Russia Loses 12 Tanks, 11 Armored Vehicles and 1,040 Troops in a Day: Kyiv


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
I keep hearing that Russia's on the verge of wiping out the Ukrainian forces--but I keep seeing Russians getting smashed..over and over again. Their troops and equipment sub-par, at best...and their Generals..incompetent.

Russian forces continue to suffer high losses of troops and equipment in their invasion of Ukraine, according to Kyiv.
Ukraine's latest figures, about which Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry via email, have not been independently verified. But they come amid reports of substantial Russian losses in both personnel and equipment as the fierce months-long fight for the Donetsk city of Bakhmut continues to rage.
In an update on Thursday, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said that 1,040 Russian troops had been killed over the previous 24 hours. This took its estimate of the total number of Russian troop losses since the start of the war to 162,560.
The update also said that Russia had lost 12 tanks and 11 armored vehicles the previous day. This put the total number of tank losses to 3,504 over the course of the war and the number of armored vehicle losses at 6,810, according to Kyiv.
Kyiv first started reporting more than 1,000 Russian daily deaths in February, a figure which has been surpassed several times. However, Ukraine's tally of Russian personnel losses is higher than Western estimates. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in February that in the first year of the war, there were approximately 70,000 Russian combat fatalities.
Ian Stubbs, a senior military adviser within the British delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE), told Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform on Wednesday that since May 2022, as many as 30,000 Wagner and regular forces have been killed and wounded around Bakhmut alone.

He described this as "a huge loss of human life for a total territorial advance of approximately just 25 kilometers [15.5 miles]."
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How do they know this? Where do they get these figures?

Oh you have? Please post the video for me.

The internet is replete with such imagery. If you are so skill-less as to not be able to find posting a choice few would have no impact at all.

BTW..the article actually states where they get such figures. If you care--and if you actually read it.
Are they inflated? Probably--but if you believe the official Moscow figures of 6, are far dumber than I thought.
I enjoy reports of Russian losses of ships and tanks and aircraft, etc.

I am not so fond of the fact that the evil scumbag, Putin, keeps sending his own people into that maw to die for basically nothing.

The fog of war is very thick. But if Russia is “winning,” they’re going to really hate losing.
I keep hearing that Russia's on the verge of wiping out the Ukrainian forces--but I keep seeing Russians getting smashed..over and over again. Their troops and equipment sub-par, at best...and their Generals..incompetent.

Russian forces continue to suffer high losses of troops and equipment in their invasion of Ukraine, according to Kyiv.
Ukraine's latest figures, about which Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry via email, have not been independently verified. But they come amid reports of substantial Russian losses in both personnel and equipment as the fierce months-long fight for the Donetsk city of Bakhmut continues to rage.
In an update on Thursday, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said that 1,040 Russian troops had been killed over the previous 24 hours. This took its estimate of the total number of Russian troop losses since the start of the war to 162,560.
The update also said that Russia had lost 12 tanks and 11 armored vehicles the previous day. This put the total number of tank losses to 3,504 over the course of the war and the number of armored vehicle losses at 6,810, according to Kyiv.
Kyiv first started reporting more than 1,000 Russian daily deaths in February, a figure which has been surpassed several times. However, Ukraine's tally of Russian personnel losses is higher than Western estimates. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in February that in the first year of the war, there were approximately 70,000 Russian combat fatalities.
Ian Stubbs, a senior military adviser within the British delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE), told Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform on Wednesday that since May 2022, as many as 30,000 Wagner and regular forces have been killed and wounded around Bakhmut alone.

He described this as "a huge loss of human life for a total territorial advance of approximately just 25 kilometers [15.5 miles]."

The internet is replete with such imagery. If you are so skill-less as to not be able to find posting a choice few would have no impact at all.

BTW..the article actually states where they get such figures. If you care--and if you actually read it.
Are they inflated? Probably--but if you believe the official Moscow figures of 6, are far dumber than I thought.

Yes. . . but there is also imagery from the other side. Anecdotal images here and there, even the dozens that we see, does not amount to "thousands," a day.

And yes, the article states, "the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces," and then, "The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)"

But, with that said, neither of these sources will tell you, in this article, how these figures are calculated, do they?

Of course, I don't believe the Russian figures, but, if you start a thread, posting this propaganda? Folks that are intelligent, feel you are just as dumb as you are accusing those who believe the Russian propaganda.
I enjoy reports of Russian losses of ships and tanks and aircraft, etc.

I am not so fond of the fact that the evil scumbag, Putin, keeps sending his own people into that maw to die for basically nothing.

The fog of war is very thick. But if Russia is “winning,” they’re going to really hate losing.

I don't.

Any smart person, that has either studied history, or lived it, remembers, this is how shit like Vietnam and Korea started.


. . . and we have NOTHING, not a GD thing to gain here, and everything to lose.
I enjoy reports of Russian losses of ships and tanks and aircraft, etc.

I am not so fond of the fact that the evil scumbag, Putin, keeps sending his own people into that maw to die for basically nothing.

The fog of war is very thick. But of Russia is “winning,” they’re going to really hate losing.

I also like reading the Poles are increasing their military, buying from both the US and the South Koreans.

Poland to buy hundreds of South Korean tanks, howitzers after sending arms to Ukraine | CNN.

Poland Buys $6B of U.S. Military Gear as Russian Troops Sit Near Its Border.
Yes. . . but there is also imagery from the other side. Anecdotal images here and there, even the dozens that we see, does not amount to "thousands," a day.

And yes, the article states, "the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces," and then, "The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)"

But, with that said, neither of these sources will tell you, in this article, how these figures are calculated, do they?

Of course, I don't believe the Russian figures, but, if you start a thread, posting this propaganda? Folks that are intelligent, feel you are just as dumb as you are accusing those who believe the Russian propaganda.
Every indication is that Russia is taking massive casualties. You don't think so, OK.
But I ask you, why does Russia need yet another tranche of untrained, poorly equipped conscripts..if not to make up for those loses you so doubt are taking place?

Russia Is Looking to Recruit Another 400,000 Soldier By Year’s End
Yes. . . but there is also imagery from the other side. Anecdotal images here and there, even the dozens that we see, does not amount to "thousands," a day.

And yes, the article states, "the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces," and then, "The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)"

But, with that said, neither of these sources will tell you, in this article, how these figures are calculated, do they?

Of course, I don't believe the Russian figures, but, if you start a thread, posting this propaganda? Folks that are intelligent, feel you are just as dumb as you are accusing those who believe the Russian propaganda.
Being a Vietnam Era Veteran I'm always suspicious of casualty figures that aren't backed up by actual body counts, but it's a verified fact that the Russian tank parks are emptying at a rapid rate, and they are being forced to field cold war antiques. Once the Ukrainians can field decent numbers of modern Leo IIs, Challengers and Abrams Russian losses are going to skyrocket.
I keep hearing that Russia's on the verge of wiping out the Ukrainian forces--but I keep seeing Russians getting smashed..over and over again. Their troops and equipment sub-par, at best...and their Generals..incompetent.

Russian forces continue to suffer high losses of troops and equipment in their invasion of Ukraine, according to Kyiv.
Ukraine's latest figures, about which Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry via email, have not been independently verified. But they come amid reports of substantial Russian losses in both personnel and equipment as the fierce months-long fight for the Donetsk city of Bakhmut continues to rage.
In an update on Thursday, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said that 1,040 Russian troops had been killed over the previous 24 hours. This took its estimate of the total number of Russian troop losses since the start of the war to 162,560.
The update also said that Russia had lost 12 tanks and 11 armored vehicles the previous day. This put the total number of tank losses to 3,504 over the course of the war and the number of armored vehicle losses at 6,810, according to Kyiv.
Kyiv first started reporting more than 1,000 Russian daily deaths in February, a figure which has been surpassed several times. However, Ukraine's tally of Russian personnel losses is higher than Western estimates. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in February that in the first year of the war, there were approximately 70,000 Russian combat fatalities.
Ian Stubbs, a senior military adviser within the British delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE), told Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform on Wednesday that since May 2022, as many as 30,000 Wagner and regular forces have been killed and wounded around Bakhmut alone.

He described this as "a huge loss of human life for a total territorial advance of approximately just 25 kilometers [15.5 miles]."

12 whole tanks? They might as well pack it in then....

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) The Military Balance, the Russians have 2,800 tanks and 13,000 other armored vehicles (reconnaissance and infantry fighting vehicles) in units with another 10,000 tanks and 8,500 armored vehicles in storage. Open-source intelligence indicates that the Russians have lost about 1,300 armored vehicles. The bottom line is that the Russians are not going to run out of armored vehicles anytime soon.
Being a Vietnam Era Veteran I'm always suspicious of casualty figures that aren't backed up by actual body counts, but it's a verified fact that the Russian tank parks are emptying at a rapid rate, and they are being forced to field cold war antiques. Once the Ukrainians can field decent numbers of modern Leo IIs, Challengers and Abrams Russian losses are going to skyrocket.

But this is an artillery war/drone war.

Mobilized infantry and armor, from what I have read, is a waste of manufacturing capacity and resources. It is just money laundering at this point.
I don't.

Any smart person, that has either studied history, or lived it, remembers, this is how shit like Vietnam and Korea started.


. . . and we have NOTHING, not a GD thing to gain here, and everything to lose.
I am familiar with both sides of the debate (at least from our perspective). I am studiously undecided. I want Putin dead. But that isn’t the same as saying we should commit much to Ukraine.
Once the Ukrainians can field decent numbers of modern Leo IIs, Challengers and Abrams Russian losses are going to skyrocket.
Drones and anti-tank weapons are far cheaper to produce en masse, Armored units are better used in a mopping up role now, otherwise, they are very vulnerable.

12 whole tanks? They might as well pack it in then....

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) The Military Balance, the Russians have 2,800 tanks and 13,000 other armored vehicles (reconnaissance and infantry fighting vehicles) in units with another 10,000 tanks and 8,500 armored vehicles in storage. Open-source intelligence indicates that the Russians have lost about 1,300 armored vehicles. The bottom line is that the Russians are not going to run out of armored vehicles anytime soon.
It's not just the quantity that matters, but the quality. Russia has been losing their front line main battle tanks at an alarming rate. Many of them have been captured by the Ukrainians and used against them.
Ukranian farmers would use their tractors to tow Russian tanks that were abandoned when they ran out of gas, to be used by the Ukraine army.

As was posted. Russia has thousands of cold war vintage tanks in storage that they could put on the battlefield, but they would easily fall prey to RPG's and other lesser weapons, and Javelins no longer the weapon of choice.
So. . . the proof your propaganda is true, is moar propaganda from stratfor?


LOL! Covering your ears and shouting 'Propaganda!" does not make it so. Anyone with a shred of intellectual honesty would do the easy web search and see, from the offical Russian sources, that the troop increase is being sought.

In Russian:

English translation..headline and first para:

The Ministry of Defense begins a new set of contractors, the goal is 400 thousand people

From April 1, Russia will begin a new set of contract soldiers in the army, for this the Ministry of Defense sent out orders to the regions indicating the number of people with whom the relevant documents should be signed. Several regional media outlets publish the total figure of contract soldiers, which, according to the plans of the Ministry of Defense, need to replenish the troops - 400 thousand. It is alleged that the bulk of the work will fall on the staff of military commissariats, and ultimately the governors will be responsible for the implementation of the plan. According to the plans of the Ministry of Defense, in the Chelyabinsk and Sverdlovsk regions, 10 thousand people should enter the professional service, in the Perm Territory - 9 thousand.
This is Ukrainian Pravda..using the above link as source:


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