Russia Loses 12 Tanks, 11 Armored Vehicles and 1,040 Troops in a Day: Kyiv

The Russians lost tons of troops and equipment in Afghanistan. They lost more in 10 times the people in 10 years that we lost in 20.
Over 15,000 Soviet troops were killed in Afghanistan from 1979 until 1989. In the war, the Soviet Army also lost hundreds of aircraft, and billions worth of other military machines. Around two million Afghan men, women and children died in the war.

How many did we lose in 10 years of Vietnam? Thrice what the Russians lost?
I keep hearing that Russia's on the verge of wiping out the Ukrainian forces--but I keep seeing Russians getting smashed..over and over again. Their troops and equipment sub-par, at best...and their Generals..incompetent.

Russian forces continue to suffer high losses of troops and equipment in their invasion of Ukraine, according to Kyiv.
Ukraine's latest figures, about which Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry via email, have not been independently verified. But they come amid reports of substantial Russian losses in both personnel and equipment as the fierce months-long fight for the Donetsk city of Bakhmut continues to rage.
In an update on Thursday, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said that 1,040 Russian troops had been killed over the previous 24 hours. This took its estimate of the total number of Russian troop losses since the start of the war to 162,560.
The update also said that Russia had lost 12 tanks and 11 armored vehicles the previous day. This put the total number of tank losses to 3,504 over the course of the war and the number of armored vehicle losses at 6,810, according to Kyiv.
Kyiv first started reporting more than 1,000 Russian daily deaths in February, a figure which has been surpassed several times. However, Ukraine's tally of Russian personnel losses is higher than Western estimates. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in February that in the first year of the war, there were approximately 70,000 Russian combat fatalities.
Ian Stubbs, a senior military adviser within the British delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE), told Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform on Wednesday that since May 2022, as many as 30,000 Wagner and regular forces have been killed and wounded around Bakhmut alone.

He described this as "a huge loss of human life for a total territorial advance of approximately just 25 kilometers [15.5 miles]."
Another win for the good guys.
You obviously know nothing about radio communication.
You can't pick up a radio signal from New York to London, if you're in California.
Yeah that 23 year career in SIGINT in the Marine Corps taught me nothing.

Depending on what band the transmission is in you can. You can collect HF signals from anywhere in the world.

RF (especially in the lower bands) doesnt emit in one direction. Even the upper bands dont unless you have a specific antenna. Im not current on exactly what the Russian tanks have in their comms suite but I kind of doubt that have a directional antenna on there since they are a mobile platform. It would seem a bad idea have to turn your tank in a specific direction in order to talk anyone. But even if you believe that all the Russian tactical comms are LOS a drone flying around in the Black Sea wouldn't be in between a Russian tank or command center in Kiev and anywhere in Russia.

Swing and miss..
Over 15,000 Soviet troops were killed in Afghanistan from 1979 until 1989. In the war, the Soviet Army also lost hundreds of aircraft, and billions worth of other military machines. Around two million Afghan men, women and children died in the war.

How many did we lose in 10 years of Vietnam? Thrice what the Russians lost?

And? What's your point? We lost more people in a different war fought in a different place against a different enemy. What exactly does that prove? We fought Vietnam closer to how the Russians fight wars (sending rudimentarily trained personnel at the problem) than how we fight today.
Yeah that 23 year career in SIGINT in the Marine Corps taught me nothing.

Depending on what band the transmission is in you can. You can collect HF signals from anywhere in the world.

RF (especially in the lower bands) doesnt emit in one direction. Even the upper bands dont unless you have a specific antenna. Im not current on exactly what the Russian tanks have in their comms suite but I kind of doubt that have a directional antenna on there since they are a mobile platform. It would seem a bad idea have to turn your tank in a specific direction in order to talk anyone. But even if you believe that all the Russian tactical comms are LOS a drone flying around in the Black Sea wouldn't be in between a Russian tank or command center in Kiev and anywhere in Russia.

Swing and miss..
They didn't have as many satellites in your day.
Or cellphone towers.

And? What's your point? We lost more people in a different war fought in a different place against a different enemy.

You said Russia only fought one way. Throwing massive numbers of low tech troops at the problem, and experiencing massive casualities. Russia has entered modern warfare. It is not the strategy of old.
I keep hearing that Russia's on the verge of wiping out the Ukrainian forces--but I keep seeing Russians getting smashed..over and over again. Their troops and equipment sub-par, at best...and their Generals..incompetent.

Russian forces continue to suffer high losses of troops and equipment in their invasion of Ukraine, according to Kyiv.
Ukraine's latest figures, about which Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry via email, have not been independently verified. But they come amid reports of substantial Russian losses in both personnel and equipment as the fierce months-long fight for the Donetsk city of Bakhmut continues to rage.
In an update on Thursday, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said that 1,040 Russian troops had been killed over the previous 24 hours. This took its estimate of the total number of Russian troop losses since the start of the war to 162,560.
The update also said that Russia had lost 12 tanks and 11 armored vehicles the previous day. This put the total number of tank losses to 3,504 over the course of the war and the number of armored vehicle losses at 6,810, according to Kyiv.
Kyiv first started reporting more than 1,000 Russian daily deaths in February, a figure which has been surpassed several times. However, Ukraine's tally of Russian personnel losses is higher than Western estimates. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in February that in the first year of the war, there were approximately 70,000 Russian combat fatalities.
Ian Stubbs, a senior military adviser within the British delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE), told Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform on Wednesday that since May 2022, as many as 30,000 Wagner and regular forces have been killed and wounded around Bakhmut alone.

He described this as "a huge loss of human life for a total territorial advance of approximately just 25 kilometers [15.5 miles]."
Uh oh. That will piss off Putin and his Trump supporters.
You said Russia only fought one way. Throwing massive numbers of low tech troops at the problem, and experiencing massive casualities. Russia has entered modern warfare. It is not the strategy of old.
They lost 15k troops fighting the same war we lost less than 3 and were there for half the time. 620k troops passed through Afghanistan. 100k+ in country at a time. Over 450k injured or seriously ill.

Material losses were as follows:[43]

And they were fighting an insurgency not an active hot war in Afghanistan like they are in Ukraine. The Russians had control of the country much like we did.
I keep hearing that Russia's on the verge of wiping out the Ukrainian forces--but I keep seeing Russians getting smashed..over and over again. Their troops and equipment sub-par, at best...and their Generals..incompetent.

Russian forces continue to suffer high losses of troops and equipment in their invasion of Ukraine, according to Kyiv.
Ukraine's latest figures, about which Newsweek has contacted the Russian Defense Ministry via email, have not been independently verified. But they come amid reports of substantial Russian losses in both personnel and equipment as the fierce months-long fight for the Donetsk city of Bakhmut continues to rage.
In an update on Thursday, the General Staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces said that 1,040 Russian troops had been killed over the previous 24 hours. This took its estimate of the total number of Russian troop losses since the start of the war to 162,560.
The update also said that Russia had lost 12 tanks and 11 armored vehicles the previous day. This put the total number of tank losses to 3,504 over the course of the war and the number of armored vehicle losses at 6,810, according to Kyiv.
Kyiv first started reporting more than 1,000 Russian daily deaths in February, a figure which has been surpassed several times. However, Ukraine's tally of Russian personnel losses is higher than Western estimates. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) said in February that in the first year of the war, there were approximately 70,000 Russian combat fatalities.
Ian Stubbs, a senior military adviser within the British delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OCSE), told Ukrainian news outlet Ukrinform on Wednesday that since May 2022, as many as 30,000 Wagner and regular forces have been killed and wounded around Bakhmut alone.

He described this as "a huge loss of human life for a total territorial advance of approximately just 25 kilometers [15.5 miles]."

The first casualty of war is truth.
Every indication is that Russia is taking massive casualties. You don't think so, OK.
But I ask you, why does Russia need yet another tranche of untrained, poorly equipped conscripts..if not to make up for those loses you so doubt are taking place?

Russia Is Looking to Recruit Another 400,000 Soldier By Year’s End
All I know is that every day we read and see TV reports that Russia is taking a beatdown. And yet it's now a year and still going strong. Putin is being compassionate. He has every right to use nukes at this point. Hopefully it will stay limited. A couple battlefield, a couple Euro cities and a couple North American Cities may still not crush the economy of our nation and the world.
All I know is that every day we read and see TV reports that Russia is taking a beatdown. And yet it's now a year and still going strong. Putin is being compassionate. He has every right to use nukes at this point. Hopefully it will stay limited. A couple battlefield, a couple Euro cities and a couple North American Cities may still not crush the economy of our nation and the world.
"Every right to use nukes at this point'??? What 'right' do you see in it? He's on the nukes?
Now that's just stupid~
All I know is that every day we read and see TV reports that Russia is taking a beatdown. And yet it's now a year and still going strong. Putin is being compassionate. He has every right to use nukes at this point. Hopefully it will stay limited. A couple battlefield, a couple Euro cities and a couple North American Cities may still not crush the economy of our nation and the world.
What the fuck?
Well, thank goodness.

If they weren't getting results from all of that money, people might start wondering where all of that cash was going and they might not get any more billions.
12 whole tanks? They might as well pack it in then....

According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) The Military Balance, the Russians have 2,800 tanks and 13,000 other armored vehicles (reconnaissance and infantry fighting vehicles) in units with another 10,000 tanks and 8,500 armored vehicles in storage. Open-source intelligence indicates that the Russians have lost about 1,300 armored vehicles. The bottom line is that the Russians are not going to run out of armored vehicles anytime soon.
You know that's almost a year old, right? It was 1300 armored vehicles in April 2022.

Click the link and see how that number has changed...
That US drone should have never even been near Crimea in the first place. We have no business having US assets anywhere near that war.
It was an unarmed drone operating in International airspace. Patrolling the coast of a NATO ally, flying from a base in Romania (who also operate MQ-9's). We routinely fly Global Hawks and RC-135's in the same airspace.

We're monitoring Black Sea Fleet movements, and anything else that's interesting like aircraft operating out of Crimean or Russian air bases. Collecting whatever SIGINT we can. We've been doing that since before the invasion- we were already monitoring the buildup and movements of Russian forces in the fall of 2021.

Technically speaking and just for the record, the US and International community recognizes Crimea as Ukrainian territory- Russia has no legal right to shoot anything down over Crimea to begin with.

Yes- NATO is in a heightened state of alert all along it's eastern flank. B-52's are in the air, the number of forward deployed forces has doubled. NATO was asleep, Putin woke it back up. He should have left well enough alone...
The link I posted? That was just to show how many tanks and armored vehicles Russia has.
Well, had...

Something about those 10K tanks in reserve- they are mostly rusty hulks that have had everything stripped off that can be sold on the black market. The sights, radios, in some cases even the drive trains have been removed and sold.

They had about 2850 modernized T-72,T-80, and T-90's at the start of the invasion. And probably a couple thousand older T-72A'a and B's that were functional but not really combat effective.

They've lost a shitload of armor, which is why they're dragging out obsolete T-62's, and putting 1980's era thermal sights on them, and sending them off to Ukraine.
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How do they know this? Where do they get these figures?

Oh you have? Please post the video for me.
The only thing the Ukrainians know is their own losses, which they then publish as Russian losses. Been that way since day one. Nothing the Ukraine says can be taken seriously.

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