Russia Interfered....Hillary win the Popular Vot


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
-In 2012, Mitt Romney warned us about Russia being a threat. Obama and the Democrats mocked that notion.

- In 2015-2016, Hillary and the Democrats said that here use of a private email server to route and store classified information was no big deal, that it was secure, and no indications of a hack.

- In 2016, Hillary Clinton wins the Popular Vote.

Why are Democrats NOW concerned about Russia and the 2016 Election? At this point, what difference does it make?
There is actually little to no proof that Russia interfered in our elections. It's just more Lefty crying about his poopy diapers and humiliating landslides in local, state, and national elections from dog catcher to president.

It's actually very irresponsible for the Democrats to claim Russia did this when there is no truth and no proof of it. But to quote Pontius Pilate: "What is Truth?

First it's Comey's Fault, A Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, Fake News, The Russians, and next Aliens or a Plague of Locusts. And let's not forget all the other reasons Lying Lefty says he lost: Racism, Misogyny, Homophobia, Xenophobia, Latinophobia, Islamophobia, and Deniers. It's everyone's fault but the Corrupt DNC's fault.

But this is what you get when you are Obama and fire anyone with competence and replace the heads of every department, bureau, and agency with political lackeys.

Let me repeat there is NO EVIDENCE what so ever of the Russians being involved in hacking the DNC servers. In fact there is more evidence that patriots in this country may have done it.

The CIA only stated that the tactics used to access the DNC emails resembled those of Fancy Bear & Cozy Bear which are thought to be based in Russia. Hacking tactics are those that work, and many groups use the same kinds of methods. Someone saying "thought to be" as in "we aren't sure" just isn't good enough to make a case for it, like the Lamestream Media and Lying Lefty are trying to do

Good Hackers use hopping and spoofing, so unless you are careless, the source of the originating IP is not going to be traced. I work as an IT professional and I can explain one way it's done if anyone is interested.

But the Spin that "The Russians Hacked My DNC Server" is just deflection from the embarrassing emails on that server, and the embarrassing exposure of what Liberals really think about the people whose votes they want.

CONDESCENDING doesn't even touch the tip of the iceberg with how Lefty views voters. Loathing doesn't even approach the level of disdain that The Democratic Party and it's Socialist-Collectivist-Communist Liberals have for ordinary Americans.

Let's not forget the DNC's motto:

"We seek to endeavor to create a more compliant and unaware citizenry"

This is why you lost Lefty Dumb Ass. You lost because you hate America, Hate Ordinary Americans, and Hate our Freedoms.

So much for your plans to Fundamentally Change American in to a sh1thole like Cuba.

Sux to be you.

Good Luck to you all, and Merry Christmas
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What disturbs me most is that the Left is more concerned with politicizing the 2016 Election results from all angles vs. beefing up cybersecurity. What country DOESN'T want to use any means possible to sway US Elections? As if this is a phenomenon is something new. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, European nations, etc......ALL want to influence US Election outcomes and will use any means possible. Seems the Left is more interested in using 2016 activity to disrupt transition vs. taking steps to make it harder for countries to influence Elections, Economy, and Policy.
What disturbs me most is that the Left is more concerned with politicizing the 2016 Election results from all angles vs. beefing up cybersecurity. What country DOESN'T want to use any means possible to sway US Elections? As if this is a phenomenon is something new. Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba, European nations, etc......ALL want to influence US Election outcomes and will use any means possible. Seems the Left is more interested in using 2016 activity to disrupt transition vs. taking steps to make it harder for countries to influence Elections, Economy, and Policy.
That plus the fact that we meddle in other countries' elections and think nothing of it. Obviously, the faux shock and dismay that Russia may have tried to mess with ours stems more from the result of the election than anything else.
Poor Russians, they interfered with the popular vote but forgot the electoral. I thought there were an unusual number of folks voting with Russian accents...NOT.

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