Russia " has been "cultivating, supporting and assisting" Mr Trump for at least five years."

Oh, this is getting serious.

Whether this is true or not I cannot say, but either way it's serious.

Either, Trump has been compromised by the Russians and has been using them to get into power and is a threat to the US.

Or, the intelligence services didn't take too kindly to Trump blasting them that they are willing to do whatever it takes to get Trump kicked out of office as soon as possible.

Either way, it's a serious situation.

You stupid motherfuckers have tried everything

1- your fake polls claimed that Hillary was going to win by a landslide - FAILED
2- Then you tried to get a recount in Pa, Wisconsin , and Michigan - FAILED
3- The you tried to get the EC to repudiate DJT - FAILED
4- Now you are using your imagination and a word processor to MANUFACTURE weekly "intelligence" reports - that will also FAIL

DJT will be our president for 8 years deal with it or move to Canada


Oh, wow, insults.
Except that you don't know what the truth is, but somehow you've been convinced that "believing" is the way forwards. So you believe what you want to believe. Most people believed the CIA and Bush when they told the world about WMDs, in fact many of the people who are saying Russia didn't do this probably still believe what they were told before the Iraq War.

Conversely, those who know that was bullshit believe this for some reason.

The CIA wanted war with Iraq...and the CIA wants continued hostile relations with Russia.

Why do you believe them now, when their objective is EXACTLY the same as it was then?

KNOWN LIARS require MORE evidence to convince me...not less.
The same people who were OUTRAGED over an email server and how it could compromise U.S. security don't care at all about Russia embedding itself in to our government affairs and influencing our elections.

Talk about raging fucking hypocrisy.

We all knew that each one of you who defends Trump and Russia right now had no code of ethics or standards, but this just proved it without a shadow of a doubt.
Oh, this is getting serious.

Whether this is true or not I cannot say, but either way it's serious.

Either, Trump has been compromised by the Russians and has been using them to get into power and is a threat to the US.

Or, the intelligence services didn't take too kindly to Trump blasting them that they are willing to do whatever it takes to get Trump kicked out of office as soon as possible.

Either way, it's a serious situation.

You stupid motherfuckers have tried everything

1- your fake polls claimed that Hillary was going to win by a landslide - FAILED
2- Then you tried to get a recount in Pa, Wisconsin , and Michigan - FAILED
3- The you tried to get the EC to repudiate DJT - FAILED
4- Now you are using your imagination and a word processor to MANUFACTURE weekly "intelligence" reports - that will also FAIL

DJT will be our president for 8 years deal with it or move to Canada


Oh, wow, insults.

But you do admit that yo do NEED to be insulted

Fake News. Sell it somewhere else.

That has been the alt-right only response...

Prove it is fake news and doesn't need investigation...

Prove its fake????

You are seriously demented. You realize the burden is to prove its credible, right?

Every time you buttercups fail (which is always lately), you doom the midterms even more!

Love it.
Except that you don't know what the truth is, but somehow you've been convinced that "believing" is the way forwards. So you believe what you want to believe. Most people believed the CIA and Bush when they told the world about WMDs, in fact many of the people who are saying Russia didn't do this probably still believe what they were told before the Iraq War.

Conversely, those who know that was bullshit believe this for some reason.

The CIA wanted war with Iraq...and the CIA wants continued hostile relations with Russia.

Why do you believe them now, when their objective is EXACTLY the same as it was then?

KNOWN LIARS require MORE evidence to convince me...not less.

Whether the CIA wanted war not isn't known, what is known is Bush wanted war and told the CIA to go get it for him.

Is Obama doing this this time? It's hard to say right now.

As for your claim that those who called bullshit last time are calling bullshit this time, can you prove it?

What is certain is, those who wanted war (and I'm talking just normal people here) in the main were Republicans and they now want to believe Trump's version of things.

Those who say it's not Russia are doing so based on a complete lack of knowledge and deciding based on what they want to be true, and those who say it is Russia for the same reasons.

I'm wondering if those people are doing what they've also done with Assange.

He was a Traitor or criminal, then he leaks Clinton's stuff and all of a sudden he's a hero and they're not talking about him being a criminal any more.

Are they going to ignore that they spent 13 years saying that this stuff was made up by the CIA because now it's all so convenient for current purposes to say the CIA are making stuff up?

Partisan politics, keeping the people down since John Quincy Adams become president.
Oh, this is getting serious.

Whether this is true or not I cannot say, but either way it's serious.

Either, Trump has been compromised by the Russians and has been using them to get into power and is a threat to the US.

Or, the intelligence services didn't take too kindly to Trump blasting them that they are willing to do whatever it takes to get Trump kicked out of office as soon as possible.

Either way, it's a serious situation.

You stupid motherfuckers have tried everything

1- your fake polls claimed that Hillary was going to win by a landslide - FAILED
2- Then you tried to get a recount in Pa, Wisconsin , and Michigan - FAILED
3- The you tried to get the EC to repudiate DJT - FAILED
4- Now you are using your imagination and a word processor to MANUFACTURE weekly "intelligence" reports - that will also FAIL

DJT will be our president for 8 years deal with it or move to Canada


Oh, wow, insults.

But you do admit that yo do NEED to be insulted


I'll admit you're very close to getting on the ignore list.
Oh, this is getting serious.

Whether this is true or not I cannot say, but either way it's serious.

Either, Trump has been compromised by the Russians and has been using them to get into power and is a threat to the US.

Or, the intelligence services didn't take too kindly to Trump blasting them that they are willing to do whatever it takes to get Trump kicked out of office as soon as possible.

Either way, it's a serious situation.
This crap is mostly junk news.

It takes a junk mind not to spot this.
Oh, this is getting serious.

Whether this is true or not I cannot say, but either way it's serious.

Either, Trump has been compromised by the Russians and has been using them to get into power and is a threat to the US.

Or, the intelligence services didn't take too kindly to Trump blasting them that they are willing to do whatever it takes to get Trump kicked out of office as soon as possible.

Either way, it's a serious situation.
This crap is mostly junk news.

It takes a junk mind not to spot this.

Ah, so you're basically just saying you want it to be junk, therefore it is?

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