Russia: How long until the economy cracks

Very true

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

He was offered improved economic relations with the west and blew it on a stupid invasion

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles
Hope they enjoy eating roots...

Obama offered Putin a carrot.....he prefered the stick

Russias economy is paying the price
It's cracking now.

How's Obama's reset button working? LOL!

Very true

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

He was offered improved economic relations with the west and blew it on a stupid invasion

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
Very true

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

He was offered improved economic relations with the west and blew it on a stupid invasion

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.

Putin has made his choice and his country will pay the price

If he is willing to sacrifice his economy for some extra land, his country will pay the price

The US will be just fine
Very true

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

He was offered improved economic relations with the west and blew it on a stupid invasion

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.
Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.

Let Russia have the Ukraine and a Soviet style economy
Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.

Let Russia have the Ukraine and a Soviet style economy
This is about extremely rich people and their cup of oil. They want to fight, go for it, leave America alone.
How would the EU respond if Putin cut off their oil in response to sanctions?
If the EU lets Putin have Eastern Ukraine that will not happen. If Putin does cut off the oil the EU will manage until the peace agreement is signed. Shouldn't be more than three to five years.
How would the EU respond if Putin cut off their oil in response to sanctions?
If the EU lets Putin have Eastern Ukraine that will not happen. If Putin does cut off the oil the EU will manage until the peace agreement is signed. Shouldn't be more than three to five years.

EU will manage without Russian oil?


"Russia is Europe's main supplier of crude oil. About 35 percent of the EU's crude import needs (2011 data) are supplied by Russia, while about 33 percent comes from OPEC countries."
Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.

Let Russia have the Ukraine and a Soviet style economy
This is about extremely rich people and their cup of oil. They want to fight, go for it, leave America alone.

Russia invaded Ukraine for oil?
Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.

Or we can give Ukraine miltary assistance and crush Putin's economy in the meantime.
Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.

Or we can give Ukraine military assistance and crush Putin's economy in the meantime.
Are you looking at the big picture here? Russia, China, Iran, and Syria are all in alliance. Putin was in Egypt yesterday working on energy, trade, and arms deals. Putin says he will help Iran deal with Saudi Arabia if Kiev is supplied with arms. Yemen just went into further meltdown. One can add in to the mix; Iraq, Hezbollah, ISIS, Israel, South China Sea, Libya, and on and on. Anything break down and it is going to be like someone throwing a handful of hundreds on a casino floor. (It pretty much already has but we can fool ourselves for a little longer before the legality of showing military caskets gets a thread on the message board. All this so the 1%'ers can what us march to their tune.)
BushII's explicitly stated the Iraq invasion was to usher in a wave of democracy in the ME, and he succeeded beyond his wildest imagination. Like the atom bomb, there's no putting the genie back in the bottle. We have to ride it out, supporting those forces that put their constituencies mortal lives in more favored status than those of their immortal, 14th century, lives. It's not gonna be pretty, and it'll continue possibly for the lifetimes of the millennials, regardless of what party is in power in the US. The neocons grossly overestimated our ability to manage other people and cultures.

Putin's a separate problem, and only tangentially related. He's trying to cobble together the Russian empire by using his energy resources to pay off other nations to ignore his territorial aggression.
Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.

Or we can give Ukraine military assistance and crush Putin's economy in the meantime.
Are you looking at the big picture here? Russia, China, Iran, and Syria are all in alliance. Putin was in Egypt yesterday working on energy, trade, and arms deals. Putin says he will help Iran deal with Saudi Arabia if Kiev is supplied with arms. Yemen just went into further meltdown. One can add in to the mix; Iraq, Hezbollah, ISIS, Israel, South China Sea, Libya, and on and on. Anything break down and it is going to be like someone throwing a handful of hundreds on a casino floor. (It pretty much already has but we can fool ourselves for a little longer before the legality of showing military caskets gets a thread on the message board. All this so the 1%'ers can what us march to their tune.)

Big picture, we have to resist Russian adventurism.
The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.
We can either let Russia have eastern Ukraine or we can fight WW III. I say the first the lesser of two evils.

Or we can give Ukraine military assistance and crush Putin's economy in the meantime.
Are you looking at the big picture here? Russia, China, Iran, and Syria are all in alliance. Putin was in Egypt yesterday working on energy, trade, and arms deals. Putin says he will help Iran deal with Saudi Arabia if Kiev is supplied with arms. Yemen just went into further meltdown. One can add in to the mix; Iraq, Hezbollah, ISIS, Israel, South China Sea, Libya, and on and on. Anything break down and it is going to be like someone throwing a handful of hundreds on a casino floor. (It pretty much already has but we can fool ourselves for a little longer before the legality of showing military caskets gets a thread on the message board. All this so the 1%'ers can what us march to their tune.)

Big picture, we have to resist Russian adventurism.
Every noun, pronoun, and adjective in that sense the product of carefully crafted propaganda. Except maybe 'big', if it had said 'bigger and better' then it would have been propaganda. And we don't 'have' to do a damn thing.
Very true

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

He was offered improved economic relations with the west and blew it on a stupid invasion

Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.

"Invade?" He is only trying to protect the Russian speaking people and to bring about prosperity. Ask any Republican. They will tell you what a great guy he is.....THEIR HERO!
Shows how poorly Conservative tough guy hero Putin is doing

Another example of Obama's foreign policy failures making Jimmy Carter look good.

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

Obama is getting results from economic warfare rather than military warfare

Seems like the economic sanctions the "weak" Obama imposed are working

He had to impose sanctions?
I guess his "reset button" and "increased flexibility" didn't work so well?

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Conservative hero Putin blundered away his chance to establish improved economic alliances with the west over an il-advised invasion


Obamas economy is doing fine, Putins is in a shambles

The failure to reset hurt Russia not the US

Don't forget Ukraine. And any other country Putin decides to invade.

"Invade?" He is only trying to protect the Russian speaking people and to bring about prosperity. Ask any Republican. They will tell you what a great guy he is.....THEIR HERO!

Hey Obama....Hillary....great job on that Russia reset. Schmucks.

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