Russia number 1 geopolitical threat: Mitt Romney.

Romney: Alarmed by Obama open mic gaffe - YouTube

The last time we had someone that felt this way was George W. Bush. Because of the focus on Russia and China..the focus was taken off the "mosquitoes" as Bush called them..and one of those "mosquitoes" was able to pull off the greatest foreign terror attack in history.

As a New's scary when you hear someone talk like this. Boehner even took him out the the woodshed..

"Clearly while the president is overseas, he's at a conference and while the president is overseas I think it's appropriate that people not be critical of him or our country," Boehner said in response to a question from NBC News about whether he agreed with Romney's assessment that Russia is the "number one geopolitical foe" of the United States.
First Read - Boehner chides Romney for criticizing Obama while abroad

Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 occurred.... Fail.
Romney: Alarmed by Obama open mic gaffe - YouTube

The last time we had someone that felt this way was George W. Bush. Because of the focus on Russia and China..the focus was taken off the "mosquitoes" as Bush called them..and one of those "mosquitoes" was able to pull off the greatest foreign terror attack in history.

As a New's scary when you hear someone talk like this. Boehner even took him out the the woodshed..

"Clearly while the president is overseas, he's at a conference and while the president is overseas I think it's appropriate that people not be critical of him or our country," Boehner said in response to a question from NBC News about whether he agreed with Romney's assessment that Russia is the "number one geopolitical foe" of the United States.
First Read - Boehner chides Romney for criticizing Obama while abroad

Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 occurred.... Fail.

Yea, he did fail when it came to recognizing the threat of terrorism

Bush's priority was Star Wars for christ sakes
Romney: Alarmed by Obama open mic gaffe - YouTube

The last time we had someone that felt this way was George W. Bush. Because of the focus on Russia and China..the focus was taken off the "mosquitoes" as Bush called them..and one of those "mosquitoes" was able to pull off the greatest foreign terror attack in history.

As a New's scary when you hear someone talk like this. Boehner even took him out the the woodshed..

"Clearly while the president is overseas, he's at a conference and while the president is overseas I think it's appropriate that people not be critical of him or our country," Boehner said in response to a question from NBC News about whether he agreed with Romney's assessment that Russia is the "number one geopolitical foe" of the United States.
First Read - Boehner chides Romney for criticizing Obama while abroad

Damn buddy, you are becoming pathetic. Enjoy the election season,

Perhaps you're not aware of this but that fool, Mitt is running for the office of leader of the free world. It's bad enough that he so utterly ignorant about our relationship with Russia but he has also said he wants to attack at least one other country. As it happens, thanks in great part to President obama, the US needs it's allies against Iran and Russia is a very important ally.

Yes, I understand that the rw doesn't care who is elected but that doesn't mean it's not vitally important to our future.
The Right wants to bankrupt us with a missile defense arms race with the Russians.

The irony of that, and it is awesome irony, is that now the Russians can afford that arms race better than we can.

It's the 80's upside down.
Romney: Alarmed by Obama open mic gaffe - YouTube

The last time we had someone that felt this way was George W. Bush. Because of the focus on Russia and China..the focus was taken off the "mosquitoes" as Bush called them..and one of those "mosquitoes" was able to pull off the greatest foreign terror attack in history.

As a New's scary when you hear someone talk like this. Boehner even took him out the the woodshed..

"Clearly while the president is overseas, he's at a conference and while the president is overseas I think it's appropriate that people not be critical of him or our country," Boehner said in response to a question from NBC News about whether he agreed with Romney's assessment that Russia is the "number one geopolitical foe" of the United States.
First Read - Boehner chides Romney for criticizing Obama while abroad

Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 occurred.... Fail. was a fail.

Obama..3 years in attacks. That's what success looks like.

Got it?
" Russia is rebuilding its Soviet-era naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus, which allows Moscow to reassert a plausible Mediterranean threat to NATO. Syria also provides Iran with a front line against Israel via Hezbollah in Lebanon, and that too can be a most effective anti-Western arrowhead for Russia.

In 2008 Israel stopped providing Tbilisi with antitank and anti-aircraft missiles because the Russians had threatened to supply Hezbollah with the same.

Putin's efforts to re-establish his country's superpower status centers on Iran. Syria is a domino. Without its Syrian ally, Iran would be almost totally isolated and crucially weakened. That Moscow cannot allow.

Take a look at the Caspian Sea area map and the strategic equations come into relief.
Iran acts as a southern bottleneck to the geography of Central Asia. It could offer the West access to the region's resources that would bypass Russia. If Iran reverted to pro-Western alignment, the huge reserves of oil and gas landlocked in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan and the like could flow directly out to the world without a veto from Moscow.

According to an Oct. 16, 2008, Wall Street Journal report, Turkmenistan is "one of the world's hydrocarbon provinces" with enough natural gas to supply Europe's annual needs three times over. Similarly, Kazakhstan's Tengiz oil field is considered one of the world's largest. As things stand, these countries depend on Russian pipelines for their national income.

At stake here is not merely the liberation of a vast landmass from the Kremlin's yoke. The damage to Russian leverage would amount to a seismic shift in the global balance of power equal to the collapse of the Warsaw Pact.

Russia's gas and oil leverage over Turkey, Ukraine and much of Europe would evaporate. The Silk Road countries would finally reclaim their history since it was diverted forcibly toward Moscow in the 19th century.

If the mystique of Russian hegemony were to deflate, if formerly subject colonies suddenly rose to stability and affluence—as is happening in Georgia—Putin's threadbare illusionism would fall apart entirely. He would never recover from the triumph of freedom in Syria and Iran. "

Lisa Murkowski: Obama's Oil Abdication -
Romney: Alarmed by Obama open mic gaffe - YouTube

The last time we had someone that felt this way was George W. Bush. Because of the focus on Russia and China..the focus was taken off the "mosquitoes" as Bush called them..and one of those "mosquitoes" was able to pull off the greatest foreign terror attack in history.

As a New's scary when you hear someone talk like this. Boehner even took him out the the woodshed..

Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 occurred.... Fail. was a fail.

Obama..3 years in attacks. That's what success looks like.

Got it?

don't you get tired of being a dunce? ever?

a) I thought all those plots and plans busted under bush, were just to gin up his imperial presidency and scare everyone? Oh I get it under obama they are all real, and we'll just shelve Major Hasan becasue the WH wouldn't let the pentagon call that really wasn't like terrorist attack and would not let them use the term 'Islam' or ' fundamentalism' etc....yea, great job hankey sack...
b) the underwear bombers trigger fizzled as did that nut ala the Times Square bomber, but for the grace of stupid bomb makers no there were no successful attacks ( aside from hasan :rolleyes:)
c) bush never got credit for keeping us safe over the last 7 years of his presidency but now you'll take credit for 3 and change...nice job dopey, have another round.......
Romney: Alarmed by Obama open mic gaffe - YouTube

The last time we had someone that felt this way was George W. Bush. Because of the focus on Russia and China..the focus was taken off the "mosquitoes" as Bush called them..and one of those "mosquitoes" was able to pull off the greatest foreign terror attack in history.

As a New's scary when you hear someone talk like this. Boehner even took him out the the woodshed..

Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 occurred.... Fail.

Yea, he did fail when it came to recognizing the threat of terrorism

Bush's priority was Star Wars for christ sakes

On Sept. 11, 2001, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice was scheduled to outline a Bush administration policy that would address "the threats and problems of today and the day after, not the world of yesterday" -- but the focus was largely on missile defense, not terrorism from Islamic radicals.

The speech provides telling insight into the administration's thinking on the very day that the United States suffered the most devastating attack since the 1941 bombing of Pearl Harbor. The address was designed to promote missile defense as the cornerstone of a new national security strategy, and contained no mention of al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or Islamic extremist groups, according to former U.S. officials who have seen the text.


The White House declined to release the complete text of Rice's speech, since it was not given. The White House did confirm the accuracy of excerpts given to The Post, and former U.S. officials provided a detailed summary of the speech.

Top Focus Before 9/11 Wasn't on Terrorism (
Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 occurred.... Fail. was a fail.

Obama..3 years in attacks. That's what success looks like.

Got it?

don't you get tired of being a dunce? ever?

a) I thought all those plots and plans busted under bush, were just to gin up his imperial presidency and scare everyone? Oh I get it under obama they are all real, and we'll just shelve Major Hasan becasue the WH wouldn't let the pentagon call that really wasn't like terrorist attack and would not let them use the term 'Islam' or ' fundamentalism' etc....yea, great job hankey sack...
b) the underwear bombers trigger fizzled as did that nut ala the Times Square bomber, but for the grace of stupid bomb makers no there were no successful attacks ( aside from hasan :rolleyes:)
c) bush never got credit for keeping us safe over the last 7 years of his presidency but now you'll take credit for 3 and change...nice job dopey, have another round.......

You don't really get credit for seven years when you really fuck up the first year
Bush was in office for 7 months when 9-11 occurred.... Fail. was a fail.

Obama..3 years in attacks. That's what success looks like.

Got it?

don't you get tired of being a dunce? ever?

a) I thought all those plots and plans busted under bush, were just to gin up his imperial presidency and scare everyone? Oh I get it under obama they are all real, and we'll just shelve Major Hasan becasue the WH wouldn't let the pentagon call that really wasn't like terrorist attack and would not let them use the term 'Islam' or ' fundamentalism' etc....yea, great job hankey sack...
b) the underwear bombers trigger fizzled as did that nut ala the Times Square bomber, but for the grace of stupid bomb makers no there were no successful attacks ( aside from hasan :rolleyes:)
c) bush never got credit for keeping us safe over the last 7 years of his presidency but now you'll take credit for 3 and change...nice job dopey, have another round.......

Generally I don't call you names..but in this case I will make an exception..idiot.

There were several plots uncovered outside of those 2 that you mentioned that were thwarted..including one that was foiled by a US nuclear agency, Conservatives want to defund. Bush didn't keep us all that safe either. Al Qaeda was more focused on starting up brand spanking new operations in a place where they had no presence, Iraq. Had they been crushed in Afghanistan..after special ops royally kicked the asses of the Taliban in three weeks..and done as they requested and sent assistance to help kill Bin Laden in Tora would have been over. Instead 100s of thousands of innocent Iraqis died, thousands of American troops died, and many more were injured, some so badly they will require aid for the rest of their lives. Add in the trillions spent, polarization of the nation and lost of international prestige..and you've got the perfect storm of incompetence. But hey..Bush saved those Anthrax victims..oh wait..he didn't. Oh and yeah..Katrina..some 1500 or so Americans DIED.

And Bin Laden?

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

You're pathetic.
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The Right wants to bankrupt us with a missile defense arms race with the Russians.

The irony of that, and it is awesome irony, is that now the Russians can afford that arms race better than we can.

It's the 80's upside down.

I think people who support the missle defense systems actually want to protect americans from the now real threat of nuclear missles from countries like Iran that can go intercontinental.

Its sad that you turn our nations safety into a political game.
The Right wants to bankrupt us with a missile defense arms race with the Russians.

The irony of that, and it is awesome irony, is that now the Russians can afford that arms race better than we can.

It's the 80's upside down.

I think people who support the missle defense systems actually want to protect americans from the now real threat of nuclear missles from countries like Iran that can go intercontinental.

Its sad that you turn our nations safety into a political game.

They don't work. And if they did? It would start another arms race.

It's amazing "fiscal conservatives" seem to forget the "fiscal" part when it comes to military capability.

MAD which has served us well for many years would collapse..and completely.
The Right wants to bankrupt us with a missile defense arms race with the Russians.

The irony of that, and it is awesome irony, is that now the Russians can afford that arms race better than we can.

It's the 80's upside down.

I think people who support the missle defense systems actually want to protect americans from the now real threat of nuclear missles from countries like Iran that can go intercontinental.

Its sad that you turn our nations safety into a political game.

They don't work. And if they did? It would start another arms race.

It's amazing "fiscal conservatives" seem to forget the "fiscal" part when it comes to military capability.

MAD which has served us well for many years would collapse..and completely.

The way to defeat a missile defense system is through saturation. Send ten missiles and hope one gets through

It only encourages the deployment of more missiles
The Right wants to bankrupt us with a missile defense arms race with the Russians.

The irony of that, and it is awesome irony, is that now the Russians can afford that arms race better than we can.

It's the 80's upside down.

I think people who support the missle defense systems actually want to protect americans from the now real threat of nuclear missles from countries like Iran that can go intercontinental.

Its sad that you turn our nations safety into a political game.

You do know that the Russians are willing to go along with the Defense system, but they have suggested placing it in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is well positioned to deter missles from Tehran to both Eastern Europe and Israel as well. However, the offer was rejected by the US.
I think people who support the missle defense systems actually want to protect americans from the now real threat of nuclear missles from countries like Iran that can go intercontinental.

Its sad that you turn our nations safety into a political game.

They don't work. And if they did? It would start another arms race.

It's amazing "fiscal conservatives" seem to forget the "fiscal" part when it comes to military capability.

MAD which has served us well for many years would collapse..and completely.

The way to defeat a missile defense system is through saturation. Send ten missiles and hope one gets through

It only encourages the deployment of more missiles

Actually, it is not even about the missles, or an actual missle defense. it is about influence and global jockeying for members of the Old Soviet bloc.

There is a way to play our cards right such that we have Russia, China and their allies backing us politically, but we have to play their game from time to time to do so.

There are alot of Cold war warriors that distrust them to keep us from following such a strategy.
The Right wants to bankrupt us with a missile defense arms race with the Russians.

The irony of that, and it is awesome irony, is that now the Russians can afford that arms race better than we can.

It's the 80's upside down.

I think people who support the missle defense systems actually want to protect americans from the now real threat of nuclear missles from countries like Iran that can go intercontinental.

Its sad that you turn our nations safety into a political game.

They don't work. And if they did? It would start another arms race.

It's amazing "fiscal conservatives" seem to forget the "fiscal" part when it comes to military capability.

MAD which has served us well for many years would collapse..and completely.

MAD works with china and russia.
MAD does not work with Iran.

We have 2 options, go to war to stop the capability or let them get the capability and build a system to prevent it from being able to be used against us (and our allies)

It has nothing to do with fiscal conservatism. It has to do with legitimate national defense concerns.

Would you rather wait until AFTER they get a missle and use it on someone?
I think people who support the missle defense systems actually want to protect americans from the now real threat of nuclear missles from countries like Iran that can go intercontinental.

Its sad that you turn our nations safety into a political game.

They don't work. And if they did? It would start another arms race.

It's amazing "fiscal conservatives" seem to forget the "fiscal" part when it comes to military capability.

MAD which has served us well for many years would collapse..and completely.

MAD works with china and russia.
MAD does not work with Iran.

We have 2 options, go to war to stop the capability or let them get the capability and build a system to prevent it from being able to be used against us (and our allies)

It has nothing to do with fiscal conservatism. It has to do with legitimate national defense concerns.

Would you rather wait until AFTER they get a missle and use it on someone?

I am not sur that MAD does not work with Iran. I have not really seen them attacking many nations. If Iran has missiles, they will have a handful. Retaliation would come by the thousands both nuclear and conventional

Iran is not as crazy as we make them out to be. They are actually civilized with families and everything. They are not going to provoke a massive counterattack
They don't work. And if they did? It would start another arms race.

It's amazing "fiscal conservatives" seem to forget the "fiscal" part when it comes to military capability.

MAD which has served us well for many years would collapse..and completely.

MAD works with china and russia.
MAD does not work with Iran.

We have 2 options, go to war to stop the capability or let them get the capability and build a system to prevent it from being able to be used against us (and our allies)

It has nothing to do with fiscal conservatism. It has to do with legitimate national defense concerns.

Would you rather wait until AFTER they get a missle and use it on someone?

I am not sur that MAD does not work with Iran. I have not really seen them attacking many nations. If Iran has missiles, they will have a handful. Retaliation would come by the thousands both nuclear and conventional

Iran is not as crazy as we make them out to be. They are actually civilized with families and everything. They are not going to provoke a massive counterattack

Iranian citizens are one thing, their leadership is something totally different.

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