Russia mobilizing troops for first time since WW2 and threatens with nukes

Yet you're the one who won't even question why Putin waited until Biden was in office to invade Ukraine
Because Trump promised Putin he'd pull the US out of NATO and let Putin roll over Ukraine with almost no opposition.

But then ... Trump lost. Democracy won. Putin had to invade Ukraine instead of simply having Trump hand it to him.

And you kiss the ass of that treasonous surrender-monkey. Just making it clear where everyone stands here.

I'll explain to you how it works:

Biden is a president, he RECIEVES intelligence from our agencies and makes descisions based on it, he is never himself the SOURCE of intelligence, nor has anyone claimed that he is.

American intelligence correctly calling Russian invasion in advance is a good exmaple of "getting something right" that you claimed does not exist.

Ok idiot?
Russia was telling us since 2014 what was going to happen if the west didn't back off from NATO encroachment, that's not exactly news or Biden getting something right. Anyone who has paid attention since 2014 could have called that
Because Trump promised Putin he'd pull the US out of NATO and let Putin roll over Ukraine with almost no opposition.

But then ... Trump lost. Democracy won. Putin had to invade Ukraine instead of simply having Trump hand it to him.

And you kiss the ass of that treasonous surrender-monkey. Just making it clear where everyone stands here.

Russia was telling us since 2014 what was going to happen if the west didn't back off from NATO encroachment
Horseshit. Russia justified their invasion by a supposedly emminent threat of NATO bases deployment in Crimea. 8 years later there is still not a single base anywhere in Ukraine and NATO in no uncretain words was telling Ukraine they are many years off from being in a position to join NATO.

Russia annexed Crimea BECAUSE THEY COULD, not for any other reason. Putin thought he could also easily take the rest of Ukraine, he was dead wrong.
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Resorting to name calling to back up your lame point.
Is a sure sign that you're having a meltdown. ... :thup:
I've backed up my point with an explanation you can't address, so you've simply cut it out.

Shameless idiots like you deserve all the scorn you get.
Horseshit. Russia justified their invasion by a supposedly emminent threat of NATO bases deployment in Crimea. 8 years later there is still not a single base anywhere in Ukraine and NATO in no uncretain words was telling Ukraine they are many years off from being in a position to join NATO.

Russia annexed Crimea BECAUSE THEY COULD, not for any other reason. Putin thought he could also easily take the rest of Ukraine, he was dead wrong.
LOL you're a moron. Go watch Ukraine on Fire or the Putin Interviews by Oliver Stone (both made years ago) all this was well known because of the US involvement in both color revolutions of 2004 and 2014. NATO has been encroaching closer to Russia for YEARS you'd know that if you're had any intellectual curiosity but why look and learn when the MSM tells you what to think useful idiot

Crimea voted 94% for joining Russia. Why don't you respect democracy?
Do you have a :link: for your bogus claim??
Given how often you've been humiliated, you should know by now that I _always_ have good sources.

Russia was telling us since 2014 what was going to happen if the west didn't back off from NATO encroachment, that's not exactly news or Biden getting something right. Anyone who has paid attention since 2014 could have called that
Lol, well retard Ukraine is a sovereign nation. They want to apply to nato that's their business retard. Putin bought off more than he can chew there retard. Now threatening nukes retard. Putin don't make the rules retard!. Putin drops nukes he gets nuked. What about assured mutual destruction does your retarded ass and Putins retarded ass not understand?
you should know by now that I _always_ have good sources.

Well you failed big time.
Because nowhere does it back up your claim that Trump promised Putin to give him Ukraine.
Try again... :cool:
Ignoring the trolls, let's focus on what Russia can do with 300,000 conscripts.

Basically, nothing.

They can't train them in any way that matters. The USA has more than double the population of Russia. The USA has the best training pipeline in the world. The USA puts about 150,000 bodies a year through basic training.

Russia has no real NCO corps to pass on experience. The NCOs they have are basically concerned entirely with looting as much as they can.

They can't equip them. They've even run out of 1960s tanks to pull out of storage. Sure, they have lots more tanks in storage, but the engines are missing, due to that looting thing.

So, they'll give them a couple days showing them how to hold a rifle, and then send them out as cannon fodder. That would be why the west isn't caring about the numbers.

Maybe the purpose of it was to encourage threads like this. You know, get western fascists declare it all means that the west is DOOMED, and thus the west needs to surrender to Russia immediately.
The 300,000 Russian soldiers being activated to fight in Ukraine are fully trained reservists not untrained conscripts.
Oh, you go on believing that. It will turn out well for you. Really, pulling in 50-year-old men who once worked as mechanics, that will work great.
Lol, well retard Ukraine is a sovereign nation. They want to apply to nato that's their business retard. Putin bought off more than he can chew there retard. Now threatening nukes retard. Putin don't make the rules retard!. Putin drops nukes he gets nuked. What about assured mutual destruction does your retarded ass and Putins retarded ass not understand?
This was always the danger if Russia was pushed back. Using nukes would place Putin and Russia in the history books for all the wrong reasons and probably set them back for 75+ years.
Set them back 75 years? Ever see "On the Beach"?

But the lessons of 1938-1939 still apply... Appeasement is a sure-fire road to ruin. Those who stand their ground stand a better chance of avoiding war.
Ignoring the trolls, let's focus on what Russia can do with 300,000 conscripts.

Basically, nothing.

They can't train them in any way that matters. The USA has more than double the population of Russia. The USA has the best training pipeline in the world. The USA puts about 150,000 bodies a year through basic training.

Russia has no real NCO corps to pass on experience. The NCOs they have are basically concerned entirely with looting as much as they can.

They can't equip them. They've even run out of 1960s tanks to pull out of storage. Sure, they have lots more tanks in storage, but the engines are missing, due to that looting thing.

So, they'll give them a couple days showing them how to hold a rifle, and then send them out as cannon fodder. That would be why the west isn't caring about the numbers.

Maybe the purpose of it was to encourage threads like this. You know, get western fascists declare it all means that the west is DOOMED, and thus the west needs to surrender to Russia immediately.
In case you haven't been paying attention ALL branches of the military are at historic lows for recruitment

So when will you be going to sign up?
Putin is the real deal and doesn't bluff.
He says what he means and means what he says.
The people in the U.S. and EU are used to mealy-mouth lying western globalist leaders and politicians who say one thing and do the opposite.
Rather like the pu$$ie$ of the Islamic world nowadays, eh? :21:

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