Russia has all of clinton's emails

Even the computer geek in middle school down on the corner has all her e mails...big deal.

Oh...just this one thought...will putin use them to blackmail hillary....I mean once he gets tired of watching all those nekid pictures of hillary and huma.

Vladimir Putin Has Everything He Needs to Blackmail Hillary Clinton

The Russians are very nasty,nasty people look at how they trash our lovely Michelle O. Russian TV Trashed Michelle Obama Last Night

Does anyone not believe they will not use hillarys e mails to the best of their ability to destroy her or at the very least to compromise her to such an extent she would not dare do anything to piss off putin?
Very interesting! That would make Russia and Putin de facto contributors to the RNC/GOP campaign effort! One can contribute more than money to an effort, so your OP proves the RNC/GOP is in bed with the Russians and Putin in particular to accept this "gift". The DNC, Russia, GOP and Putin share common goals in seeing Trump's election chances improved.
Trump is in debt to the tune of hundreds of millions to Putin's oligarch pals, because no reputable bank will loan him money.

Now, let's go over the "logic" of the Hillary-hater cultists.

You all admit Putin is now trying to sabotage Hillary right now.

But if Putin wanted a Hillary-pawn in office, why would he try to make her lose?

Answer: He wouldn't, as that makes no sense at all.

You Hillary-haters are just morons. Putin wants Trump to win, because trump would be very pliable.
That's liblogic. Trump is too hard core on the one hand but too pliable when it suits you. You made a lot of statements you can't back up, almost as if you were full of shit.
When does the evidence of the corruptio

You understand you haven't shown any evidecne of corruption, eh dumbass? Simply repeating i9tt over andover doens't make it true. It just makes you a serial liar.

We all get it. All Hillary-haters are fascists, authoritarians to their core. They'll do anything to bring down our democracy. As this thread demonstrates, they'll say the most stupid things imaginable, create the most insane conspiracy theories possible, anything to push their DearLeaders's lust for power.

History will not treat you treasonous ratfuks kindly.

Now, what did DearLeaderVlad tell you Putin-patsies to say in response?
Sure. But the Intel agencies can sandbag her as much as they want. She gonna go to war with all those 3 letter agencies? Even if she installs her own stooges at the Agency level.

You Hillary-haters just aren't living in the same reality as everyone else. That makes rational discussion with you impossible. But it does give us some fine comedy.

Can you tell us about your vast intelligence expertise again? Make sure it includes how all your friends-in-high-places hate Hillary. But spice it up a little more. How about you add some Delta Force members this time?
Sure. But the Intel agencies can sandbag her as much as they want. She gonna go to war with all those 3 letter agencies? Even if she installs her own stooges at the Agency level.

You Hillary-haters just aren't living in the same reality as everyone else. That makes rational discussion with you impossible. But it does give us some fine comedy.

Can you tell us about your vast intelligence expertise again?
Well, we do know what hers are. That's why we oppose her.

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