'Scientists have discovered a new parasitic wasp species with a life cycle so diabolical, they named it after Set, the Egyptian god of evil and chaos. Native to the southeastern United States, this species lays its egg inside the tiny, wooden chambers that another parasitic wasp species, the gall wasp (Bassettia pallida), carves out in sand live oak trees.'

"'Once the egg hatches, the crypt-keeper larva burrows into the other wasp and takes over its mind, forcing it to start tunneling through the tree’s bark to freedom—a feat the crypt-keeper struggles to perform on its own. Even more insidious, the larva then forces its victim to drill a hole too small for its own escape. Once the larger wasp is wedged in the opening it’s created, the crypt-keeper consumes its host from the inside out, finally erupting from B. pallida’s forehead out into the world.'"
And look!... surprise!... they link Trump in the illustration despite Mueller finding no evidence.
Media bias in public broadcasting???.....noooo
What has the "Great Disruptor" done to make you think he's not counting on Russian help once again in 2020?
This happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
his happened while Obama knew about it. He didn't care, why should you?
Which additional steps could Obama have taken in the summer/fall of 2016 to publicize Russia's desire to put Trump in the White House?

Fact-checking Trump's claims Obama 'did nothing' to stop Russian election interference - CNNPolitics

"Facts first:
While there is evidence that the Obama administration struggled with how to deal with Russia's election meddling, it did make attempts to get Russia to stop, and also to tell the American public about what the Russians were up to...."

"Obama administration officials sought support from bipartisan congressional leaders to send a letter to state governors to urge shoring up of their defenses of election infrastructure.

"But, as reported by CNN in August 2017, they were rebuffed by Republican leaders, who viewed the request as partisan, according to current and former officials briefed on the discussions.

Visit CNN's Facts First page

"Those attempts appear to have had little to no impact on Russia's behavior, and the public did not fully grasp the extent of the meddling until well after the election."
We got Trump bbcause of Obama. Then Obama let Russia get him elected! Obama is the mann, the best thing he did in his life.

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