Russia has completed development of “doomsday device” that uses ocean-based nuclear detonation


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Insane Deep Sate shall think more carefully before it unleashes WWIII. Don't provoke Russia, otherwise rub out the West and East coasts from the maps.

U.S. defense and diplomatic officials say they are becoming increasingly concerned about next-generation nuclear weapons being developed and deployed by Russia that could wipe out American coastal cities with tsunamis triggered by massive undersea detonations.

Christian Whiton, a former State Department senior adviser in the Trump administration, noted that hearing about the Russian ‘doomsday device’ is enough to give any defense official “concerns,” the U.K.’s Express reported.

The news site noted that Whiton, in an interview with Fox News, said that large nuclear devices deployed near American coastal cities would create “a highly irradiated” wave when detonated, though he admitted it would be “worse to be hit by a multi-megaton nuclear blast than the wave that would be caused by one.”

He noted further that the ocean water would absorb “a lot of the force” created by the blast. But clearly, such weapons would give Russia a substantial early advance at the beginning of what would become World War III.

His warning comes as Russia’s navy began sea trials of an “unstoppable doomsday device” in December, Russia media reported, as noted by The National Sentinel.

The Tass news agency, quoting unnamed sources, reported that testing of the Poseidon strategic drone, mentioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his state-of-the-nation address to both houses of Parliament earlier this year, was now underway.

“In the sea area protected from a potential enemy’s reconnaissance means, the underwater trials of the nuclear propulsion unit of the Poseidon drone are underway,” the source told the news agency

Russia has completed development of “doomsday device” that uses ocean-based nuclear detonation to unleash deadly tidal wave on coastal cities

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