Russia has all of clinton's emails

Do you realize that it isn't the leading bank that has the power, but it is the borrower? Trump could always default or go bankrupt, what are the banks going to do?

Mamooth is full of shit, as if that were not every post, as there are plenty of banks willing to loan Trump any money he wants.
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Not only Russia my dears ...has her emails .....the whole world has her emails...Iran....well.....everyone

stupid Rotten Clinton's fault

you want that thing as a President....

No way!

One of the things that makes people INeligible for clearances is the ability to be blackmailed. She'd never get a clearance with those possibilities hanging out there.
If Hillary gets elected POTUS, she will be commander in Chief and can give herself any clearance she wants to.

Sure. But the Intel agencies can sandbag her as much as they want. She gonna go to war with all those 3 letter agencies? Even if she installs her own stooges at the Agency level.
Do you realize that it isn't the leading bank that has the power, but it is the borrower? Trump could always default or go bankrupt, what are the banks going to do?

Mamooth is full of shit, as if that were not every post, as there are plenty of banks willing to loan Trumpany money he wants.

You are not accusing a liberal of making up their own reality are you?
Not only Russia my dears ...has her emails .....the whole world has her emails...Iran....well.....everyone

stupid Rotten Clinton's fault

you want that thing as a President....

No way!

One of the things that makes people INeligible for clearances is the ability to be blackmailed. She'd never get a clearance with those possibilities hanging out there.
If Hillary gets elected POTUS, she will be commander in Chief and can give herself any clearance she wants to.

can you imagine?????

that scum as Prez of US?

My God, please lead Americans on the right path....please explain these fucking sheeple.....what scum they are that Clinton greedy ....yes greedy.....traitor
The Russians are very nasty,nasty people look at how they trash our lovely Michelle O. Russian TV Trashed Michelle Obama Last Night

Is that supposed to be a joke? When did those "nasty Russians" trash your lovely Michelle? Americans keep trashing your lovely Michelle daily in every other thread I read on USMB and it's hard to disagree with you, dear fellows Americans!

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Sure. But the Intel agencies can sandbag her as much as they want. She gonna go to war with all those 3 letter agencies? Even if she installs her own stooges at the Agency level.
Sure, and the intel community has been doing that to Obama for some time now.
Between Hussein scum....and Putin

I am with Putin

All the way.
This is Hillaryous...:laugh:

Clinton is her own personal little clusterfuck
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Trump is in debt to the tune of hundreds of millions to Putin's oligarch pals, because no reputable bank will loan him money.

Now, let's go over the "logic" of the Hillary-hater cultists.

You all admit Putin is now trying to sabotage Hillary right now.

But if Putin wanted a Hillary-pawn in office, why would he try to make her lose?

Answer: He wouldn't, as that makes no sense at all.

You Hillary-haters are just morons. Putin wants Trump to win, because trump would be very pliable.

OCEAN CITY, Md. (WBFF) -- A local Donald Trump supporter who lives in Parkville recently sowed controversy in Ocean City after he paid to have political messages displayed by planes flying over the beach.
because of that traitor Hillary Scum

the whole world has all her emails....

Iran....Russia....Israel....China.....I mean.....what a piece of s*** that Hillary...she didn't give a damn ...

how are you going to vote that so and so as a President of USA?

Lord save us all, all the planet Earth.
Sure. But the Intel agencies can sandbag her as much as they want. She gonna go to war with all those 3 letter agencies? Even if she installs her own stooges at the Agency level.
Sure, and the intel community has been doing that to Obama for some time now.

Probably because he hardly ever takes his security briefings. Never had a good rapport.

Obama Missing Daily Intelligence Meetings Regularly, by Katrina Trinko, National Review

The Government Accountability Institute examined President Obama’s schedule from the day he took office until mid-June 2012, to see how often he attended his Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence threats to the country. During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.

Read more at: Obama Missing Daily Intelligence Meetings Regularly, by Katrina Trinko, National Review
Sure. But the Intel agencies can sandbag her as much as they want. She gonna go to war with all those 3 letter agencies? Even if she installs her own stooges at the Agency level.
Sure, and the intel community has been doing that to Obama for some time now.

Probably because he hardly ever takes his security briefings. Never had a good rapport.

Obama Missing Daily Intelligence Meetings Regularly, by Katrina Trinko, National Review

The Government Accountability Institute examined President Obama’s schedule from the day he took office until mid-June 2012, to see how often he attended his Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) — the meeting at which he is briefed on the most critical intelligence threats to the country. During his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his PDB just 536 times — or 43.8 percent of the time. During 2011 and the first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent — falling to just over 38 percent. By contrast, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush almost never missed his daily intelligence meeting.

Read more at: Obama Missing Daily Intelligence Meetings Regularly, by Katrina Trinko, National Review
That skipping his daily breifings may have been the most he has ever done to keep our secrets secure....

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