Russia mobilizing troops for first time since WW2 and threatens with nukes

Oh, you go on believing that. It will turn out well for you. Really, pulling in 50-year-old men who once worked as mechanics, that will work great.
Incorrect Poindexter
Reservists have specialties, any thing from infantry, artillery, tank crewmen, fighter jet pilots, and yes, all kinds of vehicle mechanics.
A lot of U.S soldiers who fought in WWll, Korea, Vietnam, to Iraq / Afghanistan wars were activated reservists.
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LOL you're a moron. Go watch Ukraine on Fire or the Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone (both made years ago) all this was well known because of the US involvement in both color revolutions of 2004 and 2014. NATO has been encroaching closer to Russia for YEARS you'd know that if you're had any intellectual curiosity but why look and learn when the MSM tells you what to think useful idiot

Crimea voted 94% for joining Russia. Why don't you respect democracy?
3 NATO countries have been on Russian border for years. Finland and Sweeden are joining NATO right now directly because of this invasion. Finland has 1000 mile border with Russia.

Now tell me what new threat is it you think Ukraine's NATO membership, which was many years away, presented to Russia for it to need to immediately invade and annex it's lands.

While you take your time bumping your head around trying to answer that question I'll explain to you what ACTUALLY worries Putin about Ukraine: It's successful westernization. If Ukraine does well in it's reforms and joining the EU then Russia, internally, is next and his place in history will not be like Peter the Great, but that of a backward leader who held Russia's developement back for decades.
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I'll explain to you what ACTUALLY worries Putin about Ukraine: It's successful westernization.
In a way your correct.
Westernization today is actually far leftist globalism which means pushing the homo and transgender agenda, destroying the family and culture, and a return to commie style enslavement of the people.
All of which Putin is 100% against happening in Russia.
3 NATO countries have been on Russian border for years. Finland and Sweeden are joining NATO right now directly because of this invasion. Finland has 1000 mile border with Russia.

Now tell me what new threat is it you think Ukraine's NATO membership, which was many years away, presented to Russia for it to need to immediately invade and annex it's lands.

While you take your time bumping your head around trying to answer that question I'll explain to you what ACTUALLY worries Putin about Ukraine: It's successful westernization. If Ukraine does well in it's reforms and joining the EU then Russia, internally, is next and his place in history will not be like Peter the Great, but that of a backward leader who held Russia's developement back for decades.
I've been telling you but you're so damn dumb you can't figure it out. What's the first thing that happens when a country joins NATO dipshit? We install missile defense systems and aim them at Russia

You really think Russia shouldnt be concerned about the original agreement for spheres on influence between Russia and the West being nullified and encroached on? Especially when Hillary Clinton and John McCain BOTH went over in 2014 and supported Neo Nazis groups? Those same groups used by Obama to oust Ukraine's Democratically elected Pro Russian leader?

Are you that stupid or are you really that fucking clueless

You should go bump your head and knock the shit stuck between your ears loose
Incorrect Poindexter
Reservists have specialties, any thing from infantry, artillery, tank crewmen, fighter jet pilots, and yes, all kinds of vehicle mechanics.
A lot of U.S soldiers who fought in WWll, Korea, Vietnam, to Iraq / Afghanistan wars were activated reservists.
In the Russian model only the Officers and NCOs really know much of anything... the largely conscript lower enlisted ranks are largely cannon fodder.
3 NATO countries have been on Russian border for years. Finland and Sweeden are joining NATO right now directly because of this invasion. Finland has 1000 mile border with Russia.

Now tell me what new threat is it you think Ukraine's NATO membership, which was many years away, presented to Russia for it to need to immediately invade and annex it's lands.

While you take your time bumping your head around trying to answer that question I'll explain to you what ACTUALLY worries Putin about Ukraine: It's successful westernization. If Ukraine does well in it's reforms and joining the EU then Russia, internally, is next and his place in history will not be like Peter the Great, but that of a backward leader who held Russia's developement back for decades.
Watch this and learn something you knuckle dragging baboon

I've been telling you but you're so damn dumb you can't figure it out. What's the first thing that happens when a country joins NATO dipshit? We install missile defense systems and aim them at Russia

You really think Russia shouldnt be concerned about the original agreement for spheres on influence between Russia and the West being nullified and encroached on? Especially when Hillary Clinton and John McCain BOTH went over in 2014 and supported Neo Nazis groups? Those same groups used by Obama to oust Ukraine's Democratically elected Pro Russian leader?

Are you that stupid or are you really that fucking clueless

You should go bump your head and knock the shit stuck between your ears loose
Remind us, will you? Which Russian troll are you again... tvaritch? :laugh:
Remind us, will you? Which Russian troll are you again... tvaritch? :laugh:
I'm not Russian. Served 3 years active duty for this county 1 year as a recruiter. I have permanent injuries from my time in service and I don't want to see America dragged into another war cause this will probably be WW3 and I know for certain your pussy ass won't go fight will ya? 😂
In case it isn't obvious, it is a bad idea to put Putin in a position where he thinks a pre-emptive strike is necessary. Seems like we are doing everything we can to convince him of that. If he is talking about it, which he just did, and things don't change, he'll do it.

From his full speech - Address by the President of the Russian Federation

The West has gone too far in its aggressive anti-Russia policy, making endless threats to our country and people. Some irresponsible Western politicians are doing more than just speak about their plans to organise the delivery of long-range offensive weapons to Ukraine, which could be used to deliver strikes at Crimea and other Russian regions.

Such terrorist attacks, including with the use of Western weapons, are being delivered at border areas in the Belgorod and Kursk regions. NATO is conducting reconnaissance through Russia’s southern regions in real time and with the use of modern systems, aircraft, vessels, satellites and strategic drones.

Washington, London and Brussels are openly encouraging Kiev to move the hostilities to our territory. They openly say that Russia must be defeated on the battlefield by any means, and subsequently deprived of political, economic, cultural and any other sovereignty and ransacked.

They have even resorted to the nuclear blackmail. I am referring not only to the Western-encouraged shelling of the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant, which poses a threat of a nuclear disaster, but also to the statements made by some high-ranking representatives of the leading NATO countries on the possibility and admissibility of using weapons of mass destruction – nuclear weapons – against Russia.

I would like to remind those who make such statements regarding Russia that our country has different types of weapons as well, and some of them are more modern than the weapons NATO countries have. In the event of a threat to the territorial integrity of our country and to defend Russia and our people, we will certainly make use of all weapon systems available to us. This is not a bluff.
(Earlier in this speech he basically says NATO is currently threatening their territorial integrity, which includes Donbas, with our support and by encouraging Ukraine to move into Russian territory.)

The citizens of Russia can rest assured that the territorial integrity of our Motherland, our independence and freedom will be defended – I repeat – by all the systems available to us. Those who are using nuclear blackmail against us should know that the wind rose can turn around.

It is our historical tradition and the destiny of our nation to stop those who are keen on global domination and threaten to split up and enslave our Motherland. Rest assured that we will do it this time as well.

Satellites are far superior to any of those systems and if any use of those systems to gather intel was discovered, would rightfully be seen by Russia as an act of war.

The only nuclear powers in NATO are the US, UK, and France. Which one advocated use of nuclear weapons against Russia?
Satellites are far superior to any of those systems and if any use of those systems to gather intel was discovered, would rightfully be seen by Russia as an act of war.

The only nuclear powers in NATO are the US, UK, and France. Which one advocated use of nuclear weapons against Russia?
March 1991 Germany, France and US officials in NATO promised they wouldn't expand past Poland

So if NATO can break agreements you think Russia will sit meekly by and do nothing?
Who knows what the real goals are of the powers that be regarding Putin.

In fact, I'm thinking the Climate Cult is happy about what Putin has done.


Less carbon footprints + less food produced by carbon emitting fertilizer and more starving people who may die from starvation = a happier climate.

Nothing surprises me anymore about the loons in power.

Redundant much? :abgg2q.jpg:
Apparently the Duma votes on mobilization today.

They voted on "partial" mobilization as opposed to "general" mobilization.

There is a difference.

What does partial mobilization mean?

Partial mobilization is a term for when specific groups of people will be called up to serve in Russia’s armed forces. It is different from a general mobilization, which involves drafting from the general population, refocusing the entire economy and essentially setting the entire country on a warpath, hitting a pause on normalcy.

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