Russia mobilizing troops for first time since WW2 and threatens with nukes

Russia was telling us since 2014 what was going to happen if the west didn't back off from NATO encroachment, that's not exactly news or Biden getting something right. Anyone who has paid attention since 2014 could have called that
It’s not encroachment when free nations decide that they would like to be a member of NATO to ensure their security.
Perhaps Russia should join the rest of the productive world rather than be paranoid, maladjusted lunatics.
It’s not encroachment when free nations decide that they would like to be a member of NATO to ensure their security.
Perhaps Russia should join the rest of the productive world rather than be paranoid, maladjusted lunatics.
By your logic Crimea voted to join Russia

And agreements made in 1991 aren't voided without one side taking the stance its a provocation of War. The fact you can't see that shows how manipulated by the media you are

Edit - also funny you call Russia lunatics when the west is pushing perversion and degeneracy as the new normal. I wouldn't want to join that either but freaks like you seem to be ok with it. You should be sterilized
You mean like America was in 1962 when Russia put missiles on Cuba and we were ready to go to nuclear war over it?

Not in my backyard! Exactly like in Martha's Vinyard. :wink:

In this case is .....missiles at Russia's doorstep, not in mine.
Democrats - BuT tHaT WaS DifFeReNt
It was different because the Russians were putting nukes in Cuba and there is no rational basis for believing any nukes would be placed in Ukraine or that Russia has any fear of it.

First, NATO had been refusing to allow Ukraine to join since 2008, and there was no reason to believe that would change.

Second, before the invasion in an effort to keep the peace, Zelensky had offered to promise Ukraine would not join NATO.

Third, NATO had never placed any nuclear weapons in any former Soviet state.

Fourth and most importantly, given today's technology there is no tactical or strategic advantage to having nukes closer to the Russian border, since there is no effective defense against a full scale nuclear attack from either Russia or the US.
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In a way your correct.
Westernization today is actually far leftist globalism which means pushing the homo and transgender agenda, destroying the family and culture, and a return to commie style enslavement of the people.
All of which Putin is 100% against happening in Russia.

Enslavement of people?

You mean like where any serious political opposition to Dear Leader is carefully exterminated and jailed?

Where all media has to repeat government propaganda or be shut down?

Where you get thrown in jail for publicly expressing opposition to an invasion?

Where you get 10 years in jail for prescribed, personal use weed?

I don't know what gay person destroyed your marriage, but to anyone not fucked in the head it's pretty clear Russia has become a totalitarian, repressive state. It's populace has no real political means to effect change, their vote is worthless, they are by our standard of freedom all but enslaved.

Next stop for Russia is a coup or North Korean style dictatorship. Something has to give.
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It was different because the Russians were putting nukes in Cuba and there is no rational basis for believing any nukes would be placed in Ukraine or that Russia has any fear of it.

First, NATO had been refusing to allow Ukraine to join since 2008, and there was no reason to believe that would change.

Second, before the invasion in an effort to keep the peace, Zelensky had offered to promise Ukraine would not join NATO.

Third, NATO had never placed any nuclear weapons in any former Soviet state.

Fourth and most importantly, given today's technology there is no tactical or strategic advantage to having nukes closer to the Russian border, since there is no effective defense against a full scale nuclear attack from either Russia or the US.
No rational basis for believing nukes wouldn't be placed in Ukraine or Russia should fear it?

Are you insane? Guess what whistleblowers released today? Covid was created by us in Wuhan which many of us have been saying for 2 years now. Ukraine did in fact have Biolabs run by us and guess what was made there? Yeah but Russia has no rational fear of that right?

And again the first thing we do when new nations join NATO is put in missile defense systems pointed at Russia that's a fact too

Turkey has Nukes don't they? Guess who they're part of? NATO

Enslavement of people?

You mean like where any serious political opposition to Dear Leader is carefully exterminated and jailed?

Where all media has to repeat government propaganda or be shut down?

Where you get thrown in jail for publicly expressing opposition to an invasion?

Where you get 10 years in jail for prescribed, personal use weed?

I don't know what gay person destroyed your marriage, but to anyone not fucked in the head it's pretty clear Russia has become a totalitarian, repressive state. It's populace has no real political means to effect change, their vote is worthless, they are by our standard of freedom all but enslaved.

Next stop for Russia is a coup or North Korean style dictatorship. Something has to give.

Like your Dear Leader Biden weaponizing the DoJ to go after MAGA Republicans?

Like all MSM in this country being propaganda?

Where you get thrown in jail or lose your job for saying trannies are mentally ill

Russia doesn't have medical use laws and that man that thinks he's a WNBA player should have left it at home

The only dictatorship happening is a NeoLiberal World Order worshipping degenerate scumbags
" Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Turkey are hosting U.S. nuclear weapons as part of NATO's nuclear sharing policy."
From your link:

As part of nuclear sharing, the participating countries carry out consultations and make common decisions on nuclear weapons policy, maintain technical equipment (notably nuclear-capable airplanes) required for the use of nuclear weapons and store nuclear weapons on their territory.

In 2017 due to an increasingly unstable relationship between the United States and Turkey it was suggested that the United States consider removing 50 tactical nuclear weapons stored under American control at the Incirlik Air Base in Turkey.

So, where are these nuclear missiles you idiots keep harping about?

It appears they don't exist and are NOT on Russia's doorstep.

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